Bodies which are acidic are unhealthy. An acidic environment is an unhealthy one, where yeast, bacteria and illnesses thrive. If the body is too acidic, the body extracts minerals from important organs and bones so as to neutralize the acid and eliminate it from the body. As a consequence, the mineral reserves of the body like sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium can become very low and can cause damage which can be undetected for years, till its levels become so unhealthy, causing acidosis.
Foods like grains, dairy, sugar and meats are acidic forming foods. However, our bodies are constantly generating acidic waste which needs to be neutralized or eliminated. The body needs alkaline foods in order to neutralize the acids.
Health problems which are caused by mild acidosis:
- Immune deficiency
- Inflamed and sensitive gums, cavities
- Respiratory problems, coughing, shortness of breath
- Stiff neck, lumbago, sciatica
- Chronic fatigue and low energy
- Yeast fungal overgrowth
- Heart problems, increased heart rate, arrhythmias
- Cardiovascular damage, like reduction in oxygen and constriction of blood vessels
- Diabetes, obesity and weight gain
- Accelerated free radical damage
- Kidney and bladder infections
- Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea
- Premature aging
- Sleepiness, confusion, headaches
- Bone spurs, hip fractures, weak brittle bones, osteoporosis
- Acne, allergies
- Lactic acid buildup, aching muscles, joint pain
Can the Body Adjust pH levels on Its Own?
The body can do this, but it comes with a price. The normal pH level for all fluids and tissues in the body, apart from the stomach, is alkaline, and all bodily systems have a wide range of pH, except for blood. The blood’s pH needs to be from 7.35 to 7.45. For instance, provided that the system becomes overly acidic, the blood can take alkaline forming elements from the small intestine. However, this compromises proper digestion.
You Need to Know Your pH
You can get a numeric representation of your pH by pH testing. A healthy pH should range from 6.75 to 7.25. The perfect reading is 7.36.
The Foods’ Taste Will Tell You If It IS Acidic or Not
A number of people think that lemons are acidic food, and this is a misconception, since they are alkaline forming food. Throughout the process of digestion the acids are oxidized into water and carbon dioxide, and do not create acid in the system.
The main alkalizing minerals are sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium. Foods which are rich in minerals are alkaline forming foods. The majority of foods have both, alkaline and acid minerals in them. If the concentration of acid is higher than the food is considered acidic and conversely.
The Body Has Its Own Limits
The human body has its own limits about the amount it can compensate for acid imbalance. Thereby, food consumption is vital for maintaining proper alkaline-acid balance. A number of diseases occur as a consequence of the attempt of the body to rebalance.
The body becomes too acidic if the diet included foods which are acid forming, like sugars, dairy, grains and meats. On the contrary, consuming alkaline forming foods like sea vegetables, fruits and green in abundance can make the body too alkaline. You need to balance.
The Body Has Different Response to Every Food
Your dominant constitutional type instructs your body to have different reactions to different foods. If you are more dominant to oxidative, then vegetables and fruits make your body acidic, and proteins make it more alkaline. However, if your dominant type is autonomic system (ANS), your body becomes acidic when eating proteins and alkaline when eating fruits and vegetables.
Improve Your Alkalinity in This Way
- Do regular check-ups on your pH level
- Stay away from acidic foods
- Drink lots of water
- Eat green salad for lunch
- Avoid processed foods
- Use collard greens and lettuce leaves as wraps
- Stop consuming coffee, sugars and soda. Drink green drinks, herbal coffee and herbal tea instead.
- Consume almond or coconut milk instead of dairy milks
- Add smoothies and green juices to your diet
What You Eat Makes a Difference
The food you eat impacts your health a lot. Your food can either be medicine, or poison for your body.
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