Tuesday 27 September 2016

This Is Why You Should Keep Your Banana And Orange Peels

We all know that fruits are health beneficial and nutritious but what most of us don’t know is that their peels can contain a handful of nutrients as well. They can be used for a number of health problems, you just need to know how. This is especially true for banana and orange peels which can have a number of medicinal and practical uses which can make your lie a lot easier. Here’s a short list of some of the most important uses for banana and orange peels and after reading it you’ll never throw another one again.why-you-should-keep-your-orange-and-banana-peels-660x400

Uses of Orange Peels:

If you plan to use the peel of an orange it’s always best to  buy organic fruits. If you can’t find at the moment then soak the orange in a solution of 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and 1 cup of water. This will remove any pesticides residues from the outer peel.

  1. Improve digestion: The ancient philosophy, Ayurveda, says that the bitterness of orange peels helps remove sluggishness in the abdomen. It can also improve your appetite; eliminate gases, acidity, heartburn and an urge for vomiting. Orange peels are also rich in essential oil d-limonene which helps in soothing stomach acids and contributes towards normal intestinal movements.
  2. End insomnia: Orange peels can be used by people suffering from sleeping disorders like insomnia. They abound in essential oil with sedative properties which can calm your nerves and help you fall asleep faster. You can add them in your bedtime bath or simmer some in a pot to lift your spirits and induce sleep.
  3. Bad Breath:If you have problems with bad breath forget about mouth freshener and try chewing on an orange peel. It will eliminate the bad breath and leave behind a bitter freshness. 
  4. Hangover Cure: Orange peels are an excellent remedy after a night of heavy drinking. In a pot of boiling water mix some orange peels and a pinch of salt and let it simmer for 20 minutes. Set it aside to cool off and drink it for immediate relief.
  5. Dandruff Cure: For dandruff problems just grind an orange peel in a pot of water and leave it to soak overnight. Apply this on your hair and rinse. It will help you condition and cleanse as well.
  6. Great for the skin: Orange peels are excellent at removing blackheads, dead skin cells, dry skin, acne, blemishes, pores, dark circles, and brighten your complexion. You could also use this as a tan remover by applying it with milk or curd. If you want your nails to shine just rub them with some orange peel.

Uses of Banana Peels:

  1. Teeth Whitening: Banana peels are an excellent natural remedy for teeth whitening. Just rub your teeth with the inside of a banana peel every day for about 2 weeks. It will eliminate the stains and make your teeth considerably whiter.
  2. Shoe Polish: Out of shoe polish? Don’t worry, just rub them with the inside of a piece of ripe banana to refresh, clean, and shine the leather!
  3. Remove Warts: This may be the most commonly known use of banana peels – for the removal and prevention of warts. Tape a piece of banana peel directly on the wart and leave it overnight. Repeat the procedure every night for a week or until the wart is completely removed.
  4. Headaches: If you’re suffering from a splitting headache all you have to do is place a banana peel across your forehead, sit back and relax. The pain will be gone soon enough.
  5. Wrinkles: Bananas have an amazing healing effect on the skin and can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and tighten sagging skin.



The post This Is Why You Should Keep Your Banana And Orange Peels appeared first on Healthy Food Team.


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