Thursday 22 September 2016

Effective Home Remedies For Fat Loss Without Going To The Gym

Fat in the body that’s not used as energy is stored as fat reserves or deposits. The most critical areas on your body that accumulate fat include your abdomen, thighs and arms. Even though the market is loaded with weight loss supplements and products that promise miracles in weeks, these will only give short-term effects, if any. But, if you want to maintain your goal weight in the long run, these simple practices can do a world of difference.


#1 Drink Lots of Lime Water

Tart taste may not be everyone’s favorite, but it’s an amazing fat burner. Simply mix some lemon or lime juice into a cup of warm water without adding any sweeteners to stimulate the fat-burning process in your body and help digestion. All citrus fruits, especially lemons and limes, are packed with polyphenolic compounds called flavonoids, which are extremely effective when it comes to lipid metabolism. They are particularly beneficial for treatment of dyslipidemia, obesity, and atherosclerosis, among other things.

#2 Swap Some Meats for Soy

According to FDA, swapping animal protein for about 25 gm of soybean protein can reduce blood cholesterol levels. Some tempeh or tofu, or miso can be a great alternative to steak. Also, you can include more soy milk, soy cheese or soy yogurt into your daily diet.

#3 Include Some ACV into Your Diet

Similarly to lime juice, ACV can boost digestion, lower appetite, and reduce fat accumulation when mixed with a glass of warm water and drunk daily before main meals. In other words, apple cider vinegar is much more than a salad dressing. In fact, it’s a great weight-loss tool that can reduce your BMI, body weight, and waist circumference.

#4 Spice Up Your Life

Hot and spicy food such as chillies is much more than a spicy addition to your meals. The thing is capsinoids in red peppers increase fat metabolism meaning they stimulate burning of excess abdominal fat.

#5 Cardamom Kickstart

Cardamom is an amazing metabolism booster according to Ayurveda. This spice also reduces cholesterol levels and stimulates the fat burning process in the body. A study found that only 3 gr of cardamom powder daily can improve lipid profile.

#6 Turn To Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic remedy that naturally improves metabolism, cuts inflammation linked to excess weight, lowers stress and anxiety, and maintains cortisol levels in balancek. One way to use this herb is to crush the leaves or roots, mix them with water and consume. Alternatively, you can use it as a powder (churna) or as a supplement from an Ayurvedic practitioner.

#7 Get Exotic!

Curry leaves have been found extremely helpful in reducing blood cholesterol levels, while fenugreek seeds prevent fat buildup in the liver. You can add curry leaves to green smoothies or to your meals to spice them up. Fenugreek seeds are best soaked in warm water overnight then eaten plain in the morning. A spoonful a day is all you need. You can also consume them powdered and stirred into warm water.



The post Effective Home Remedies For Fat Loss Without Going To The Gym appeared first on Healthy Food Team.


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