Friday, 23 September 2016

Flush The FAT From The Abdominal Area Forever With This Miracle Mixture!

Lazy Bowel Syndrome is one of the greatest causes for fat deposits around the abdominal area. It actually slows down the process of detoxification and inhibits the process of melting fat cells.


Many dietitians and nutritionists believe that this is the right answer to this issue and the explanation is absolutely simple. The best thing you can do to address this issue is a homemade drink and using it as replacement for the breakfast. You only have to follow the instructions below and your problem will be solved in short period of time.


-        Put 100ml of boiled water and 6 prunes into a bowl. Cover it and let it stay for 10 min. Take another bowl at the same time and put a tsp of grinded flaxseed, a tsp of cocoa and 2 tbsp of oats in it.

-        Put 300 ml of kefir into the potion and stir well. The next thing you should do is to chop the prunes from the first bowl and put them in the second mixture and stir well. Store the mixture into the refrigerator and keep it for the next morning. It should be eaten on an empty stomach, right after you wake up, before you drink and eat anything else.

-        The consumption of this powerful mixture will burn up to 7kg in just a few weeks. It will also boost your metabolism, feel much refresh, boost your energy, strengthen your nails and hair and improve your tan.

Have a nice day and enjoy your body like never before!


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