Ovarian cysts are pockets or sacks which are filled with fluid and which develop on the surface or within one or both of the ovaries. Nearly all women develop a cyst at certain point in their lives.
The CDC states that the majority of premenopausal women develop them once or more times, while 14.8 % of women develop them after menopause.
The majority of ovarian cysts are functional. Namely, they happen normally during the menstrual cycle and do not occur as part of a disease process.
These cysts are generally benign and happen without any obvious reason. However, there are pathological cysts which can be cancerous or benign.
Most cysts do not cause any problems, so women are not aware that they have them. Nevertheless, in some cases they can lead to pain during bowel movements, abdominal bloating, and pelvic pain during or before the menstrual cycle, menstrual irregularities, pain during sexual intercourse, pressure in the bladder or rectum, pain the thighs or lower back, vomiting and nausea. Additionally, some types of ovarian cysts can reduce fertility.
In a number of cases, the cysts disappear without any interventions. Nevertheless, if they cause problems, there are a number of natural solutions and remedies which can reduce the symptoms and decrease the size of the cyst.
The Best Home Remedies for Ovarian Cysts
- Heat
It is said that heat is very effective in decreasing pain or muscle cramps in the abdomen caused by ovarian cysts.
- Just put a bottle with hot water or heating pad on your lower pelvic area or abdomen.
- Hold it for 15 minutes at the minimum.
- Do this whenever you feel this type of pain.
- Castor oil Packs
Castor oil packs are an ancient remedy for ovarian cysts. Namely, this oil eliminates toxins and extra tissues from the body. Moreover, it promotes the circulatory and lymphatic system, thus reducing and dissolving ovarian cysts.
- Take a big flannel cloth and fold two or three times to make it thicker. The cloth needs to be big enough to coat your abdomen.
- Put two tbsp. of the oil on the cloth and fold it in half.
- Lie down on an old towel and place the flannel coat on the abdomen.
- Then, put plastic over the castor oil and then cover it with a towel.
- Put a bottle with hot water above the towel.
- Leave the pack for half an hour at the minimum.
- Do this three times on a weekly basis for around three months.
- In order to clean the castor oil from you skin, mix three tablespoons of baking soda and four cups of water.
Note: do not use these packs after ovulation if trying to conceive and do not use them during menstruation.
- Epsom Salt Bath
This type of bath is going to significantly reduce the symptoms and pain related with ovarian cysts. Epsom salt are high in magnesium sulfate and they soothe pain.
- Put a cup of Epsom salt to your bathtub.
- Add 5 to 10 drops of some essential oil like jasmine, rose or lavender.
- Allow the salt a few minutes to dissolve.
- Soak for about 20 to 30 minutes.
- Do this one on a daily basis.
- Chamomile Tea
Herbal teas such as chamomile, are considered a potent remedy for treating the symptoms and pain associated with ovarian cysts. Because of its mild sedative effect, chamomile tea will help you relax and will soothe your pain. Moreover, it will help you with regulating your periods by promoting the flow of the blood in the uterus and pelvic area.
- Add two teaspoons of chamomile in hot water.
- Cover it and leave it for about 5 minutes.
- Strain it and add some honey.
- Consume 2 to 3 cups of chamomile tea on a daily basis till your problem is solved.
- Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV will dissolve and shrink the ovarian cysts which are caused by deficiency in potassium. Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium and many health experts recommend it.
- Put a tablespoon of ACV in a glass filled with warm water.
- Then, add a tablespoon of black strap molasses.
- Consume 1 to 2 glasses of it every day.
- Drink this till your cysts are gone.
This remedy is helpful with excessive menstrual bleeding, cramping during period and also bloating.
- Beetroot
There is a substance called betacyanin in beetroot which boost the ability of the liver to eliminate toxins. Moreover, since beetroot is alkaline, it balances the body’s acidity. This, in turn, soothes a number of ovarian cysts symptoms.
- Mix a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses and Aloe Vera and ½ a cup of beetroot juice.
- Consume this once on a daily basis prior to breakfast.
- Do this till the symptoms decrease.
Source: Top 10 Home Remedies
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