Tuesday 27 September 2016

It’s Never Been Easier! Just Spray This To Get Rid Of Mold Safely, Naturally And Permanently!

There’s mounting evidence linking mold in the house with a range of health issues. Growing mold is a serious health risk, especially for children. For one thing, exposure to mold can adversely affect your joints, nervous system, brain and most importantly, your immune system. It has even been linked to cancer development.

Although most people opt for commercial cleaning products, these are usually laden with harsh chemicals, which produce harmful fumes. Once inhaled, these fumes enter your system and affect your overall health.

On the other hand, there are natural methods for removing mold from your house. These are not only efficient, but they’re also safer to use and environmentally-friendly.


These are the top 5 natural solutions for removing mold at home:

  1. Vinegar

Acidic in nature, vinegar can destroy 99% of bacteria, 82% of mold, and 80% of germs. The method is quite simple. Use undiluted white distilled vinegar which you have stored in a spray bottle (this makes the application easier). Spray the vinegar onto the affected surface and let it act for an hour.

Next, clean the area with a damp towel or cloth and let it dry. Don’t worry about the pungent vinegar smell as it wears off in a couple of hours. Alternatively, use bowls of lemon water around the area to freshen it up.

  1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the most effective household ingredients. You can use it with vinegar and water or alone with water, the effects are amazing. Combine some baking soda with water or make a water- vinegar solution, then spray on the moldy surface. Leave it to act, then scrub and wipe clean with a wet cloth.

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide

3% hydrogen peroxide is the simplest and least expensive solution to growing mold in the house. What you do is mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and vinegar. Use equal parts of all ingredients. Transfer the mixture into a spray bottle and apply on the moldy area. Let it act for 10-15 minutes before you scrub and wipe it clean.

  1. Tea Tree Oil

Although expensive, tea tree oil is extremely beneficial for mold removal. It’s ideal for smaller mold surfaces. Mix 2 tsps. tea tree oil with 1 cup water. Spray the solution onto the affected area and let dry.

  1. Citrus Seed Extract

Citrus seed extract doesn’t leave any odor when used as opposed to the other cleaning methods. Simply dilute about 20 drops of extract with 2 cups of water, store in a spray bottle and spray onto the mold. As with tea tree oil, don’t rinse.

Another important thing to have in mind is to address the mold issue once it starts to appear. Don’t wait until mold starts to grow to remove it.

Also, humidity is another problem that results in mold appearance. If this is the case in your house, get a dehumidifier to maintain a relative humidity of 50% or below. In the long run, it prevents mold creation because it depends on water in a liquid state or high water vapor in the air to grow. Keeping these two factors under control prevents the development of mold.

Via dailyhealthpost.com

The post It’s Never Been Easier! Just Spray This To Get Rid Of Mold Safely, Naturally And Permanently! appeared first on Healthy Food Team.


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