Wednesday, 28 September 2016

What You Need To Know Before Switching To Himalayan Pink Salt

The human body depends on sodium or salt for proper function. For instance, it takes part in the absorption of certain nutrients from the GI tract. In addition, sodium is in charge of fluid retention in our blood cells and conveying information in our muscles and nerves. As the human body does not naturally produce salt, it’s vital for us to ensure proper sodium intake for optimal health.

Regular Table Salt

Table salt or sodium chloride is the most commonly used type of salt. It’s produced from natural salt (such as crude oil flake leftovers) when heated to 1200° Fahrenheit. As this product is highly refined, it’s depleted of most of its nutritional value. Plus, it’s laden with other chemical substances such as solo-co-aluminate, sodium bicarbonate, fluoride, anti-caking agents, and toxic amounts of potassium iodide and aluminium derivatives. Unfortunately, table salt is usually fortified with synthetic forms of iodine because the natural form of essential iodine is lost during the production process. This means that not only is table salt unhealthy, but it’s often toxic as well.

The Health Impact Of Table Salt

Table salt has been linked to instant hypertension, which occurs as a result of the blood trying to quickly remove the toxic elements away from the heart. Excessive intake of common table salt can trigger and/or worsen a number of chronic imbalances including diabetes, gout and obesity. It’s particularly harmful for the circulatory system and nervous systems.

Himalayan Pink Salt


Unlike table salt, Himalayan pink salt is unrefined “raw” salt. The unique pink color derives from the amount of minerals it contains, especially iron. A 2001 study conducted by researchers from the University of Graz, Austria found that Himalayan crystal salt possibly improves respiratory, circulatory and nervous system functions. Moreover, this type of salt enhances sleep quality, concentration and brain activity.

The health benefits from Pink Himalayan Salt also derive from traces of the following minerals:

  1. Iodine

Mental retardation, thyroid dysfunction and depression are some serious conditions linked to iodine deficiency. As already mentioned, synthetic Iodine is added to table salt during production.

  1. Magnesium

This mineral is essential for energy production and glycolysis, but also for structural development of bones in the body.

  1. Zinc

Zinc is one of the most important minerals for cellular metabolism. Plus, it ensures normal growth and development during pregnancy and supports proper function of the body’s defence system.

  1. Iron

Iron is vital for blood production, but, it also helps to maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails.

  1. Calcium

This mineral is in charge of healthy teeth and bones.

  1. Potassium

Potassium keeps blood pressure under control and reduces the effects of sodium.

  1. Copper

Copper takes part in energy production and iron absorption.

  1. Manganese

This mineral reduces PMS symptoms and protects against seizures.

  1. Sulfur

Sulfur is beneficial for treatment of skin disorders and arthritis.

  1. Chromium

Chromium takes part in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism.


The post What You Need To Know Before Switching To Himalayan Pink Salt appeared first on Healthy Food Team.


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