The skin is the largest body organ and according to experts it can reveal a lot about your health, you just need to know how to interpret the signals it sends. For example, if you’re healthy you probably have clear skin and a fresh and glowing face. Skin problems on the other hand, would indicate that you have some kind of medical problem, but can it tell you what the problem is? According to an ancient Chinese face mapping technique, every area of your face is connected to a particular organ so a problem with any of your organs will reflect onto your face in the form of pimples, various changes in skin color and rashes. This method is very effective and it can help you diagnose a number of serious health problems early and in time to improve your condition.
Here’s how you can recognize the signs of your face and address other internal issues:
Area: Forehead
Related to: Liver, gallbladder
Explanation: Excessive fats in your diet, too much canned food that lowers your digestive capacity, and also excessive alcohol and sugar, combined with irregular sleep time and stress.
Treatment: Drink plenty of water, eat more vegetables, avoid alcohol as much as possible and try having regular sleep periods.
Area: The left side of the area between your eyebrows
Related to: stored emotions in the spleen
Explanation: fine lines and wrinkles indicate that you have some unexpressed emotions stored in the spleen.
Treatment: Try to release all those accumulated emotions and negative energy via breathing exercises, guided meditation, yoga, reiki, or counseling.
Area: The right side of the area between the eyebrows
Related to: stored emotions in the liver
Explanation: our face is a mirror to our emotional state and every facial expression reveals how we really feel. According to the Chinese face mapping technique wrinkles and skin changes in this area show that you have unexpressed anger stored in the liver.
Treatment: you should definitely try some techniques to eliminate your anger: reiki, yoga, counseling, writing a diary or whatever helps you to express and channel your emotions. Additionally, you need to lower the intake of foods rich in fat and alcohol, which compromise the liver’s function .
Area: Eyes
Related to: intestines, joints, thyroid gland
Explanation: a discoloration in the iris may be linked to intestinal problems, while an excessive white color in the iris may indicate joint degeneration while smaller-sized irises are related to more general joint issues. In addition, a slightly-colored ring around the iris is linked to a very high sugar or salt consumption.
Treatment: the best remedy for this is to enrich your diet with some anti-inflammatory foods, like walnuts, oily fish, linseeds/flaxseeds, ginger, turmeric and organic bone broth! Additionally, you need to avoid processed foods, sugar, caffeine and refined salt since they’re the root cause for inflammation.
Area: Underneath the eyes
Related to: kidneys
Explanation: kidney problems are often accompanied with swelling and puffy lower eyelids, as well as puffy bags under the eye. This usually happens as a result of excessive smoking and alcohol and poor blood flow combined with a weakened and diseased heart.
Treatment: start drinking more water, eliminate caffeine from your diet and stop consuming excessive alcohol or sweetened drinks. Try to reduce the stress levels and sleep more.
Area: Cheeks
Related to: lungs, sluggish metabolism, malabsorption
Explanation: discoloration on the cheeks suggests slow metabolism and lower nutrients absorption. Furthermore, this change can indicate respiratory problems as well.
Treatment: start practicing breathing exercises to increase your lung capacity. Cardio exercises are also beneficial because they improve the function of the lungs and boost your metabolism. Another thing you should look out for is to properly chew your food before swallowing and lower the pressure on your digestive system to improve absorption. Try adding more antioxidants and green tea to your diet, they will protect you from similar problems in the future.
Area: Nose
Related to: cardiovascular system
Explanation: problems with your nose or the skin on your nose are usually linked to problems with your cardiovascular system.
Treatment: Try regulating the blood pressure and constantly check cholesterol levels. You should drink more organic tea to flush the toxins from your system and combine it with plenty of physical activity. Also, start eating more heart-friendly foods like nuts, avocado, tahini, linseed/flaxseeds and cold-pressed olive oil and oily fish. Steer clear from coffee and alcohol.
Area: Lower lip
Related to: digestive system
Explanation: pale lips could be an early sign of anemia. The lower lip is linked to the intestines, so brown spots on the lower lip indicate that you suffer from indigestion or insufficient digestive enzymes, or an overgrowth of worms or parasite in the intestines.
Treatment: your diet should include more iron-rich foods like lean red meat, legumes or green leafy vegetables. Add some more high-quality probiotic or natural worming treatment.
Area: Tongue
Related to: lungs (toxin overload)
Explanation: look at your tongue the first thing you wake up in the morning. What do you see? If you see an abrasion or ‘frothiness’ on the outside edges it may be a sign of impaired lung function, while circles of white buildup towards the middle or back area of the tongue could indicate a toxic overload in the intestines.
Treatment: Consider doing a detox, and eat more cleansing foods like healthy homemade juices or raw foods. We recommend some deep-breathing meditation and cardio exercises as well.
Area: Chin
Related to: stress and hormonal imbalance
Explanation: women usually break out around the chin in that time of the month, which only further support the claim that the chin is connected to stress and hormonal imbalance.
Treatment: don’t go off buying some expensive creams and lotions to fix the problem, they can only make matters worse because they’re loaded with chemicals which can disrupt the endocrine system. Try maca powder to promote hormonal balance. Deal with the stress and organize your time in order to get enough sleep and rest.
The post Your Face Is Covered With Signs, Here’s How To Tell What’s Wrong With Your Kidneys, Hormones And Liver appeared first on Healthy Food Team.
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