Friday, 16 September 2016

This is the Reason Wheat is Toxic (it is not because of the gluten)

The stories about wheat intolerance have become quite frequent, and they cannot be ignored. Wheat consumption sometimes triggers autoimmune reactions, and sometimes doesn’t, and this is confusing.

What is Actually Going on With Wheat?

The truth is that most wheat in the USA is genetically modified, and this seemed like the logical reason for the reactions. I thought that it can’t be the wheat hybridization or gluten, since they have been consumed for a very long time. So, it didn’t seem right that these are responsible for the gluten and wheat problems that have been going on for the past decade.

After doing some research, I found out that the problem lies in the way wheat is harvested. The wheat harvest protocol in America is to soak the fields with Roundup a few days before the harvesters start working in the fields as the dead and withered plants make it possible for a bigger, easier and earlier harvest to take place.

The herbicide Roundup and similar herbicides contain lethal active ingredient glyphosate. Pre-harvest application of these herbicides have become a routine since 1980.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT has studied this problem thoroughly and the doctor explains that when wheat is exposed to toxic chemicals such as glyphosate, it releases even more seeds, thus leading to greater yield.

The US Department of Agriculture states that since 2012, 61% of winter wheat, 97% of spring wheat and 99% of durum wheat has been treated with herbicides.

Keith Lewis is a wheat farmer for half a century and he says that applying Roundup just before harvest is a common thing. A wheat field usually ripens unevenly and applying herbicide speeds up the maturing of the greener parts. However, this is not a licensed practice and farmers call it “desiccation”. People who consume wheat also consume amounts of Roundup.

Peas and lentils which have been sprayed with Roundup are not accepted on the market, but wheat is.

The practice of applying Roundup is not just in America, but it is spread in the United Kingdom and other European countries. The use of Roundup is banned in Netherlands, and the chances are it will soon be banned in France as well.

Using Roundup is good for the farmers since it increases their profit, but it is extremely dangerous for the consumers.

Glyphosate is currently not considered dangerous for mammals. Moreover, Roundup salespeople drink it during presentations.

Nevertheless, just because it does not kill you instantly, it doesn’t mean it is not toxic. Friendly gut bacteria, known as probiotics are also very important for human health. This bacteria aids digestion. However, Roundup notably disrupts the function of this beneficial bacteria and leads to permeability of the walls of the intestines and the leads to symptoms of autoimmune diseases.

In cooperation with the disruption of the biosynthesis of critical amino acids, glyphosate also inhibits the enzymes which are produced by the gut microbiome. CYP enzymes are vital since they detoxify various chemical compounds that we get exposed on a daily basis.

The worst thing is that the negative impact of glyphosate is very slow and could take years till the inflammation manifests. The consequence of all of this are the following diseases:

  • Obesity
  • Gastrointestinal disorder
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Autism
  • Depression
  • Cancer
  • Infertility
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis and so on

You Must Stay Away from Toxic Wheat at All Cost

The important thing is that you must avoid conventional wheat, even if you do not have wheat sensitivity or gluten allergy. Glyphosate amounts are related with the rise of gluten intolerance and celiac disease. According to Dr. Seneff the increase in these diseases is not just about genetics, but the environmental factors as well.

Consume Wheat Safely in This Way

In case you have wheat sensitivity, you need to avoid consuming it. However, if you are not sensitive, you need to purchase organic wheat and one which is low in gluten. For making cookies, pancakes and bread you should use unhybridized Einkorn wheat.


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