Ever since I Was very little I adored eating milk and cookies. Nevertheless, as I grew older I developed digestive problems, and had to eliminate milk from my diet since I found out that milk is responsible for my indigestion and excessive gas.
Nowadays, I keep reading and hearing a number of controversial things related with milk. Is milk safe to use, or does it cause damage to our body?
David Ludwig is a researcher who claims that consuming low-fat milk is very dangerous. Ludwig, who is a Harvard specialist and pediatrician, claims that low-fat dairy products and milk contain added sweeteners, thus they are harmful for the well-being and the health of people. Sweetened drinks, such as low-fat milk might cause health issues such as, metabolic syndrome, weight gain, cancer and diabetes, since they cause overconsumption of sugar.
Low-Fat Products- A Harmful Alternative
Once the fat is extracted from the milk, it becomes less tasty. Thereby, in order to ameliorate the taste, the manufacturers add sugar.
Nevertheless, consuming excess sugar is dangerous.
Another thing that needs to be taken into consideration is the origin of the milk. “Normal” milk contains 20 antitoxins, painkillers and more dangerous and toxic materials.
“Healthy Fats” Are Not Going to Make You Fat
According to studies conducted recently “healthy fats” are very beneficial for the body. Actually, according to a study which was brought out in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition there is no evidence that associate dietary saturated fat with increased risk of heart disease.
Fat which comes from milk might be a good thing, since it comes from grass-fed cows and is natural. The body tolerates raw milk better. Other sources of healthy fast are nuts, avocados and coconut oil.
Moreover, if you are worried about not getting calcium, you needn’t be, since there are a number of other sources to get it, including:
- Kale
- Broccoli
- Collard Greens
- Edamame
- Figs
- Bok Choy
- Sardines
- Oranges
- Almonds
- Salmon
The majority of processed foods, like the low-fat milk might have negative and dangerous effects on your well-being and health. If you still decide to consume milk, make sure that it is natural, clean and organic. Or, trying some healthy alternatives like almond or coconut milk is also an option.
Nevertheless, be careful when choosing milk, dairy or any other product on the marker. It may come as a surprise to you that a number of foods have added sugars and similar ingredients.
Source: fitlife.tv
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