- There is a Unique Combination of Fatty Acids that Have Potent Medicinal Properties in Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the highest sources of saturated fat, nearly 90% of the acids being saturated. In the past, these fats were considered unhealthy, but recent studies prove that they are harmless.
Moreover, coconut oil contains Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs). These acids are metabolized differently. Namely, they go directly to the liver, where they are utilized as a fuel source or turned into ketone bodies, which are especially beneficial for brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s and epilepsy.
- Populations That Consume Coconut Oil in Abundance are one of the Healthiest on Earth
Coconut is considered an exotic food in the West, and it is usually consumed by people who are health conscious. Nevertheless, in some parts of the world, coconut oil is a main ingredient in people’s diets.
The Tokelauans are the biggest consumers of coconuts in the world, with 60% of their calories coming from this fruit. These people have an excellent health, and heart diseases are unknown to them. The Kitavans are another population that eats a lot of coconuts.
- Coconut Oil Increases the Energy Expenditure
One of the modern health problems is definitely obesity. Even though some people think that it is a matter of calories, some claim that the source of those calories is critical as well.
Different foods have different effect on our hormones and our bodies. The MCTs from coconut oil increase the energy expenditure more than the same calories amount from different source.
- Coconut Oil Contains Lauric Acid Which Kills Fungi, Viruses and Bacteria and Staves Off Infections
The amount of Lauric acid in coconut oil is nearly 50% of all fatty acids it contains. Both monolaurin and lauric acid eliminate harmful pathogens like fungi, viruses and bacteria.
For instance, it is proven that these substances eliminate Staphylococcus, which is a very harmful pathogen and also Candida Albicans, which is a source of yeast infections.
- Coconut Oil Controls Hunger
Coconut oil is able to control hunger. This might be due to the way the fatty acids are metabolized, since the ketone bodies reduce the appetite.
- Ketone Bodies Reduce Seizures
Ketogenic is a type of diet which is very high in fat and very low in carbs and it is being studied as a potential treatment for a number of diseases. Treating drug-resistant epilepsy in kids it the most popular application of this diet.
This diet dramatically reduces seizures in children with epilepsy for some reasons. The ketone bodies are usually used in patients with epilepsy to induce ketosis.
- Coconut Oil Lowers the Risk of a Cardiovascular Disease and Improves the Blood Cholesterol Levels
Coconut oil is abundant in saturated fats which raise the good cholesterol (HDL) and transform the Bad (LDL) cholesterol to a benign subtype. According to some rat studies this oil reduces total and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing the HDL and improving the antioxidant status and blood coagulation factors.
- Coconut Oil Protects Your Hair, Moisturizes the Skin and Can be Used as Sunscreen
A number of people use coconut oil for cosmetic purposes. According to studies, this oil can improve the lipid content and moisture of the skin. Moreover, it is very beneficial for damaged hair and also as a sunscreen.
Furthermore, coconut oil can be used as a mouthwash in a process known as oil pulling. This process eliminates harmful bacteria in the mouth, reduces bad breath and improves dental health.
- Coconut Oil Stimulates Brain Function in Patients with Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s disease usually affects elderly people and it is the most frequent cause of dementia. This patients seem to have reduced ability to utilize glucose as energy in some brain parts. Ketone bodies supply the brain with energy and according to some researchers, ketone bodies can be used as an alternative source of energy and they can reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
In a study from 2006, the consumption of MCTs lead to an instant improvement in the function of the brain in patients who had milder forms of Alzheimer’s.
- Coconut Oil Will Help You Lose Abdominal Fat
Coconut oil reduces appetite and increases fat burning, so it is logical that it helps with the weight loss process. Moreover, it is particularly effective in eliminating the abdominal fat, which is found around the abdominal cavity and organs. Abdominal fat is the most harmful and it is related with a number of diseases.
In a study which included 40 women with abdominal fat, who were given 30 ml of coconut oil per day, all of the women had reduction in their waist circumference and BMI in a period of 12 weeks.
Another study which included 20 males with abdominal fat showed that they had reduction in the waist circumference of 1.1 inches after taking 30 ml of coconut oil on a daily basis.
Source: www.realfarmacy.com
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