The first time people drank tea was in the third century in China, and approximately 1400 years later it become the staple of British culture, and before that it was introduced over the Atlantic to North America. Nowadays, more than 80% of all household drink tea once a weak at the minimum.
Since its popularity is on a constant increase, a number of companies emphasize its health benefits. Whether the tea is red, brown or green, people drink it all the time. Nevertheless, according to a study conducted by CBC, the Canadian news service, nine out of ten most popular teas brands in North America contain toxic pesticides.
Because of these pesticides, the health benefits of the teas are decreased. Moreover, the amount of pesticides found in certain teas was way higher than allowed.
Pesticides in Tea
The investigation that CBC conducted took place in 2014 and found out that nine out of ten tea brands in Canada contained pesticides. Teas that contain pesticides are:
- Tetley- green tea
- Twinings- Earl Grey
- Signal- orange pekoe
- Lipton- yellow label black tea
- Uncle Lee’s Legends of China- jasmine green tea
- No Name-black tea
- King Cole-orange pekoe
- Lipton- pure green tea
- Uncle Lee’s Legends of China-green tea
All of the above listed brands had pesticides in them. However, some had high levels and some had low levels of pesticides. Nevertheless, three of the teas contained dangerously high level of pesticides.
The Teas with Most Pesticides
- Twinings Earl Grey
This tea has the third highest content of pesticides, containing ten toxic compounds. The most frequently identified pesticide was acetamiprid, which causes muscle weakness, severe nausea, convulsion, hypothermia and vomiting.
- Tetley green tea
This tea has increased levels of chlorfenapyr and acetamiprid. The first can be fatal to people even if the dosage is small. Chlorfenapyr poisoning cases have shown that this chemical works very slowly and it might cause fatality two weeks after being ingested. According to the CBC report, this tea contained 18 pesticides.
- Uncle Lee’s Legends of China green tea
This is definitely the most toxic tea on the market. It has ten times more than the allowed levels of chlorfenapyr and acetamiprid, and has a really high levels of bifenthrin as well. Bifenthrin has been related to increasing the risk of cancer.
Red Rose- The Tea without Pesticides
From all the ten teas which were tested, Red Rose had no trace of pesticides. Besides being pesticides free, this tea is Rainforest Alliance certified. This company works without causing unnecessary natural destruction or damage and they constantly improve the working conditions for the people working for them.
Natural Tea Brands
Just because the label says natural, it doesn’t have to necessarily mean that is true, the consumers need to be aware about the things they buy and consume.
There are certain popular brands like Tazo, Trader Joe’s and Yogi which had been publicly scrutinized about containing pesticides, using GMO ingredients and also adding “natural flavors”. This issue was made widespread by the internet community, but there was lack of high-level reports.
Yogi had made certain changes in the past 2 years. They have removed pesticides, but “natural flavors” still remains listed as an ingredient. In case you were wondering if there are teas which are safe, Numi and Traditional Medicinals hold an impeccable reputation.
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