Sunday, 4 September 2016

Kill Sinus Infection In 20 Seconds With This Simple Method And This Common Household Ingredient!

32 million people in America are affected by sinus infection every year. People in the US spend over $1 billion per year on medications to treat it.


16 million doctor visits are the result of sinus disease and $150 million spent on different meds. People with weak immune system or those who suffer from sinuses or structural blockages in the nose, asthma and allergies are most prone to it.

Sinusitis is disorder that represents an inflammation of the tissue lining the sinuses.

These air filled cavities are located around the nose and in the face. They become more prone to germs, bacteria, fungi and viruses which cause and infections when they become filled with fluid.

Common cold, small growths in that lining (nasal polyps), a shift in the nasal cavity (deviated septum), swelling of the lining of the nose (allergic rhinitis) are some of the causes for this issue.

Types of Sinusitis

Recurrent:  It refers to a few attacks during a period of one year

Chronic: This inflammation lasts for more than 30 days

Subacute: Inflammation that lasts 1-2 months

Acute:  This inflammation lasts 30 days or less. Stuffy and runny nose and facial pain are its symptoms.

100% Natural Sinus Remedy

Apple Cider Vinegar is the key ingredient is this powerful recipe. It is full of immunity boosting properties, minerals, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants.


  • Freshly squeezed lemon
  • 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • ¼ cup ACV
  • ½ cup coconut water


  • Place the coconut water in a pain, warm it and then pour it into a mug
  • Transfer the apple cider vinegar into the mug and stir (shake, mix) well
  • Let it cool down
  • Add the cayenne pepper and honey
  • In the end, add the lemon juice and finally mix everything together.

Take the remedy on before bedtime and on an empty stomach (in the morning) until the infection goes away. Use organic ingredients for best results.

Source: Best Healthy Guide

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