If you want to remove some extra fat from your body, you’re in the right place. Here we recommend a powerful 2-ingredient recipe that will literally melt fat deposits in your body.
Health experts say that body fat is actually energy our body stores for future use, so in order to burn fat, you must be on a strict diet that will help you lose those fat deposits. But, weight loss is not easy, especially if you know that there are other energy reserves that interfere with the fat-burning process.
These other energy deposits include glycogen (carbohydrate) and protein (muscle). The way your body uses fats can be changed by the way it uses other energy deposits. For instance, you crave for something sweet, and you satiate your craving, especially when these cravings happen sporadically. However, if these cravings occur frequently and you can’t get enough of sweets, it points to high stress levels or even parasites in your stomach.
The thing is excessive intake of sweets creates perfect breeding ground for parasites. Even fungi and bacteria thrive in this environment, so your frequent cravings are caused by these parasites.
Recipe to Remove Fat Deposits and Parasites from Your Body
- 100gr linseed
- 10gr dried cloves
Grind the ingredients into powder. Take 2 tbsps. of this mixture every morning for 3 consecutive days. You can mix the powder with some water or add it to your breakfast.
After 3 days, take a 3-day break then repeat. Do this sequel for at least a month to completely clean your body of parasites.
In the meanwhile, continue taking all the necessary vitamins and minerals on a regular basis, because they your body depends on them for the release of energy from the food you consume.
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