Statistics show that more than 26 million Americans have kidney disease and 1 in 3 American adults is currently at risk for developing the disease. These numbers are shocking and quite surprising to be frank, nobody knew that this condition is so common. According to experts in the United States alone, kidney disease kills more people than breast or prostate cancer.
Kidneys play a vital role in the daily functions of the body. These organs filter about 120 t 150 quarts of blood to produce about 1 to 2 quarts of urine, which consists of waste and extra fluid. Furthermore, kidneys maintain the electrolytes stable, like potassium, sodium and phosphates, regulate blood pressure, produce hormones that make red blood cells and keep the bones strong.
However, there are numerous culprits which can negatively affect kidney function. Kidney stones are the most common kidney diseases which affects millions of people around the world. Generally, kidney stones are not life-threatening, but they can cause excruciating pain.
In this article you will find a natural recipe that will help you get rid of kidney stones and will significantly improve kidney function.
- A handful of parsley or coriander leaves
- Water
Method of preparation:
The procedure is very simple. Take a bunch of parsley or Cilantro (Coriander leaves) and wash it well. Cut the leaves in small pieces and put them in a pot. Then, pour them with water and boil for 10 minutes. Allow it to cool. Then, strain the mixture and transfer the liquid in a clean bottle. Store it in the fridge to cool.
Drink one glass on daily basis. Soon you will notice how the excess salt and toxins are being eliminated from your body through urination.
Parsley and cilantro are the most beneficial herbs for cleansing the kidneys. You can use parsley or cilantro, or a combination of both.
Unfortunately, most of the doctors do not approve alternative methods for cleansing the kidneys. They generally stick to the conventional medications which are poorly effective and cause more harm than good.
The post Eliminate Kidney Stones Painlessly With This Amazing Homemade Remedy appeared first on Healthy Food Team.
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