Friday, 16 September 2016

Death In A Bottle: Many People Use This Product Every Day And Are Not Aware That It’s Slowly Killing Them

Hand sanitizers are one of the most widely used cosmetic products. Whenever you’re in need of a dry hand washing you reach out for this universal product and you think that you’re doing you’re doing the right thing to protect yourself from bacteria and dirt. If you’re one of the many who uses this product frequently this article will be a real eye opener and it will make you think twice next time you reach out for the hand sanitizer.

It’s no wonder they’re so ardently used, they’re a quick and easy way to kill germs when you don’t have access to soap and water and they’re virtually everywhere around, in the stores, supermarkets and in almost every woman’s bag. However, it’s recently been brought to our attention that they may actually be doing more harm than good.death-in-a-bottle

Why are hand sanitizers detrimental for your health?

Because in the process of killing the bad germs and bacteria hand sanitizers kill off the good ones as well.

It’s a well-known fact that hand sanitizer is great for killing those nasty germs and bacteria, like the common cold, the flu and even salmonella; however, while it can get rid of those bad germs, it can actually get rid of the good bacteria that your body needsYou might be surprised to learn that your body needs certain bacteria but these do a lot of good to your organism, They’re vital for keeping your immune system balanced and they fight the bad bacteria when it reaches your body. SO if the good bacteria gets killed in the process your immune system gets weakened and it doesn’t have the strength to fight the infections, inflammations and other conditions which will inevitably happen at one point or another. You’ll not only get sick eventually, but you’ll be sicker than you’d be if you hadn’t used hand sanitizer in the first place.

Another bad thing about hand sanitizers is that they could increase the amount of Bisphenol A (BPA). This chemical can completely undermine your endocrine system – the system that produces hormones, controls how your body functions and helps to maintain your tissues and organs. According to recent studies high levels of BPA in the body can cause a number of health problems, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and even infertility, among other things.

All in all, hand sanitizers can kill the good bacteria on your hands and weaken your immune system as well as wreak havoc on your endocrine system, disrupting your hormonal balance and leading to a number of other health issues. We believe that these are reasons enough which should persuade you to stop using this product altogether and find another way to maintain your hygiene.



The post Death In A Bottle: Many People Use This Product Every Day And Are Not Aware That It’s Slowly Killing Them appeared first on Healthy Food Team.

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