Friday, 30 September 2016

How To Save A Person From Stroke Using Only A Needle?

The unconventional method of saving human life during a stroke is a method of a Chinese professor who says that you should always keep a needle in your house.

Share this advice, so that you help someone survive. Take the time to read. You never know if someone’s life may depend on you.

When someone gets a stroke, the capillaries of the brain gradually stretch. You require a rest and an ambulance. These tips will help you save someone’s life!

Stay calm! Regardless of the place the victim is, don’t move them, because if you move the patient, the capillaries will burst and there will be some bleeding in the brain! It would be best if you have a syringe needle at home, but a simple needle for sewing can help, too.

  1. Hold the needle – over the fire, a lighter or candle to sterilize and then use it for pricking the tops of all 10 fingers.
  2. No specific acupuncture is need; it should only be a few millimeters from the nail.
  3. Perform so that the blood can flow.
  4. If blood does not start to drip, tighten and start squeezing the blood to flow.
  5. When all 10 fingers begin to bleed wait a few minutes – you will see that the victim will be back to life!
  6. If the victim’s mouth is distorted, massage their ears until they become red – so blood can come to them.
  7. Then prick with the needle in each ear in the soft part, to fall two drops of blood of each ear. A few minutes later, his mouth would no longer be distorted

Wait until the victim come to normal state without any unusual symptoms, then send to the hospital.

This method of bloodshed to save the life is a method of a traditional Chinese medicine, and its practical application is 100% effective and using it people can survive a stroke.

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22 Non-Dairy Foods Rich In Vitamin D And Calcium To Protect You From Diabetes, Heart Attacks, Breast Cancer And Colon Cancers

Dairy products are mostly valued for their high calcium and vitamin D content. But, lactose intolerance has become one of the leading health issues in the 21st centuries. Lactose has also been linked to allergies in both children and adults. Vegans are another group of people commonly exposed to a risk of calcium and vitamin D deficiencies. If you belong to any of these groups, it doesn’t mean that you should deprive your body of these vital nutrients by cutting out dairy from your diet.

The thing is calcium and vitamin D are found naturally in a wide range of foods and beverages, some of which provide an even higher content than milk. The info-graphic below shows the top foods high in vitamin D and calcium. By including these into your regular diet, you don’t only improve your overall health, but you also protect yourself from diabetes, heart diseases, breast cancer and colon cancer.



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If You Have This On Your Ear Lobe, Your Heart Health May Be At Risk

Earlobes are generally smooth regardless of size, color, shape and thickness. However, some people have a crease in their earlobe. This line splitting the earlobe in two is also known as “Frank’s Sign”.

It was named after the man who first identified it an important sign rather than a simple line on the skin.

In 1973, Sanford Frank wrote a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine, he explained the possible link between an ear crease and heart disease as found by his research.


Ear Crease And Heart Disease

A number of other studies have later been carried out in this field, and most of them support Frank’s research. However, none of the studies has definitively determined why heart disease is possibly linked with the earlobe crease.

One theory includes that lack of blood flow to the ears leads to the formation of the lobe wrinkle because if the blood can’t get through to the ears, there’s probably a blockage somewhere in the body.

Another theory states that weakening of elastin and collagen fibers in the ears also indicates a similar weakening of coronary arteries. The thing is the coronary arteries end at the ears meaning that vascular disease in this part of the body points toward a vascular disease further up the line.

Other Theories

According to a Japanese study, a diagonal earlobe crease (DELC) is the result of shortened cell telomeres, areas at the end of each strand of DNA protecting cells from damage. Short telomeres are often related to metabolic syndrome. As the study found,  DELC “might be a useful indirect marker of high-risk patients.”

A Noticeable Symptom

Even when there are no other symptoms, a visible earlobe crease can indicate cardiovascular disease. In a study published in 2014, a man with hypertension, who displayed no symptoms of heart problems, except for Frank’s sign on both earlobes, went to an outpatient clinic. He was referred to further testing, which showed that his left main coronary artery was 80% blocked and his right was 90% blocked. “The patient underwent 3-vessel coronary artery bypass graft surgery and has since done well.”

Other Factors

Aside from the possible correlation between Frank’s sign and heart disease, prevalence of DELC may also be partly cultural/regional.

In a Japanese study, which revealed a strong correlation between ear crease and heart disease, the prevalence among the 1000 study subjects was less than expected.

It is concluded that: the prevalence of EC [ear crease] in Japanese adults is very low compared with the results of previous studies in Europe and America; the prevalence of EC tends to increase with advancing age but is unrelated to other risk factors for CHD [coronary heart disease]; a statistically significant association between EC and CHD is seen from multivariate analysis using both clinical and angiographic criteria in the diagnosis of CHD.”

Can Ear Lobes Give Other Signs?

DELC can be an indicator of heart disease, but not in combination with other conditions. A study examining DELC as a reliable identifier of vascular disease and retinopathy in diabetics found that it wasn’t.

Therefore, a grading system for DELC was developed to show the severity of possible cardiovascular risk:

  • Unilateral incomplete – least severe
  • Unilateral complete – moderate
  • Bilateral complete – most severe

All in all, it’s important never to ignore this sign as early prevention is the best treatment for cardiovascular disease.


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A Depression Curing, Pain Reducing And Anti Inflammatory-Drink

In this fast-paced, modern life, depression is one of the most common emotional states of mind. It affects people from all ages and genders and can be very complex and difficult to handle. It can lead to difficulties in your everyday life, make people reclusive, withdrawn and even have life-threatening consequences.

There are many reasons which can lead to this disease but no one really knows what exactly causes it. Current research suggests that depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors and can happen at any age, but often begins in adulthood.

It often happens that depression-prone people turn to food and drinks to improve their condition, but this doesn’t do much good. Perhaps because they turn to the wrong remedies which don’t offer a lot of mental health benefits.

Here’s a recipe for an anti-depressant turmeric juice which can make you or your loved ones feel much better when feeling blue.anti-depressant-turmeric-juice

Here’s a short video on how to prepare it:


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This Is Why Your Joints Hurts And How You Can Relieve The Pain

Joint pain, temporary or permanent, can affect your life quality significantly. It can interfere with your every movement and even the most rudimentary movements can cause unbearable pain.

National surveys reveal that one third of all American adults suffer from joint pain and knee pain is the most common of all, after which they list shoulder and hip pain as close second and third. But the truth is that all joints can be affected and the risk of this happening increases as we grow older.this-is-why-your-joints-hurts-and-how-you-can-relieve-the-pain

Causes Of Joint Pain

Joint pain is caused by two main reasons: an injury affecting the ligaments, bursae, or tendons either surrounding or within the joint or a disease like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. The pain can acute, mild and disappear in a week or so of chronic, a long term and permanent condition.

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are two of the most common chronic joint diseases. Osteoarthritis happens as a result of excessive wear-and-tear around the joints from repetitive stress or excess weight, while rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory process in which the immune system starts attacking our own joints by creating excess inflammation in the tissue that protects the joints.

Joint pain can be caused by many other factors like bursitis (inflammation in the cushion around the joint called bursa), toxins accumulation in the joint space (gout), strains/sprains of ligaments around the joints, or the most serious and deadly – bone cancer.

Joint Pain Symptoms And Signs

If you suffer from joint pain you’re probably experiencing some of the following symptoms:

  • Redness of the joint
  • Joint swelling
  • Joint tenderness
  • Joint warmth
  • Limping
  • Locking of the joint
  • Loss of range of motion
  • Joint Stiffness
  • Joint weakness

Joint Pain Treatments

If the condition is chronic the only course of action is to try to alleviate the pain, reduce the inflammation and restore and preserve as much of the joint function as possible. Here are some joint pain remedies which can help you ease the pain and improve your condition:

  • Repetitive stress of the affected joint should be avoided at all costs. If the pain is acute you may need to refrain from using that particular joint for a while at least until it’s healed.
  • An ice packs or a pack of frozen veggies applied on the painful joints can ease the pain significantly. Leave the ice on for 15-20 minutes and repeat the process a few times a day.
  • A warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom salt and a pinch of baking soda can do wonders for your painful joints. Soak in the bath for 15 minutes, relax and enjoy your spa experience. If a bath is out of the question try soaking the joints in a bowl with ½ cup Epsom salt and a pinch of baking soda.
  • You should increase the blood flow to the joints and relax your muscles with a warm shower.
  • Weight plays an important role which is why you should try to maintain a healthy weight to relieve the excess pressure off your joints. For example, every 5 pounds extra weight is equal to 20 additional pounds placed on the knee. Consequently, losing just 5 – 10 lb can put an end to all your weight problems.
  • Start a light physical activity like walking, swimming or bike riding.
  • Start an anti-inflammatory diet. Drink turmeric and ginger tea throughout the day. Mix 2 cups of hot water with ½ teaspoon of ground turmeric, ½ teaspoon of ground ginger and some lemon. Drink the tea 4 times a day. Eliminate sugar, white rice, artificial sweeteners, processed food, red meat, pre-packaged ready-made items and bread from your diet entirely. Limit the consumption of wheat, soy, and corn. Opt for a diet consisted mainly of green vegetables, legumes, seeds, and whole grains like brown rice, millet, barley, amaranth, and buckwheat.
  • Increase your intake of magnesium because this mineral has the ability to relax the muscles and nerve endings, and relieve the pain and stiffness. Try supplements, 300 to 600 mg of Magnesium powder before you go to bed and eat more food rich in magnesium like leafy veggies and small beans.




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Never Take Aloe Vera Gel If You Suffer From Any Of The Following Conditions

Aloe vera has a millennia-long history of use in natural medicine. The oldest records of aloe vera use go far back to ancient Egypt, where aloe vera was called the “plant of immortality,” and was presented as a burial gift to pharaohs.

What Aloe Vera Is Used For

The most common uses of aloe vera include topical application for treatment of various skin conditions, and oral use as a laxative.

But, there’s mounting evidence today confirming that when taken orally, aloe vera can treat a variety of conditions, including diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, and osteoarthritis. Plus, topical application of aloe vera gel has proved effective in treatment of osteoarthritis, burns, sunburns, and psoriasis. No wonder, aloe vera gel is commonly used in numerous skin products, such as lotions and sunblocks.


In addition, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved of aloe vera as a natural food flavoring.

How Aloe Vera Is Used

Aloe leaves have a green part surrounding a clear gel, which can be used as a topical ointment, or to produce a juice or a dried substance (called latex) that is taken orally.

What The Science Says

According to research, aloe latex is abundant in strong laxative compounds. Before 2002, numerous over-the counter (OTC) laxatives, regulated by the FDA, were made with various components of aloe (aloin, aloe-emodin, and barbaloin). In 2002, the FDA removed all OTC aloe laxative products from the U.S. market because the manufacturers didn’t provide the necessary safety data.

Although the gel is commonly used to treat burns and abrasions, a study found that aloe gel actually prevents healing of deep surgical wounds. The gel has not been found to protect against burns from radiation therapy.

Side Effects And Cautions

On the plus side, there are no known side effects related to topical use of aloe vera gel.

As far as oral use of the gel is concerned, there’s new evidence linking non-decolorized whole leaf extract of aloe vera to carcinogenic activity in male and female rats, based on tumors of the large intestine, as found by a 2-year National Toxicology Program (NTP) study. Although more research is needed to confirm whether these findings are relevant to humans as well, the researchers claim that there’s no evidence to confirm the contrary.

Aloe vera intake has also been linked to abdominal cramps and diarrhea. And, that’s not all, as diarrhea, caused by the laxative properties of aloe vera, can interfere with the effect of many medications.

One group that should be extremely cautious with aloe vera consumption is diabetics who use glucose-lowering medication because studies suggest that aloe possibly reduces blood glucose levels.

Also, several cases of acute hepatitis have been linked to oral consumption of aloe vera, the evidence is not yet definitive.


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Simple Tricks To Say Goodbye To Chapped Lips Forever

We all suffered from dry, cracked lips from time to time, especially as the cold, windy weather kicks in. The reason why this happens is just as simple as the solution to the problem, you just need to change some lifestyle habits and choose the right lip care products and remedies.

The medical director of Dermpath Diagnostics in Dallas, dermatologist Clay J. Cockerell, MD says that “There are several different things that can cause chapped lips. Most of the time it’s just caused by dryness.” The main causes behind this uncomfortable condition are usually the outdoor elements, like the wind and the cold weather.home-remedies-for-chapped-lips

Even though this is the most common factor, sometimes there are some more serious causes for persistent chapped lips like:

  • Sun damage to the lips that has become a precancerous condition
  • Allergies
  • Inflammatory skin disease

If even after using the appropriate lip care products the chapped lips problem persists, Dr. Cockerell urges everyone to consult a dermatologist and discover the root cause of the problem.

Breaking the Chapped Lips Habit

The following tips will help you in the treatment and prevention of chapped lips:

  • Stay hydrated. Cracked lips can happen as a result of a lack of water in the organism, meaning that you should up your water intake to stay hydrated and prevent the problem before it happens.
  • Use lip products with a sun protection factor (SPF). They will protect your lips from sun damage, which can lead to chapped lips.
  • Don’t lip-lick. Dry lips can urge people to lick them to shake off the feeling of dryness. However, this habit can actually make matters worse and you enter an endless vicious circle. Fight the urge to lick your lips and apply some lip balm instead.
  • Don’t exfoliate. Exfoliation can make dry lips even more uncomfortable which is why it’s not recommended. The skin on the lips will regenerate on its own in time.

 Choosing the Right Chapped Lip Product

It’s best to use a basic lip balm, petrolatum or paraffin based, which can keep moisture in your lips, protect them from the elements, and give them time to heal. This is the primary ingredient in “medicated” lip products as well.  Cockerell says “My recommendation is to put on Vaseline Intensive Lip Therapy or ChapStick frequently throughout the day,” who adds that you should also choose one with sunscreen protection. “Your skin will return to normal over a period of time.”

If you frequently suffer from chapped lips you shouldn’t go through your medicine cabinet on the first signs of the condition. Try the following advices to prevent and relieve the situation

  • Antibiotic ointment. “You probably don’t need this unless you have an infection,” says Cockerell. She adds that if you suspect your lips are infected it’s best that you consult a doctor to find the best course of treatment instead of trying self-medications.
  • Zinc oxide. He says “That’s mainly a sunscreen. It won’t treat chapped lips, but will help prevent sun damage”.
  • Hydrocortisone. Cockerell warns that this steroid cream “can cause a problem with thinning of the skin around the mouth and the development of an acne-like condition,”. “Don’t overdo the hydrocortisone or the steroids.”
  • “Natural” products. All of these products like beeswax,  Shea butter, lanolin, mentholatum and coconut oil are recommended for lip care but you should be vary when using it because they can lead to allergies and make your dry, cracked lips even worse.




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What Happens To Your Body If You Drink Warm Honey-Lemon Water In The Morning

Aside from being one of the most refreshing drinks that quenches thirst in seconds, lemon water also provides a range of health benefits that no other beverage can give. For one thing, it’s abundant in vitamins and minerals that nourish your body and ensure proper function of every bodily system. According to nutritionists, adding honey to warm lemon water even further boost its health benefits. The best time to drink this healthy beverage is on an empty stomach in the morning. This will stimulate healthy weight loss along with a list of other health benefits.


7 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water in the Morning

  1. Improves Digestion

Lemon juice is extremely beneficial for removing toxins from the digestive tract. It treats indigestion, heartburn, and bloating. In addition, it stimulates bowel movement in the morning, hydrates the colon, and promotes bile production.

  1. Boosts Immunity

Abundant in vitamin C, lemon water boosts the immune system and prevents against cold and flu.

  1. Boosts Energy

This highly energizing drink significantly increases energy levels and improves your mood for the day ahead.

  1. Assists Weight Loss

Lemon water stimulates healthy weight loss in the long run. The thing is, this health-boosting beverage keeps you full in between meals thus preventing unhealthy cravings.

  1. Is Antibacterial and Antiviral

Lemon is packed with powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties, which are extremely effective in fighting flu, colds, and relieving a sore throat.

  1. Boosts Brain Power

Lemon water is rich in potassium and magnesium, which are beneficial for brain and nerve function. It successfully relieves stress and fights depression.

  1. Fights cancer

Last, but not least, lemon water has been found reduce the risk of several types of cancer owing to its range of potent antioxidants.


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What She Spreads On Her Skin, Everyone Has at Home – But Nobody Uses It!

The first thing we think about when we get up in the morning is coffee! It’s one of the most popular and widely consumed drinks around the globe and I believe there isn’t a person who doesn’t like a warm cup of coffee in the morning. It’s delicious, energizing and simply irresistible, we all know that, but there are a lot of things about coffee we don’t know. For example, did you know that coffee grounds can be quite useful around the house and even as a part of your beauty routine? Yes, the thick coffee grounds that are left at the bottom of the cup and which we throw away thinking they’re useless can be a real life saver is certain situations. All you have to do is spread the grounds on a piece of baking paper and leave them to dry. Here are 13 ways in which you can use them afterwards:what-she-spreads-on-her-skin-everyone-has-at-home-but-nobody-uses-it

  • Cellulite

Coffee grounds are an excellent remedy against cellulite. It’ no wonder almost every anti-cellulite cream and gel contains caffeine. You wonder how come you haven’t thought about this before?  Mix some coffee grounds and oil and prepare the most effective and 100% natural anti-cellulite cream which won’t cost you a dime.

  • Soap

If you’re all out of soap you can use coffee instead. It will clean your hands perfectly well. It contains firming and peeling properties which can do wonders for your skin. Try it out and see for yourself.

  • Hair

Coffee can provide all the necessary nutrients and energize your hair like no other mask can. It’s especially efficient for dark colored hair, making it vibrant and radiant.

  • Against bags under the eyes

Mix some coffee grounds and a bit of olive oil and apply it under the eyes. Coffee is excellent against eye bags and dark circles. It will make your face look fresh and radiant, completely restoring the skin under the eyes.

  • In the fridge

If you can’t get rid of that foul smell in your fridge coffee grounds can come to the rescue. Coffee is an excellent odor neutralizer and it will neutralize the bad smell from all sorts of food. Just place a cup of coffee grounds in the fridge and the smells will disappear.

  • Grill rust

Everyone likes to barbecue but nobody wants to clean up the sticky, messy grill after it’s done. That’s why we’ll show you the neatest trick for cleaning your barbecue. Put some coffee grounds on a sponge and rub your grill with it. Rinse with some hot water and that’s it.

  • Abrasive

You can use this ingredient as a chemical- free cleaner, as its small grains function as a detergent for cleaning pots, pans and surfaces. Moreover, you will also save money on extra cleaning products. Well, this means that you should definitely try it.

  • Against ants

Coffee can also be a life-saver in a case of ants infestation. It has a strong smell which blurs the ants tracks and they can’t find their way back home.

  • Against fleas

Just like with ants, coffee is effective against fleas as well. Just rub some moist coffee grounds into your dog’s skin and hair, gently massaging it with it. The fleas will disappear and your pet will smell amazing.

  • Against wasps

Place some dry coffee grounds in a fire-safe jar and light it with a match. The steam/condensation will help you dispel all the wasps in a matter of seconds. They can’t stand the smell of coffee.

  • Against snails

If you have a problem with snails in your back yard coffee can be of great assistance. They hate the smell of coffee so just spread some coffee grounds on the soil and you can rest assured that it will eliminate them.

  • Cats

If you’re bothered by stray cats in the neighborhood once again coffee can help you a lot. Spread some coffee grounds all around your house and you’ll create an invisible barrier which will keep them at bay.

  • Fertilizer

Coffee is rich in a number of nutrients like nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus which make it an excellent fertilizer. It will help your plants grow and all you have to do is spread some coffee grounds into the soil.


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Thursday, 29 September 2016

I’m Never Buying Another Cough Medicine Again… I Wish I Knew This Before! (VIDEO)

There are many commercial drugs for treating a bad a persistent cough. Unfortunately, none of them provides the needed results without causing many harmful side-effects. This occurs due to the dangerous chemicals drugs are loaded with and cause more harm than good.

Moreover, there is a natural and effective recipe that can help you if you are dealing with this problem. These cough drops include healthy herbs and ingredients that you probably have in your home even now.

These cough drops are excellent to be taken before the winter because they will strengthen your immune system and prevent other health problems. Isn’t it great to make your own natural cough sweets at home? They are perfect to help soothe a sore throat and act as a great natural cold or flu remedy.

Needed ingredients:

  • Ginger
  • Honey
  • Lemon juice
  • A secret ingredients to make all ingredients come together

Ginger is an excellent ingredient that can boost the immunity. It helps to maintain the immune system and it has anti-inflammatory properties. Also, ginger helps with pain relief and nausea.

Honey has powerful antibacterial properties. It helps to soothe a sore throat and is a natural cough suppressant. Using any honey can help, so it does not need to be Manuka honey.

Vitamin C is richly present in lemon juice.

How to prepare the cough sweets?

Take a pan and fill it with one cup of sugar and half a cup of water. Next, take a lemon and cut it in half and add in one tablespoon of the juice. Also, add one tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of ground ginger. Finally, add a quarter of a spoon of ground cloves. If you don’t have ground cloves, you can take dry ones and crush them yourselves. Cloves help to reduce phlegm, they have antiseptic properties and are packed full with antioxidants.

Turn on the heat and give it a good stir. When the pan starts to simmer, give it a stir again and put it on a low heat. You will need to leave it simmering for about 15-20 minutes, making sure you stir it regularly.

While you are waiting, take a baking tray and line it with baking paper. After about 15-20 minutes, take the pan off the heat and let it cool down for a few minutes. Then it should be thick, dark and syrupy. Then it is ready to pour onto the baking paper to make little sweets. Use a spoon and be careful not to burn yourself because it is very hot.

Let them cool down for 20 minutes and cover them with a dusting of powdered icing sugar. This will stop them sticking together. Take them off the paper and make sure they all are well coated.

Now you have your own homemade natural cough sweets. They taste great and really help. Also, you can add a couple of the sweets into a cup of hot water, let them dissolve and take it as a drink.

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Coconut Milk And Turmeric Recipe To Detox Organs And Fight Inflammation Fast

Although most people opt for coffee or tea to start the day, there are far more beneficial hot brews to boost your energy levels for the day ahead.

Turmeric Health Benefits

This super healthy beverage is based on turmeric, one of the healthiest spices on the planet. It has been found to have potent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.


Turmeric’s potential health benefits include:

#1 Antiseptic – it destroys harmful bacteria and supports healing of cuts and superficial burns.

#2 Analgesic – it reduces swelling and eases pain, especially arthritic joint pain.

#3 Boosts immunity – the phytochemical curcumin in turmeric improves immune system function.

#4 Anti-carcinogenic – a mix of turmeric and black pepper prevents breast cancer cell growth by 50%, according to a study.

#5 Promotes digestive health – it stimulates bile secretion by the gall bladder, which is crucial for the breakdown of fats.

#6 Liver detoxifier – curcumin supplementation has shown to increase the amount of glutathione enzymes, significantly reducing free radical damage in a study of induced liver damage in rats.

#7 Regulates metabolism and weight management – turmeric changes fat cell metabolism from passive to active, stimulating your body to burn more fat as energy.

#8 High blood pressure – a curcumin supplement along with regular aerobic exercise improves heart function and increases muscle stress tolerance, according to the Journal of Hypertension.

#9 Memory, brain function, and neurological disorders – turmeric improves memory in patients with Alzheimer’s disease as found in a study by the Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology:

Due to various effects of curcumin, such as decreased Beta-amyloid plaques, delayed degradation of neurons, metal-chelation, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and decreased microglia formation, the overall memory in patients with AD has improved.”

#10 Various skin conditions – the fatty acids in turmeric protect against radiation damage and are beneficial for treatment of psoriasis, vitiligo, and skin cancer.

#11 Lowers triglycerides – curcumin keeps the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the liver under control, inhibits its absorption in the digestive system, and prevents oxidation in arterial linings, thus protecting against cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

Golden Milk

Golden milk is a traditional Ayurvedic drink, which has a millennia-long history of use in Asian culture and natural medicine for treatment of numerous ailments. Its primary uses include soothing inflammation, and improving digestive and liver function.

This drink is ideal for including turmeric into your diet unless you want to eat curry every day.

Turmeric Paste


  • 1/4 cup turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
  • 1/2 cup filtered water

Golden Milk

  • 1 cup coconut milk (hemp is also an option)
  • 1 tsp. virgin coconut oil
  • 1/4 tsp. (or more) turmeric paste
  • raw, unpasteurized honey to taste


  1. Mix the turmeric, pepper, and water in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir constantly until you get a thick paste. This is the turmeric paste. Let the paste cool before refrigerating it.
  2. Mix all ingredients minus the honey in a saucepan while cooking on medium heat. Stir constantly until hot, but don’t boil.
  3. When the mixture cools off, add honey to taste.


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Press And Hold This Point On Your Chest To Instantly Relieve Stress And Anxiety

In the Chinese culture there are a number of traditional healing practices which have been used for centuries and are slowly starting to get accepted in the Western culture. Herbal medicine, dietary therapy, meditation, massage and even tai chi are becoming more and more popular in the West and many people express their satisfaction from the effectiveness of these practices.

What is Acupressure?

Acupressure may be one of the most widely used practice for relaxation and relief and is consisted of applying pressure on certain points of your body. It’s similar to acupuncture but instead of needles you use pressure on the designated points of relief. The Chinese have been using this practice for over 2500 years so we must believe it’s effective!press-and-hold-this-point-on-your-chest-to-instantly-relieve-stress-and-anxiety

Unlike the medicinal practices in Eastern cultures, Western medicine mainly relies on pharmaceutical drugs and scientific research. The East focusses mostly on incorporating mental, spiritual and physical health and on the overall nature of people.

Acupressure channels the body’s inner energy, or chi, and helps to relieve stress and anxiety and restore your inner balance. It can help with pain relief, muscular tension, cirrculation and encourage deep relaxation. The best thing is that you can try it at home and achieve great results!

How To Use Acupressure At Home

  • Using your finger or thumb gently apply pressure on the area between your eyebrows and hold it like that for 45 seconds
  • Start pressing harder while pushing upward to the midpoint of your forehead and repeat for 1 minute
  • Take deep breaths and let yourself go into relaxation mode
  • Now place your finger gently between your eyebrows again, now start at the slope of your nose
  • Simultaneously, press the middle of your sternum, between your pectorals

This technique provides relief from headaches and reduces your stress levels by stimulating deep breathing. Applying pressure on your chest on the other hand, should give you a mood boost and make you feel better.

If you like here are some other acupressure points that help with anxiety and stress which you coult also try:


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How To Make Chocolate Cake With Avocado Instead Of Eggs And Butter

Despite being one of the top super foods on the planet, avocado is also one of the most versatile nutriments when it comes to cooking. The thing is you can easily combine it in salads and in savory meals, but its creaminess makes it a perfect addition to sweet recipes too.

If you still have doubts about the slight bitterness of the fruit, don’t worry as it’s taken over by chocolate, thus making the recipe a nutritious and super healthy combination.


Why Use Avocados?

Avocados are an actual storehouse of nutrients, including potassium, vitamin K and folate. The fruit is also abundant in healthy fats, which increases the bioavailability of nutrients like boron, calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium and the vitamins – B-complex, C, E, and K.

These fats have been proved to naturally reduce LDL (“bad”cholesterol) while increasing HDL (“good”cholesterol) thus protecting against heart disease.

The healthy fats in avocados improve brain mitochondrial function thus protecting against cognitive decline.

In addition, avocados improve testosterone in men and progesterone in women, thus regulating hormonal balance. Plus, this fruit prevents estrogen dominance caused by endocrine disruptors.

All in all, avocados improve your health on many different levels. And, not just on the inside, but on the outside as well. This fruit is packed with antioxidants that boost soluble collagen content in the skin and fight aging caused by free radical damage.

Avocado Chocolate Cake Recipe


  • 3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 5 tbsps. organic cacao powder
  • 2 tbsps. baking powder
  • 2 tsps. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. Himalayan salt
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin coconut oil
  • 1 ripe mashed avocado
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tbsps. white vinegar
  • 2 tsps. vanilla extract
  • 2 cups raw coconut sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 350.
  2. Grease and flour two 9” round cake pans.
  3. Mix all dry ingredients, except sugar, in a large bowl.
  4. Mix all wet ingredients, including the avocado, in another bowl. Add the sugar whisking thoroughly.
  5. Making a small dent in the dry ingredients slowly pour the wet batter while stirring constantly. Make sure you don’t over-stir.
  6. Use the two pans to divide the batter evenly.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes.
  8. Cool for 15-20 minutes then take the cakes out of the pans. Leave them to cool completely.
  9. Optionally, you can frost the cakes by mixing 2 ripe mashed avocados, 1 cup of fine-grain or powdered coconut sugar and 5 tbsps. of cacao powder. Whisk the frosting until you get a thick, rich texture.
  10. Frost the cakes only when they’re completely cool. Start by frosting one of the cakes first then place the second cake on top of the layer of frosting. Continue by frosting the top and sides. Bon appetite!


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The Fruit That Treats Cancer Has Been Hidden Far From Us By The Pharmaceutical Companies. Finally, Everyone Should Know About It!

The scientists have finally discovered the fruit which is 10.000 times stronger than chemotherapy and the fruit that cures cancer. Unfortunately, the ugly and real truth is that they don’t want to know, as the biggest pharmaceutical companies can no longer sell their ineffective and expensive products. Today we will present you the super healthy fruit which is actually the most powerful anti-carcinogen on the planet.


What is the name of the fruit is the million dollar question. Fruit of the tree soursop or Guanabana is the magical fruit that eliminates cancer cells.

Why we have not heard about this miracle?

As we already mentioned above, there are many organizations and corporation that make a lot of money by selling different medications. By sharing and telling this (fact) article, you can help many people to prevent and treat cancer. You can freely consume the juice of guanabana without any side effect as the conventional chemotherapy. It can be also planted in your yard and every part of this fruit is extremely useful.

Facts About Guanabana

This powerful tree is also known as soursop in Brazil. It has a large, sweet fruits and does not take up much space – it is a low growing tree. This fruit has extremely strong anti-cancer properties and it is really useful for all types of cancer.

According to many scientist and experts, this fruit is also rich in powerful anti-parasitic, anti-fungal and antibiotic properties which are great against stress, depression and your blood pressure. Guanana has been also used in the production of different drugs.

In 1970, 20 lab experiments showed that the extract from this fruit kills the malignant cells of 12 kinds of cancer, including pancreatic, lungs, breast and colon cancer.

The amazing compounds consisted in this fruit are 10.00 times stronger than chemo. And the most interesting thing is that the extract of guabana kills only cancer cells, without any side affect and doesn’t affect the healthy ones. Thanks for your read and do not forget to SHARE!

Source: Health is Wealth

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6 Reasons To Use Lemon Juice On Face

Lemons have countless health benefits and numerous beneficial uses. Their citric scent and distinct flavor makes everything taste amazingly refreshing. Moreover, it improves heart health, can effectively treat skin conditions and infections caused by bacteria and germs.

Benefits Of Lemon Juice On Face

Lemons have amazing astringent, antibacterial and antioxidant properties which makes them an excellent natural remedy for a number of skin conditions. Here are 6 of the most important reasons why you should start using lemon juice on your face:6-reasons-to-use-lemon-juice-on-face

Fights Acne

Its antibacterial properties make it an excellent remedy against acne breakouts. All you have to do is rub some lemon juice on the affected area, leave it on during the night and rinse it with warm water in the morning. This neat trick will prevent acne breakouts and give you the perfect complexion.

Exfoliates dead skin

The citric acids in lemon juice has natural exfoliating properties which can help you remove the dead skin cells from your face. Here’s how you can prepare this lemon juice exfoliant:

Mix the juice of 1 lemon with 1 tbsp. olive oil. Add 5 tbsp. of sugar and 1tsp. of honey. Mix everything well and apply the mixture on your face, massaging it gently in circular motions. Rinse with warm water afterwards.

Prevent Oily Skin

Owing to its strong astringent properties, lemons can help you close enlarged pores and prevent oily skin. Make it a habit to apply some lemon oil on your face every day before you go out. Remember to apply sunscreen beforehand because lemon oil can make your skin more sensitive to UV rays.

Removes Dark Spots

Dark spots can also be a problem of the past with this handy lemon juice trick. Lemons have natural bleaching properties and will gradually fade the dark spots. Just apply some lemon juice on the affected areas before you go to bed and rinse it when you get up the next morning.


Mix 1tbsp. of coconut oil and honey with the juice of 1 lemon into an amazing natural moisturizer. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water afterwards.

Brightens Skin

The high amount of vitamin C it contains gives it an ability to stimulate collagen production and make your skin tighter and brighter. Just like the anti-acne remedy, apply lemon juice on your face before going to bed and wash it off in the morning.



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How To Grow Lavender At Home To Relieve Stress And Anxiety

With its beautiful foliage and sweet-smelling flowers, lavender is one of the most popular herbs in the world. It requires low maintenance, which makes it every gardener’s dream.

Growing lavender at home couldn’t be easier as this plant requires very little care and attention.

On the other hand, you get numerous health benefits including relief from stress, anxiety and headaches. You can easily improve your sleep quality and give your bedroom a spa-like sense by placing a pot of lavender in your bedroom.


Growing Lavender Indoors

Although there are different kinds of lavender, English Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) is probably the most popular choice for planting.

The plant, known by the name L. Officinalis or L. vera, is available either as a seed or as a young plant in most gardening centers.

These are some varieties of English Lavender you can choose from:

Hidcote: This variety has gray leaves and lovely deep purple flowers. It’s probably the most aromatic variety of lavender, which will fill your house with its amazing scent.

Imperial Gem: This lavender type has bright silver leaves and stout purple flowers, which makes it great for decorating the center of your dining table or as a bouquet.

Munstead: This variety is great for indoors because it’s rather compact. It has bright green leaves and bluish flowers. Plus, it’s heat tolerant.

Twickel Purple: With its strong, bright scent, long purple flowers, and gray/ green foliage, the twickel purple is the best choice if you want a low-height plant.

Mini Blue: As it’s the smallest of all lavender varieties, the mini blue is ideal for small rectangular flower pots. It’s highly decorative because of the abundance of flowers it gives.


Lavender is a perennial plant native to the dry Mediterranean coast. It depends on sun exposure for at least 8 hours a day, great drainage and good air circulation. It becomes drought tolerant when matured.

That’s why it’s important to water the base only, not the foliage and let the soil dry out between watering.

It’s also advisable to plant lavender in a large flowerpot that has a drainage hole and plenty of loose gravel at the bottom in order to improve air flow to the roots and thus prevent rotting. Although the plant is relatively small, it actually has a large root system that can get suffocated if planted in a small pot.

A mix of peat, vermiculite, and perlite is most beneficial for lavender. Regular potting soil will also do.


It may require low maintenance, but lavender asks for annual pruning. Unless you regularly trim it, it gets woody over time because it’s a semi-shrub in nature.

It’s also recommended to pinch off the tips of a new plant when growing and after blooming to promote new shoots and shape.

When your plant is about a year-and-a-half old, trim 2/3s of it once a year. As a general rule, prune down to the 3rd node above the old wood.

Keep In Mind

Lavender has a number of blooming periods, which means it doesn’t hold the flowers all year long.  But, even lavender’s foliage is scented meaning you can still enjoy the sweet smell of the herb even when it’s not blooming.

It’s important to keep in mind that lavender can produce a very strong smell when blooming, which can easily affect people prone to scent-related headaches.

If you want to make a bouquet using lavender flowers, wait until the buds are half open before cutting. You can also make a dried bouquet, but don’t cut the flowers until 3/4 of the buds are open.

Note: Lavender should be placed outside reach of pets as it’s toxic to animals. Also, keep it away from children.


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Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Heartburn?

Acid reflux and indigestion is a common problem we all face from time to time. As much as we try to keep a healthy lifestyle, we sometimes slip and eat that juicy hamburger which we know will bring about that burning sensation in our abdomen.

What Causes Heartburn?

Heartburn is caused by acid reflux – a condition when the acidic stomach content comes back into the esophagus and we start feeling a burning sensation in the chest area. This is quite uncomfortable and can even be painful at times.

Heartburn can be a result of eating certain foods or drinking some beverages high-fat foods, chocolate, coffee, and aerated drinks; or it can be linked to obesity and even stress can trigger it. The situation can be aggravated by some lifestyle choices like smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use, and even some types of exercises.

Apple Cider Vinegar For Heartburn

If you go see a doctor for this condition they’ll probably recommend antacids or alkalizers for heartburn relief. However, sometimes natural remedies can come in quite handy and ACV is one of the most effective ones for this condition. Many people use it frequently and praise it for its efficiency.

According to current medical consensus heartburn happens when the excess acid in your stomach flows back into the esophagus. The ACV contains acetic acid as its primary ingredient which is a much weaker acid than the hydrochloric acid naturally found in our stomach, so it can lower the acidity in the stomach without compromising digestion.

Since ACV also prevents the accumulation of body fat, it can also reduce heartburn which happens as a result of obesity.

As previously mentioned, smoking can cause heartburn as well. According to a study, in a 24-hour period, smoking increased the amount of time the pH of the esophagus stays less than or equal to 4 from 7.35 percent to 11.1 percent. This is because nicotine is known to lower the pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and ACV can improve the tone of the LES.

An Alternative Theory For The Cause Of Heartburn

According to some medical experts heartburn is not caused by excess stomach acid but by the lack of it. There have been cases where patients with heartburn symptoms were discovered to have little to no stomach acid in their stomach. The condition is known as hypochlorhydria and describes a situation when a person is deficient in hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It has been linked to heartburn and other symptoms similar to the condition of having excess stomach acid.

Patients suffering from this condition are also recommended to take ACV to restore the acid balance in the stomach.


Drink 2 teaspoons of ACV mixed in a glass of water with every meal.


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How To Make One Of The Most Powerful Natural Medicine Known To Man – Turmeric Supplements

There’s no question turmeric is one of the most health beneficial spices on the planet. Although it has been used for centuries in Asian natural medicine and culinary tradition, turmeric has only started to gain popularity in the western world in the past couple of decades.

One of the greatest benefits this East Indian spice provides is its powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The thing is turmeric is easily absorbed in the intestinal tract, which allows it to enter the bloodstream and fight chronic inflammation, the root cause of almost all chronic diseases, including cancer.

Turmeric owes its strong medicinal properties to its active ingredient – Curcumin. This substance can effectively fight free radicals, regenerate cells and detoxify the liver and heart.


Turmeric is the Most Powerful Natural Medicine Known to Man

The list of turmeric’s health benefits is limitless. The thing is this spice is can provide the same effect as the following medications minus the side effects.

  • Painkillers
  • Steroids
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Arthritis medication
  • Anti-coagulants
  • Diabetes Drugs
  • Cholesterol drugs
  • Chemotherapy
  • Anti-Depressants
  • Inflammatory bowel disease drugs

Other Health Benefits of Turmeric

Other health benefits of turmeric include:

  • Eases stiff joints
  • Relieves joint pain and muscular discomfort
  • Natural anti-depressant
  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Increases brain functionality
  • Helps lower cholesterol
  • Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Eases symptoms of indigestion and heartburn
  • Aids cancer treatment and prevention

How to Make Your Own Turmeric Supplements

Aside from adding it to your meals, you can also reap the numerous health benefits of turmeric by making your own turmeric supplements.

What you need:

1/3 cup organic, ground turmeric

a big pinch of ground black peppercorn (this is important in order to increase the absorption of curcumin in the body by up to 150%)

3 tbsps. raw, organic honey

1 tbsp. coconut oil (healthy fats are also important to increase curcumin bioavailability)

What you do:

Make a paste by mixing all ingredients together in a bowl. Melt the coconut oil before use. Take pinches of the paste and roll them into small balls. Refrigerate for 1 hour and remove.

Transfer the turmeric balls in a glass container and keep refrigerated. The recommended dose is 2-3 pieces a day.


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7 Ways to Freshen Your House Using Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets are miracle workers when it comes to laundry, they make clothes fresh, soft and static free like nothing else could. This is why we all came to love them in the first place, but can they be used for something else other than laundry? Many people don’t know that we can use these miracle sheets to make our house smell spring time fresh all year round with just a few simple tricks. Here are 7 of the most ingenious ways you can use dryer sheets to make spring come much sooner in your home:

  1. Car Freshenerdryer-sheet-car

Every car tends to smell a bit and it’s no wonder if we consider that we leave everything from garbage to fast food leftovers inside a small metal box. How can it not smell?

Car fresheners can alleviate the issue, but they are short lasting and the good ones can cost a bit extra. Instead of spending money every week, try our genius dryer sheets trick. Take an old plastic container and cut a few holes on top. Put a dozen dryer sheets inside and make sure the holes are open ( you can stick a straw or toothpick in between). Your car will always smell fresh, you just need to make sure to change the dryer sheets inside every few weeks.

  1. Packed ClothesOpen suitcase with clothes folded next to it

Whenever you travel somewhere your packed clothes, cramped in that tiny suitcase can get smelly and ruin your trip. Nobody wants to walk around smelling musty! However, dryer sheets can come to your rescue and make your clothes smell wonderfully fresh. Put one dryer sheet at the bottom of your suitcase and one at the top. Every time you open the suitcase a fresh, pleasant scent will be released.

  1. Garbage Binssheets-trashcan

The kitchen’s worse enemy is the garbage bin. The bin may not smell but the stuff we throw inside can really stink up a room. This foul smell can be avoided by placing a dryer sheet at the bottom of your garbage bin.

  1. Air Conditioner7-ways-to-freshen-your-house-using-dryer-sheets

Placing a dryer sheet on a fan for a quick freshening up is a well-known trick, but you can take this up a notch and make your entire house smell fresh. If you have central air conditioning put a few sheets under the base of your air filter and let spring travel through your home with the speed of light.

  1. Quick Dusterdryer-sheet-duster

You can use dryer sheets for much more than just making your house smell nice. These remarkable cloths are excellent for dusting because they’re designed to collect the small dust particles from your clothes hence they yield great results in cleaning dusty, dirty corners.

  1. Toilet Paper Rolldryer-sheet-toilet-paper 

The ultimate proof for the effectiveness of these little sheets is how fresh they can make your toilet smell. This can be the smelliest area in your home and if you run out of air fresheners dryer sheets can prove to be an excellent back up plan. Place a few of them on an empty toilet paper holder before putting the roll on. Every time you pull from the roll a wave of freshness will come your way.

  1. Closet Freshenerdryer-sheet-towels

Even though this is their intended purpose you should know that dryer sheets can make your clothes keep smelling fresh long after you take them out of the dryer. Place a few sheets between the towels or hang a few in the back of your closet. It will keep them from smelling musty and they’ll stay fresh for much longer.

Is there any other use you can think of? Do you use them for something else? Share your thoughts in the comments below and freshen up someone’s day!


The post 7 Ways to Freshen Your House Using Dryer Sheets appeared first on Healthy Food Team.

This Little Weed Is One of the Most Useful Medicines On The Planet

Although most people try to remove this weed from their lawns, it’s actually one of the most health beneficial plants on Earth.  It’s plantain, which appears in over 200 varieties, all of which have the same medicinal properties. The most popular ones are Lance and Broadleaf.

Plantain generally thrives in poor, rocky soil, such as driveways, often together with dandelion. It’s also found in gravel pits and construction sites; this is just a way nature finds a way to regenerate itself.

In the 1600s it was first introduced in North America in the 1600s.


Health Benefits

One of the widely known uses of plantain is to relieve mosquito bites. The plant has potent astringent properties, which draw toxins from the body. The method includes crushing plantain first then using is as a poultice directly on bee stings, bug bites, acne, slivers, glass splinters, or rashes. Next, bandage the area to secure the poultice and let it act for 4-12 hours.

Another way to use this amazing herb is to make a balm for emergency kits, or an infusion for skin or general wash. It’s extremely beneficial for treatment of hemorrhoids.

Another benefit that comes with plantain is its healing effect on the digestive system, especially one that has been damaged by antibiotics, anti-inflammatory or pain medications, food allergies, or Celiac disease. You can use both the leaves and seeds to treat digestive system problems. You can steep the leaves to make tea, add them to soups, or dry and use as food seasoning. As for the seeds, you can grind or soak them. Soaking is especially beneficial for bulk mucilage or absorbable fiber, which stimulates weight loss when consumed before meals.

Plantain infusion can do wonders for lung problems, coughs, and colds because it’s a gentle expectorant and high in silica.

All in all, plantain provides a wide range of healing properties, from menstrual issues, digestive disorders, to nearly all skin conditions, and even arthritis. It can be used in a number of ways – in salads, in stir-fries or it can be chewed to ease thirst. In all cases, it provides long-term health benefits.


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10 Signs That You Don’t Drink Enough Water

All of us know that the human body is mostly composed of water and that we need water so as to survive. The kidneys and the muscles are composed of 73% water, the lungs are 90% water, the blood is 83% water and the brain is 76% water. We lose water every day through urinating, while we breathe and when we sweat.


Most people are advised to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Generally, men need to drink 12 cups or 3 liters a day, while women 9 cups or 2.2 liters a day. Not drinking the recommended dosage can cause mild dehydration which can manifest itself in a number of symptoms.

10 Signs That You Need to Drink More Water

  1. The Color Of Your Urine is Dark Yellow

This is usually the first sign that you need to drink more water. Normally, the urine needs to be light yellow-amber. If somebody is not consuming the recommended dosage of water, the concentration of waste in the kidneys is higher, and it includes proteins, toxins and dead blood cells which need to be eliminated from the body.

Moreover, the urine can be darker after taking some medications, beets, B-Vitamins, food coloring, asparagus or blackberries. In case you notice that the color of your urine has changed, take in consideration if you have consumed something that would change it. Then, start drinking more water and see if the color changes. In case the color of the urine is darker for a longer time period, it could indicate more serious health issues like gallstones or hepatitis.

  1. The Output of the Urine is Decreased

The majority of people urinate from 6 to 7 times in a period of 24 hours. If there is lack of water there are also less fluids that are eliminated from the body. Moreover, the kidneys try to retain as much water as they can in order to prevent dehydration. In case you don’t urinate more than 6 times a day, increase the consumption of water.

  1. Constipation

Constipation is primarily caused by dehydration, thereby consuming more water can solve this problem. When not completely hydrated, the body makes an attempt to absorb water from anywhere, including the colon. Water is essential for easy-to-pass and soft stools. Normally, when there is not enough water, the stools are harder and pass with difficulty.

In order to treat and prevent constipation, make sure that you drink enough water and also consume more fruits and vegetables. Moreover, constipation can be caused by hypothyroidism, physical inactivity, stress, food sensitivities, dysbiosis and intestinal inflammation.

  1. You Have Defined Wrinkles and Dry Skin

The majority of women use costly moisturizers to maintain their skin smooth and soft. Moreover, some choose to pay a lot of money for procedures in order to eliminate or reduce the wrinkles and the lines. However, the first thing they need to do is drink more water. Dehydration can make the skin sensitive, itching, inflamed and irritated. Moreover, in more serious cases the skin can scale and flake and become very red with bleeds and cracks. Once the skin loses its moisture, the cells start to shrive as well, thus making the wrinkles more defined and the skin older.

  1. Weight Gain and Hunger

The human body is extremely smart, yet it cannot differ hunger from thirst. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain which regulates thirst and hunger. It often gets confused and causes hunger when a person is actually thirsty. Consequently, taking a snack instead of glass of water causes weight gain and more calories,

In case you want to lose weight, you need to make sure that you drink enough water. Provided that you feel hungry, drink a glass of water, then, wait for about 15 minutes. If you are still hungry, then you should eat.

  1. Dry Mouth and Thirst

Feeling thirsty is a sign that you have a mild dehydration. A dry mouth is usually a sign that the mucus membranes in your body are dehydrates. What you need to do is drink water during the entire day.

  1. Headaches

Once the body lacks water, it absorbs water from all tissues so as to compensate. Consequently, the tissues of the brain lose moisture and reduce. Then, the pain receptors are triggered and this causes a headache. If you don’t consume enough water, the volume of the blood drops, and decreases the amount of oxygen that is moved to the brain. Then, the brain’s blood vessels dilate and cause inflammation and swelling, which intensifies the headache.

  1. Fatigue

According to a study from 2011, mild dehydration can lead to low energy, tiredness and fatigue. Once the volume of your blood decreases and you are dehydrated, the heart works harder so as to push nutrients and oxygen through the body. So, when you feel tired next time, drink a glass of water. Avoid drinking coffee, soda, tea because they do not substitute water.

  1. Joint Pain

Water lubricates the joints. If there is lack of water, there is a nutrient deficiency in the joints and that damages the cartilage cells. In case you suffer from chronic dehydration, the cartilage can degenerate beyond repair.

  1. Weak Immune System

When dehydrated, there is an increase in toxins in the blood. This weakens the immune system. Perfect hydration is critical for the immune system.

You Are Thirsty, You Are Not Sick

The majority of people believe that all fluids are hydrating. However, that is not the case since certain beverages like juice, pop and coffee can dehydrate the body due to their content if sugar and caffeine. Dr. Batmanghelidi says that a number of ailments positively respond to increased intake of water. According to this research, joint pain, asthma, cardiovascular disease, obesity, cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and diabetes can be cured by drinking more water.

Source:  The Health Flash

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How to Increase Breast Size Without Gaining Weight

It’s a known fact that when we gain weight our breast size increases as well which is due to the fact that our breasts are comprised of fatty connective tissue, just like the rest of our body. All women have a different body composition, some have denser breasts with less fatty tissue and others have more fatty tissue, which is why all women gain or lose breast weight differently.

Even though gaining weight might be the easiest way to enlarge your breasts without surgery, not everyone wants to put on some pounds just to have a bigger cup size. Is there another natural alternative which could help you do it?

Of course there is, you just need to implement a few lifestyle changes, do some targeted exercises and try some herbal treatments which will get to your goal without putting on weight.how_to_increas_breast_size_without_gaining_weight

 Lifestyle changes

What you eat and how much you exercise plays an important role in your breast size. Exercises are crucial and there are certain breast-targeted ones which if performed regularly can have a big impact.

Some of the most effective exercise routines you should follow regularly are pushups, lifting dumbbells, wall presses and chest presses. These can help you build up muscle in the breast area, enlarge your breasts and keep them firm and perky.

All of these exercises are quite simple and performing them on a daily basis will just take a few minutes of your time but will have amazing effects.

Here’s how you can perform one of the most effective exercise:

Start by adjusting your workout bench to 60 degrees. Then take 2 dumbbells, lie on the bench and rest the dumbbells on your thighs. Next you should bring the dumbbells up to shoulder height, with your palms facing forward. Press them straight up in the air over your chest until they are about 1 inch apart, and then slowly lower them.

What you wear is also very important and the wrong sized bra can make your breast look smaller, baggier and overall less attractive than they really are. Always choose the right bra size and choose some clothes that make your breasts look more appealing, like lower necklines. Posture is important as well, so try improving it to make your chest appear fuller.

Breast Massage: This is an excellent way to improve blood circulation in your breast and improve nutrients absorption into the body. As a result, your breast size will increase as well. For best results, massage your breasts on a daily basis.

Herbal Treatment: Certain herbal methods are famous for their ability to increase the bust size of a woman. Here are the most effective ones:

  • Fenugreek: This amazing herb stimulates the production of prolactin which helps increase breast size.
  • Fennel: This herb and its seeds are rich in flavonoids that enhance the growth of breast tissue cells.
  • Saw Palmetto: This herb controls excess testosterone (testosterone hinders breast development) and thus stimulates breast growth.




The post How to Increase Breast Size Without Gaining Weight appeared first on Healthy Food Team.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Never Ignore These Warning Sings If You Always Have A Bloated Stomach!

Stomach bloating has become an issue with epidemic dimension. Pollution from the environment, stress, various meds and improper diet are some of the reasons that can cause bloated stomach.


There is murmuring and burping in the stomach and it is actually gaseous and full. Bacterial overgrowth in the intestines, too much carbonated drinks, intolerance to some foods, thyroid dysfunctions, hormonal imbalance, irritable bowel syndrome, swallowing extra air, heartburn and reflux and overeating often trigger the stomach bloating.

The stomach can indicate many serious issues if the bloating is chronic, and that is the reason why you should be careful of all the indicators and warnings of these issues.

# Ovarian Cancer

Feeling full faster, pelvic pain and persistent bloating are the symptoms of this type of cancer. People over 50 are the most at risk age group. Genetics, obesity, not giving birth, late age are some other factors of ovarian cancer.

Uterine Cancer

Pain with urinating and intercourse, pelvic pain, vaginal discharge and vaginal bleeding manifest this type of cancer. However, genetics, radiation therapy, tamoxifen and estrogen medications in the absence of progesterone are the most common symptoms of uterine cancer.

# Stomach Cancer

The early stages of this type of cancer have not almost any signs and symptoms, so stomach cancer is very difficult to be diagnosed. Nausea, vomiting, flatulence, indigestion and weight loss are the symptoms in the advanced stages. Nitrites and nitrates from the meat and processed foods are the main reason for this type of cancer.

# Pancreatic Cancer

Jaundice together with bloating can be the sign for this kind of cancer. Pain in the back, abdominal area, appetite loss and weight loss are the other symptoms for the most fatal type of cancer – pancreatic cancer.

# Colon Cancer

Bloating can be also caused if you suffer from colon cancer because it can block the inside of the colon. The bloating is only symptom of this cancer and it is accompanied with bleeding and constipation in its advanced stage.

# Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

This illness can be caused by some STD such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia. When the reproductive organs of the fame get infected, this disease occurs. Pain in the pelvic area, tendonitis, bloating and fever are the most common signs for this issue. Vaginal discharge is also one of the symptoms for this illness which can cause infertility.

# Chron’s Disease

The colon and the small intestines are often affected by this autoimmune disease. The earliest symptom of this issue is bloating and can eventually lead to bowel obstruction, resulting in vomiting, nausea and severe bloating.

# Diverticulitis

An inflammation of the diverticulum in the colon often caused this issue and it is related with constipation, diarrhea, fever, pain in the abdomen and bloating. When the inflammation is over, you have to increase the consumption of fibers.

# Weight loss

It can be a warning of an intestinal tumor if you have not changed your diet or physical activity and lose up to 10% or more of your body weight. The tumors pressing of the intestines make you feel fuller and supper your appetite, thus causing sudden weight loss.

# Bowel Obstruction

If the bloating triggers constipation, nausea and vomiting, it can be a result of bowel obstruction, actually caused by scar tissue and tumors. They press on the bowels and then obstruct them when these start growing. Irregular bowel movements are often caused by this repulsive and painful problem.

# Liver Disease

Cirrhosis of liver disease can cause liver disease which is often caused by liver cancer, heavy drinking, drug overdose and hepatitis. Yellowing of the eyes and skin are also the signs for lover disease.

# Fluid Retention ( Ascites or Edema)

Abdomen and pelvic area are often accumulated with fluids, and this actually causes too much bloating and excess weight loss. Liver disease is one of the most common reason ofthis issue.

# Digestive Problems

People who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders such as ulcerative colitis, celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome have symptoms such as distension, bloating and gas. According to some scientific studies, bloating is actually experienced by 26 and 93 % of the individuals who suffer from IBS, 56% with chronic constipation and 50 % with dyspepsia.

Source: Just Natural Life

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How To Repair Your Kidneys Naturally And Fast – ONE Ingredient Only!

What Is A Kidney Disease?

Kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. They stimulate the production of blood vessels, control blood pressure and keep the balance of minerals and salt in the blood. The amount of fluid and waste products increases and causes vomiting, insomnia, weakness and swelling in the ankles when they are damaged. They can stop working without treatment.

repair your kidneys

Great Reasons To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

  • They produce Vitamin D, crucial for your bone health
  • Stimulate the production of red blood cells
  • They maintain a balance of minerals (phosphorus, potassium sodium) and water in the blood
  • The flush out the waste from the blood after exposure to meds or chemicals, muscle activity and digestion
  • Kidneys regulate your blood pressure

What Is The Main Reason For Kidney Damge?

The consumption of fried fatty foods, sugars and unhealthy foods make your endocrine system work overtime in order to process them. Therefore, your pancreas and kidneys are not able to produce sodium carbonate. The aging process will speed up, the kidneys will be damaged, the organ health will be eroded, without sufficient bicarbonate production.

How To Repair Your Kidneys Naturally?

Baking Soda – (Sodium Bicarbonate) is the only ingredient that will repair your kidneys naturally.

1st Day – Place some baking soda under your tongue and dissolve it.

2nd Day – Make a mixture between 1.5l of distilled water, ½ teaspoon of high quality salt and ½ teaspoon of baking soda.

The next thing you should do is to decrease daily consumption to 1/3 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda.

If you are prone to nausea, do not perform this procedure. The combination between healthy food rich in limited amount of protein, B Complex and Baking Soda will repair your kidneys fast and naturally!

Source: Daily News 24

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Top 10 DRUGS That Cause Kidney Damage: Please SHARE For Information

There are many drugs that can harm your kidneys. However, today we will present you the top 10 kidney damaging meds divided into categories:


# Chemotherapy drugs

Propylthiouracil, quinine, bevacizumab, cisplatin, pamidronate, interferons, tacrolimus, cyclosporine and Mitomycin C, used in the treatment of overactive thyroid.


Tridione (trimethadione), Dilantin (Phenytoin).

# Bipolar disorder meds


# Rheumatoid arthritis meds

Remicade (infliximab), hydroxychloroquine and  chloroquine.

# High blood pressure meds

Capoten (captopril)

# Antiviral Drugs

Indinavir, tenofovir and aciclovyr.

# Heartburn meds

Prevacid (lansoprazole), Nexium (esomeprazole), Rabecid (raberprazol), Protonix (pantoprazole), Prilosec (omeprazole).

# COX-2 inhibitors

Vioxx (rofecoxib ), Bextra (valdecoxib) Celebrex (Celecoxib). These meds are certain kinds of NSAIDs that are damaging the kidneys (meant to be safer for your stomach).

# Analgesics

Nnaproxen, ibuprofen, aspirin and acetaminophen.

# Antibiotics

Methicillin, ciprofloxacin, sulfonamides and Vancomycin.

Source: Home Healthy Recipes

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7 Foods That Contain More Calcium Than Milk

Lactose intolerance has become a major health issue in the 21st century. In fact, dairy consumption has been linked to a range of health problems including allergies. While cutting milk out of your diet may not be a problem, it’s still important to ensure proper calcium intake (milk is high in this essential mineral!).

Aside from milk, there’s a long list of foods that pack high or even higher calcium content than milk.

1. Cheese


Different types of cheeses contain different calcium amounts. Cheddar cheese, one of the most populkar types, is quite high in calcium – it provides 721mg per 100gr. Other varieties of cheese also pack around 500mg-1000mg calcium per 100g.

2. Collard Greens


The best way to eat Collard greens is stir-fried or steamed. Except for calcium, this health-boosting vegetable is also abundant in phenolic compounds that fight cancer and heart disease.

3. Kale


No matter whether used in a morning smoothie or eaten as chips, kale is one of the most beneficial green vegetable you can add to your diet. For one thing, it’s rich in calcium and vitamin K. Plus, it has potent antioxidant properties that protect against prostate and colon cancers.

4. Organic Yogurt


Although a dairy product itself, yogurt is a better dietary option than ultra-processed milk. The best form of calcium from dairy products is obtained from organic yogurt because of the natural fermentation process and the probiotics.

5. Sesame Seeds


A typical addition to Chinese dishes, sesame seeds provide high calcium content. In addition, they’re also a rich source of healthy fats and dietary fiber.

6. Spinach


Apart from providing high calcium content, spinach is a great natural tool for boosting cardiovascular system function and reducing hypertension by improving arterial stiffness owing to its nitrate content. You can add it to your smoothies and salads or simply steam it.

7. Tofu


Low in calories, but high in protein, tofu is also rich in iron, and depending on how it’s manufactured, calcium and magnesium.


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Restore Your Joints, Tendons and Bones Completely and Eliminate the Pain Totally With Just One Ingredient!

Do you have some problems with your tendons, shoulders, limbs, joints and muscles? Don’t worry because we have the right solution for you that will relieve the pain.


There are many expensive and ineffective products on the market. According to many medical experts, the pain actually originates from too much physical activity, irregular posture and previous injury. Today we will present you an extremely effective cure for your pain.

The pain will disappear with only one ingredient. Gelatin the thing that will do the magic!

Make a mixture between w tbsp of gelatin and ¼ cup of cold water into a bowl. Store the resulting mixture in the fridge. After a several hours you will notice that the mixture has a form of a jelly so you can consume it once it is done. Milk, tea or yogurt can be also added instead of water.

The powerful mixture should be consumed for 30 days and then make a break for 6 months. You can eat it again after this period. You will feel the difference in your body after a couple of days.

It acts far more better than many prescribed meds and painkillers because it is absolutely healthy and 100% natural.

This magical ingredient contains peptides and proteins which represent powerful amino acids. They strengthen the tissues in the body and stimulate their growth.

Gelatin strengthens your ligaments, tendons, restores the lost elasticity and boosts your hair and skin structure.

It also boosts the immunity and balances the skin complexion.

Source: Easy Home Treatments

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What You Need To Know Before Switching To Himalayan Pink Salt

The human body depends on sodium or salt for proper function. For instance, it takes part in the absorption of certain nutrients from the GI tract. In addition, sodium is in charge of fluid retention in our blood cells and conveying information in our muscles and nerves. As the human body does not naturally produce salt, it’s vital for us to ensure proper sodium intake for optimal health.

Regular Table Salt

Table salt or sodium chloride is the most commonly used type of salt. It’s produced from natural salt (such as crude oil flake leftovers) when heated to 1200° Fahrenheit. As this product is highly refined, it’s depleted of most of its nutritional value. Plus, it’s laden with other chemical substances such as solo-co-aluminate, sodium bicarbonate, fluoride, anti-caking agents, and toxic amounts of potassium iodide and aluminium derivatives. Unfortunately, table salt is usually fortified with synthetic forms of iodine because the natural form of essential iodine is lost during the production process. This means that not only is table salt unhealthy, but it’s often toxic as well.

The Health Impact Of Table Salt

Table salt has been linked to instant hypertension, which occurs as a result of the blood trying to quickly remove the toxic elements away from the heart. Excessive intake of common table salt can trigger and/or worsen a number of chronic imbalances including diabetes, gout and obesity. It’s particularly harmful for the circulatory system and nervous systems.

Himalayan Pink Salt


Unlike table salt, Himalayan pink salt is unrefined “raw” salt. The unique pink color derives from the amount of minerals it contains, especially iron. A 2001 study conducted by researchers from the University of Graz, Austria found that Himalayan crystal salt possibly improves respiratory, circulatory and nervous system functions. Moreover, this type of salt enhances sleep quality, concentration and brain activity.

The health benefits from Pink Himalayan Salt also derive from traces of the following minerals:

  1. Iodine

Mental retardation, thyroid dysfunction and depression are some serious conditions linked to iodine deficiency. As already mentioned, synthetic Iodine is added to table salt during production.

  1. Magnesium

This mineral is essential for energy production and glycolysis, but also for structural development of bones in the body.

  1. Zinc

Zinc is one of the most important minerals for cellular metabolism. Plus, it ensures normal growth and development during pregnancy and supports proper function of the body’s defence system.

  1. Iron

Iron is vital for blood production, but, it also helps to maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails.

  1. Calcium

This mineral is in charge of healthy teeth and bones.

  1. Potassium

Potassium keeps blood pressure under control and reduces the effects of sodium.

  1. Copper

Copper takes part in energy production and iron absorption.

  1. Manganese

This mineral reduces PMS symptoms and protects against seizures.

  1. Sulfur

Sulfur is beneficial for treatment of skin disorders and arthritis.

  1. Chromium

Chromium takes part in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism.


The post What You Need To Know Before Switching To Himalayan Pink Salt appeared first on Healthy Food Team.