Monday 23 January 2017

Clean Your Colon, Remove Fat From The Liver And Return Your Vision With This Plant!

We should always put our health before anything else. Our body functions and organs deteriorate over time, leading to many health issues such as colon obstruction and loss of vision. Numerous health disorders can be caused by too much fat in the liver. Surprisingly, there is a natural miracle that can help you in the fight against these problems – beetroot.


This reddish vegetable has ton of health benefits, such as, helping you regain your eyesight, preventing solon obstruction and cleaning fat from the liver. However, it does not stop there!

Beneficial Effects of Beetroot

This veggie provides your body with enough energy for the whole day, reinforces the cardiovascular system and improves your blood circulations.

The presence of tryptophan and betaine help in the fight against stress and calm down the nerves. The high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties improve your overall health and fight free radicals. Here is an amazing recipe that can will wonders to your health:


  • Salt to taste
  • Vinegar
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 onions
  • 2-3 beets


Wash, peel and cook the beets in water with a pinch of salt. Chop the onions and beets in small slices and then add the some salt, vinegar and olive oil. Sprinkle it with some vinaigrette and consume it after 1 hour.

This extremely effective salad improves the eyesight and cleanses the colon and liver. We would also advise you to consume this miracle vaggie every single day. Beetroot is highly nutritious and healthy vegetable that can do wonder to your overall health!

Have a nice day and enjoy your body like never before!

Via Way To Steal Health

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