Monday 25 July 2016

You Have to Know These 17 Crucial Facts About Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

HPV or human papilloma virus is one of the most usual STIs. Approximately 80% of women and 50% of men is to have this virus by the time they reach 70, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Knowing facts about detection and prevention of this virus will help you minimize the chances of ever developing it.


  1. HPV is a group of more than 170 different viruses, and not just one.
  2. Both males and females can get this virus, even though it is often associated with females.
  3. HPV is really frequent condition and it affects nearly everybody.
  4. It usually affects the genital area, but there could also be warts in the throat. The warts can lead to constant coughing, breathing issues and hoarseness.
  5. HPV might cause cancer in other places apart from the cervix. Sadly, HPV can cause anal, oral and throat cancer.
  6. Proper oral hygiene reduces the risk of HPV. People who do not brush their teeth on a regular basis and who have gum diseases have bigger chances of developing HPV.
  7. HPV is not only spread by sexual intercourse. It can also be caused by anal and oral sex.
  8. Not all HPV types lead to cancer. Those types that cause visible genital warts do not cause cancer.
  9. It may take years to develop HPV after getting it. If your HPV symptoms start all of a sudden, it might be difficult to tell the time of the contraction.
  10. Condoms cannot completely protect a person against HPV. They reduce the chances, but the virus can still spread.
  11. You can protect yourself with the help of vaccines. Both Cervarix and Gardasil can protect from different HPV forms.
  12. Despite the vaccines, you still need to get pap smears. HPV vaccines protect against certain HPV types, but not from all of them. Regular pap smears are important.
  13. Men can get a HPV vaccine as well. Gardasil is effective for boys who are between the ages of 11 and 12.
  14. HPV is usually spread by women. Researchers do not know the reason for this, but the chances of getting infected by a female are bigger.
  15. Smoking increases the risk of developing cancer. It weakens the immune system and increases the chances of developing HPV-related cancers.
  16. HPV vaccines are more efficient if taken at a younger age. Because the vaccine is not a treatment for HPV, it is for the best to get it prior to becoming physically active.
  17. Taking even one dosage of HPV vaccine is beneficial. However, three dosages offer the best protection.

Having knowledge of the fact about HPV can help you protect yourself and your partner. In case you already have HPV, doing tests on a regular basis can help you detect any issues before they become more serious. Finally, getting the HPV vaccine at younger age is the best way to prevent HPV.

Source: Health

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