Thursday, 6 October 2016

Vitamin B17 as a Possible Treatment for Cancer. Unfortunately, It Is Not Legal in the U.S.!

Have you ever heard of vitamin B17? The answer is probably no, but this vitamin can be found in berries, nuts, sprouts, leafy greens, tubers. Moreover, it is especially abundant in the pits of certain fruits like cherry, peach and apricot. There are several reason that you are unfamiliar with this vitamin. For starters, it is not legal in the States.

Amygdalin is an active ingredient of vitamin B17. Laetrile is its synthetic form. Laetrile was banned by the FDA in 1980, but until then it was used as a cancer treatment. The reason it got banned was that it contains cyanide, a known poison.

The Controversy about B17

Laetrile was a subject of great interest prior its ban in the 1970s. Ralph Moss was the Assistant Director of Public Affairs at the time. Since then, he has become a lecturer and vocal author on alternative cancer treatments.

He recalls that soon after he started working at Sloan Kettering, he visited Kanematsu Sugiura, who was an elderly Japanese scientist. Moss says the ne was astonished to hear that Sugiura had been working on Laetrile because during those times, B17 was the most controversial thing and had a reputation of a possible cure for cancer. Moss remembers that the people working in Public Affairs had been giving out statements that B17 was worthless, that people should not use it. However, Moss was shocked when Sagiura told him that Laterile was extremely effective in preventing cancer spread. Public Affairs were aware of this fact, yet they still continued with their statements.

Dr. Moss’ revelation raised controversy and expanded furthermore to include the natural form of amygdalin. Dr. Moss soon got fired because of his statement, and it was now clear that the medical community was suppressing research for natural cancer treatments.

Moreover, more researchers have come to the same conclusion about Laetrile. G. Edward Griffin, who is an advocate for natural treatments for cancer, film maker and an author said that every study about Laetrile have been made less valuable with the same kind of complete deception, bias and scientific ineptitude.

B17 Science

Cyanide is an active compound of amygdalin and it has the same from of a cyanogenic glucoside. It is water-soluble compound which is found in plants and part of the nitriloside family. Scientists have studies this compound and had discovered that it prevents the growth of cancer cells and kills prostate, breast and kidney cancer cells. Glucosidase is an enzyme which is present in cancer cells, 3.000 times more than in healthy cells.

Once nitriloside contacts this enzyme, the nitriloside is broken down into benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide. The cells are killed by the cyanide.

Amygdalin is only toxic to abnormal cells, and it does not harm healthy ones.

We constantly consume foods which contain amygdalin, so small amount of cyanide are not dangerous.

Bitter almonds are abundant in amygdalin. However, the trees from which the almonds grow are not legal in the States, despite the fact that the seeds are used for making essential oil extracts.

Furthermore, sweet almonds also contain amygdalin in high amounts. Obviously, it is illegal to sell them raw in the States.

Moreover, the USDA asked that all almonds which are grown in the States to be pasteurized. However, pasteurization reduces the vitamin E content, and destroys valuable enzymes and phytonutrients.

Apricots’ seeds have the highest content of B17. These seeds are safely eaten and sold for their health benefits in a number of countries.

In case you want to use apricot seeds as a treatment or cancer preventive, you better start stocking them, before apricots trees are made illegal as well.

The second reason is that it kills cancer.

Because of the fact that B17 is banned in the States and still very controversial, there are not much money for further research.

In his book, Griffin states that people need to understand that in most cases, the government is the problem, and not the solution. People are terribly mistaken if they think that the government is going to protect them.

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