Sunday 2 October 2016

USDA Approves Shipping Chicken from The USA to China for Cheap Processing and Then Re-Entering USA for Human Consumption!

The U.S. Department of Agriculture approved four chicken processing plants in China recently, and by doing this it became possible for chicken to be raised and slaughtered in the USA, exported to China for processing and then sent back to the States, where it is sold in grocery stores. Moreover, this imported chicken is not going to have label which states its country of origin.

Food safety experts are worried about the quality of this chicken because it is being processed in a country notorious for food-borne illnesses and avian influenza. Furthermore, the experts believed that China is going to seek to extend the export rules so that they are allowed to raise chicken in China.

In economic terms it doesn’t make much sense, according to Tom Super, who is a spokesperson for the National Chicken Council. He says that a Chinese company is going to have to buy the frozen chicken in the States, ship it for 7,000 miles, which costs a lot, then send the chicken to a processing plant, open it, cut it, cook it or process it, freeze it again, pack it again, send it to a port and the re-ship it to the States. This really doesn’t make any sense.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, American poultry processors receive around $11 per hour. However, in China the processors earn $1 or $2 per hour. This is significantly less money and it casts doubt on the economic feasibility.

This process has been used in the States in the past for seafood. Nevertheless, Seattle Timesclaims that Dungeness crab and domestically caught Pacific salmon are being processed in China these days and they are shipped back to the USA.

Charles Bundrant says that there are 36 pin bones in the salmon and removing them by hand is the best way. Removing them costs more in the USA, so the salmon is exported to China, where workers are paid 20 cents.

China has a bad reputation and it is considered the worst foods safety offender in the world. The FDA released a report earlier this year which said that dog treats which were manufactured in China, caused the death of more than 500 dogs.

Food Safety News has an intention to spread awareness and this agreement and to stop this chicken from ever reaching school lunchrooms and supermarkets.


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