Monday, 10 October 2016

1 Pinch Of This Magical Ingredient In Lemon Water Will Vanish Your Migraines And Headaches

Headaches and migraines are a very common issue and when they start they can be excruciatingly painful. The can ruin your day, from morning till evening and make your every movement hurt to the core. If you’re among those who suffer from this issue regularly know that you’re not alone and know that there is a solution to your problem.1-pinch-of-this-magical-ingredient-in-lemon-water-will-vanish-your-migraines-and-headaches

Every time that migraine start you probably reach out for the Advil, Tylenol or any other painkiller you have at hand and put an end to your suffering. Some do the trick, others not so much but in both cases these painkillers can be bad for you on the long run. You can become addicted and even overdose, which can have fatal consequences. You should know that this isn’t the only way to ease the pain and discomfort and we’ll tell you exactly what to do instead.

Nature has the answer to everything and headaches and migraines aren’t an exception. All you have to do is add 1 pinch of this magical ingredient in your morning glass of lemon water and your pain will disappear in an instant. The remedy we’re suggesting is so powerful and easy to make that you’ll start making it every day and loving every sip of it.


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 whole juiced lemon
  • 2 tbsp Himalayan sea salt

This amazing drink is loaded with all the essential nutrients your body needs to fight your migraine and headaches.  It will hydrates and detox your body in the process as well and you’ll feel better overall.

Check this video out and find out how you can prepare it:


The post 1 Pinch Of This Magical Ingredient In Lemon Water Will Vanish Your Migraines And Headaches appeared first on Healthy Food Team.

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