Friday 14 October 2016

The Baking Soda Cancer Treatment is Too Effective and Too Cheap So Oncologist Do Not Recommend It!

Cancer treatments based on baking soda can cure even the most advanced cancers which have metastasized. However, chemotherapy is the only treatment that oncologist suggest.

Unfortunately, 90% of all cancer patient undergo chemo without even trying some of the natural treatments which are less invasive.

Chemotherapy brings a lot of profit to both doctors and pharmaceutical corporations. Nevertheless, profits is not the only reason chemo continues to be used. However, we must say that effectiveness is not one of them.

Actually, chemo does the complete opposite of what it is intended to do. It stimulates cancer growth and increases the mortality rates. It may come as a shock to you, but oncologist are already familiar with this fact.

The National Institutes of Health, which studied the effectiveness of baking soda as a breast cancer treatment, granted $2 million to Dr. Mark Pagel, who is a member of the University Arizona Cancer Center.

This grant is a strong indication that the medical community knew that there was a connection between cancer treatment and sodium bicarbonate. To add, sodium bicarbonate is used in emergency rooms for saving people’s lives.

According to studies, balancing the bicarbonate levels with diet can be helpful in promoting the pH levels of acidic tumors, sans having an effect on the pH levels of the blood and healthy tissues.

Moreover, according to some animal studies, oral consumption of sodium bicarbonate increases the tumor alkalinity and it impedes metastasis.

Dr. Julian Whitaker is only one of some well-known doctors who endorsed baking soda as powerful cancer treatment. Baking soda is safe for our health and the human body accepts it. Whitaker protocol is the name of the treatment which includes combination of 2 cups of water and 12 grams of baking soda. Adding low-calories sweetener is also allowed, this solution needs to be drank slowly over 1.2 hours. You need to consume it 3 times on a daily basis.

Certain studies suggest that when baking soda is consumed together with water solution rich in magnesium, or when it is used in medicinal baths, it can act as primary cancer treatment. Moreover, it is also beneficial for kidney disease, diabetes, influenza, and the common cold.

Furthermore, it protects from radiation.

All About Baking Soda

Almost everybody knows how baking soda looks like. Moreover, it has various names like cooking soda, soda bicarbonate, and bread soda. However, its chemical name is sodium hydrogen carbonate or sodium bicarbonate.

To be more precise, baking soda is used for baking and dissolving in mineral water. It raises the baked goods, or in other words, causes expansion.

Furthermore, it can make meat tender and can soften the vegetables. Furthermore, it is used as a toothpaste and for cleaning purposes, and also as personal hygiene product in deodorants and shampoos.

Baking Soda Maintains the pH levels in This Way!

Cleansing and overall health mainly depend on the pH levels of the bodily tissues and fluids. The perfect pH level ranges between 7.35 and 7.45. Therefore, succeeding in maintaining this pH level will help your body to fight chronic illnesses like the cold and the flu, and even cancer.

Baking soda helps you increase the alkalinity of your body. Actually, Jon Barron gave a great perspective on pH levels and this shows the numerous advantages of using alkaline water:

  • Alkaline water raises the amount of oxygen
  • Alkaline water is able to fight cancer

Baking Soda as a Cure for Cancer

Malignant tumors are made of mass of fast growing cells which point to a high rate of cellular metabolism. Furthermore. It actually means that cancer cells use high levels of carbs and sugar for producing energy as Adenosine Triphosphate.

On the contrary, certain chemicals are produced throughout this energy production called lactic and pyruvic acid. If the body is healthy, these chemicals get used or eliminated instantly. However, if the body is unhealthy, then these acids are going to accumulate in the area surrounding the tumors.

The metastasis in these tumors is primarily triggered by high amount of extra-cellular activity in the tissues which are near the tumors. So, cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment.

Sodium bicarbonate is all you need to regulate the acidity in your body.

What is important is that the baking soda needs to be delivered in the vicinity of the tumor. Moreover, it needs to be close enough so that it increases the pH levels in the environment which surrounds the tumor.

So, injecting sodium bicarbonate into the tumor directly is better than taking it orally.

According to a cancer research from 2009, sodium bicarbonate stops cancer because of its alkaline property. Namely, when it was injected into the mice, the scientists were able to find the impact of the elevating levels of pH on the expansion and growth of the tumor. The scientist discovered that sodium bicarbonate increases the pH levels, but it reduces the spontaneous metastases in the mice with breast cancer.

From this study, it was discovered:

  • The effects of lymph nodes in the transportation of cancer cells was minimized
  • The circulating cancer cell level was not lowered
  • It reduced the role of the liver, thereby preventing the expansion of tumor cells to other organs and body parts
  • It halted the tumor cells circulation which slowed down and prevented colonization of other organs

Use Baking Soda for Treating Cancer in This Way

You can prepare natural baking soda remedy for cancer with the help of molasses, maple syrup, honey and baking soda.

Dr. Sircus records the way one of his patient uses molasses and baking soda as a treatment for prostate cancer, which had metastasizes in the bones.

His patient used the following treatment:

  • A mixture of 1 teaspoon of molasses, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 cup of water.
  • The pH level of his saliva was 7.0 on the fourth day and the pH level of his urine was 7.5.
  • The patient drank from the mixture twice a day during the fifth day.
  • The patient increased the dosage from the sixth to the tenth day. He used 2 teaspoons of molasses and 2 of baking soda.
  • On the tenth day of drinking this mixture, the pH level of the patient was 8.5 and he had certain side-effects like headaches and night sweat. These side effects occur in cesium therapy as well.
  • On the eleventh day, the patient had several medical tests including bone scan made.

The doctors found out that the level of the prostate specific antigen had reduced from 22.3 to 0.1. PSA is protein which determines the severity of the prostate cancer and how big it is.

Moreover, mixing 90 teaspoons of maple syrup and 30 teaspoons of baking soda is another powerful treatment for cancer.

In order to prepare this, heat the syrup and then add the sodium bicarbonate. Stir for approximately 5 minutes till it is dissolved. This remedy should last for approximately 10 days. You need to consume from 5 to 7 teaspoons every day.

Note: make sure not to raise your pH levels, since they should not be very high. Very high pH levels can cause certain conditions like metabolic alkalosis and electrolyte imbalance. Moreover, they can trigger edema, which can have harmful effects on the heart and the blood pressure.


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