Tuesday 4 October 2016

12 Signs That Your Overloaded Liver is Messing With Your Hormones!

The liver plays a crucial role in the functioning of the human body, and detoxification is the most important. The liver is under constant stress, so it can become stagnated and overworked very easily. If this occurs, the body is not able to function properly, thus causing a number of symptoms and signs. In case you are afflicted with hormonal or digestive problems, your liver could be overloaded. When the liver becomes sick and overloaded, you can restore its health with the help of natural methods.

The detoxification process leads to an overloaded liver. The liver is responsible for detoxifying the body from broken down hormones and cells, cellular waste, metabolic by-products and toxic foreign substances. Waste gets eliminated from the body through the bowels and gallbladder, or the kidneys and the blood.

Hormones, estrogen in particular, can cause the liver to become overloaded. Once the liver pathway which produce estrogen or sulfation stagnate, estrogen starts accumulating in the body. Hormonal imbalance occurs when natural estrogens mix with the synthetic ones from plastics, perfumes and chemicals.


12 Signs of an Overloaded Liver

  1. Digestive issues like intolerance to fatty foods and alcohol, reflux and indigestion, bloating and gas, hemorrhoids and chronic constipation.
  2. Pain below the right shoulder blade. This indicates enlargement of the gallbladder. Other symptoms are vomiting, nausea, tenderness, abdominal pain, fever, particularly in the right upper quadrant.
  3. Liver which is enlarged can cause pain below the right rib cage. In case you cannot squeeze the fingers below your right rib cage, the chances that your liver is enlarged are big. Other signs are sudden weight loss, poor appetite, muscle aches, fatigue, pain in the upper right abdomen and jaundice.
  4. Allergies
  5. Gallstones
  6. Blood sugar problems like diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia
  7. Severe sensitivity to chemicals
  8. Hormonal problems like dysmenorrhea, PMS, PCOS, menopausal symptoms, ovarian cysts and endometriosis. There can be hormonal imbalance due to the estrogen accumulation.
  9. Rashes, blemishes, jaundice and more skin conditions
  10. Bad breath
  11. Chronic fatigue and dark circles underneath the eyes
  12. Strong body odor

Sulfur for an Overloaded Liver

Sulfur can be of great help for overloaded liver. It promotes the sulfation pathway of the liver, thereby balances hormones like estrogen.

Sulfur can be found in amino acids like glutathione, taurine, methionine and N-Acetyl-cysteine. They open a number of liver pathways so that the liver can eliminate waste and unwanted compounds.

Eat These Foods

A number of foods are rich in sulfur. Brassica vegetables like kale, cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, turnip, collards, Brussels sprouts and rutabaga are all abundant in sulfur. Moreover, sulfur can be found in beets, flax, eggs, garlic and onions as well.

Herbs which are rich in sulfur are able to cleanse a liver which is overloaded. Such herbs are chanca piedra, artichoke, and turmeric and milk thistle. These herbs rejuvenate and detoxify the liver. Furthermore, milk thistle is proven liver protector. It is known for its ability to fight inflammation and cancer. Nevertheless, for optimal absorption, turmeric should be taken with piperine or black pepper. Chanca piedra is called the stone crusher due to the effect it has on gallstones. Herbs can be consumed as tea, tincture or pills.

Natural Supplements

Natural supplements which can be helpful are omega 3 oils, magnesium, zinc, B-complex and vitamin C.

Some nutrients are designed with the sole purpose of promoting estrogen metabolism. The nutrients of this kind have to be taken together. Such nutrients are DIM (diindolymethane) and indole-3-carbinol (I-3-C), probiotics, fiber and calcium-d-glucorate. DIM and I-3-C are extracts from brassica vegetables.

Fiber helps the estrogen in the colon to bind and stops its reabsorption in the body. Calcium-d-glucorate stop dangerous bacteria from transforming bound estrogen to unbound estrogen.

Source: mywaytohealthylife.com

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