Monday, 31 October 2016

Just One Glass of This Drink Will Clear Your Body of All Toxins

Toxins build up permanently in our body. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we need to flush them out. The beverage that we will present you today will remove all the waste and toxins from the system, stopping viruses and bacteria reaching deep into the body and keeping you healthy.


The presence of these things into your body can cause different health disorders such as fatigue, colds, bacteria, infections and many more.

This powerful beverage will detox your whole body and the positive outcome will be visible instantly. This miracle also boosts the energy levels and promotes healthy digestion.

Ginger, Lemon and Apple Juice


  • A lemon
  • 3 tsp grated ginger
  • 4 apples
  • A glass of water


Peel and place the lemon together with the other ingredients in a blender and mix well until you get homogenous mixture.


It is very important to consume the beverage every day when you wake up on an empty stomach.


This miracle drink is rich in Vitamin A,B and C. Lemons and apples are full of flavanoids and antioxidants and have anti cancer properties. It is proven to be extremely beneficial for the digestion, bile and liver. The juice removes the mucus from the body, where the apples improve the cardiovascular health and lemons dissolve kidney stones. Ginger improves the circulation in the whole body and fights cold, motion sickness, nausea and upset stomach.

Consume this miracle drink and feel the difference in your body.

Please share this article if you find it useful. Thank You!

Source: Healthy Life Byte

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This Miracle Drink Cures Diabetes In Just 5 Days! Even The Doctors Are Amazed!

A man has been diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure 5 years ago. He had to take many medications and oils to treat this issue. Moreover, he started consuming raw fruits and vegetables and decided to cure himself totally naturally. He finally succeeded in the restoration of his overall health.


At the beginning of the illness, he started feeling thirsty and then visited his doctor.

Unfortunately, he was in a dangerous shock. His sugar level was 29 so the doctor believed that his pancreas does not function. In order to stay alive, he had to take insulin and other prescribed therapies permanently.

After a couple of months, his condition became worse. His blood pressure was 150/100 and triglyceride levels elevated to 16.

The man decided to finally solve these issues and turn entirely new page in his life by changing the diet. He bought a blender and started his journey.

As we already mentioned above, he switched to raw foods, he experienced certain temptations during the first weeks, but he easily overcame them and the positive effects were visible where his blood sugar levels fell to 5.

The results were unbelievable where he also stopped taking insulin. The new diet regimen did not elevate the sugar levels. He started losing weight and his blood sugar levels remained stable.

This young man lost 11 kg in just 25 days. He was a completely new person after 4 months where the triglyceride levels were 1.4, his blood pressure was 120/70 and had 20 kg less. He felt incredibly satisfied, happy and healthy. The boy no longer used any meds.

Today we will present you his favorite recipe:

  • A handful of kale
  • 2 kiwis
  • 2 apples
  • 5 bananas


Place all the ingredients in a bowl and then pour 1 liter of water over them.


Consume 500 ml (half a liter) of this miracle beverage in the morning and then drink the rest of the juice during the entire day.

More Tips:

You should constantly consume fresh salads, fruits, tuna because they are rich in Vitamin B12, extremely beneficial for the whole body.

Source: Top Healthy Advices

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What Happens To Your Health When You Drink Ginger Juice In The Morning?

Ginger is one of the healthiest plants of the planet. It has been for different diseases and is often used to make a tea. Gingerol – the active compound in this root has a very recognizable taste with pungent, earthy, zesty and warm flavor.


Health Benefits

More than 12 types of antioxidants are consisted in this plant – making it perfect for the treatment of various issues.

Due to the presence of aphrodisiac properties, ginger is also used for medicinal properties.

It is rich in panthotenic acid, silicon, manganese, folate, inositol, vitamin C, choline, phosphorus, iron, protein, calcium, essential oils and vitamin B3.


  • A small lemon
  • A litre water
  • 80 g icing sugar
  • 200 g fresh ginger


-        Chop the ginger and then peel it into chunks

-        Slice of the peel of the lemon 0 the white pith should be removed

-        Place the lemon and ginger in food processor and mix well

-        Make a mixture between the water, ginger and lemon in a large bowl.

-        Cover it, let it stay for a few hours or let it overnight

-        Use a fine mesh sieve to strain and then extract all the juice by using the back of a spoon.

-        Put the icing sugar and then mix until it dissolves

-        Transfer in a bottle and then store it in the refrigerator.

Beneficial Effects of Ginger Juice

1.Reduce Menstrual Pain

The latest study has proved that the consumption of 1 g of ginger powder per day for the first 3 days of menstrual period, significantly reduce the pain. It is effective as mefenamic acid and ibuprofen.

2.Lowers Blood Pressure

It acts as a blood thinner and reduces blood pressure. Consume a ginger juice with a few drops of honey

3.Protect Against Alzheimer

Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress accelerate the aging process. It is believed to be the keys of Alzheimer’s diseases and age-related cognitive decline.

The latest research which included 60 middle aged women has shown that ginger helps in reaction time and improving working memory.

4.Prevent Cancer

This juice reduces the risk of cancer and also improves the result if you already have it. Many studies have proved that ginger inhibits growth of stomach, ovarian and colon cancer (lab tests).

5.Pain Killer

Even when applied externally, ginger juice acts as strong pain killer. Apply some ginger juice to your forehead if you have headaches. You can also apply it to the external area, cheek or jaw area for toothache.

6.Lower Cholesterol Levels

Bad cholesterol or high levels of LDL are related to increased risk of heart issues. The type of food you consume has strong impact on your LDL levels.

A study has proved that 3 g of ginger power have significant reductions in LDL.

7.Improved Digestion

The presence of proteolytic and zingibain enzyme in ginger break down proteins and thus improving your digestion. It also increases the secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach and neutralizes stomach acid.

8.Improved Circulation

By expanding the blood vessels, ginger improves blood flow. You can freely replace the aspirin with ginger because it prevents blood platelets in sticking together, the same way that this drug does


The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in ginger relieve different inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout and osteoarthritis. It is also excellent against morning stiffness and swelling.

Source: 1m Health Tips

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Detox Your Organs And Lose Fat Fast With This Simple Fat Flushing Water Infusion

We are all concerned with being healthy, losing weight and living life to the fullest. Unfortunately, bad food tempting, water and air qualities and dynamic lifestyle make it really difficult and almost impossible.


Toxins build up in our organs, mostly in our liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. The excess fat in our bodies puts us at risk and makes our heart work harder.

Water is one of the most powerful ingredients that flushes out toxins and waste from the human body. We can make the water even potent by adding some things to it. It’s absolutely unbelievable how much more strong you can make your water.

The remedy that we will present you today will make radical changes to your health:


  • Hot sauce (for taste)
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 2 tbsp of grated ginger
  • ½ of lemon
  • A cup of low sodium tomato juice


Make e mixture between the tomato juice and ginger. Add the hot sauce or a little bit of pepper because spice stuff significantly helps in the process of weight loss.

In the end, garnish with celery. It should be eaten. Drink a big glass of water once you have consumed the natural detox drink.

The consumption of this powerful beverage will burn the excess fat in your body, detox your organs and remove the waste toxins from your body.

Repeat this procedure 3 times per day for optimal results!

Source: Simple Organic Life

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Sunday, 30 October 2016

Make Your Own Bone Broth In This Way and Soothe Leaky Gut Syndrome!

Bone broth is a highly nutritious food, and people who are afflicted with skin issues and allergies should eat it. People from different cultures have been relying on bone broth for hundreds of years due to its nutritional value and its capability to prevent the leaky gut symptoms.

What is Bone Broth?

Bone broth is a broth which is made by using leftover bones and other ingredients for better flavor. In order to prepare this, you need to boil the bones so as to extract the beneficial nutrients which are found in the bone marrow and in the fat, muscle or meat that is still found on the bone.

Apart from being excellent for your health, bone broth is also cost-effective. Continue reading and find out more about the benefits of bone broth and learn how to prepare it yourself.

The Reason Bone Broth is Recommended for You

Bone broth is most probably the best solution for leaky gut syndrome, it prevents food allergies and intolerances and boost the immune system. Moreover, it protect the lining of the gut, strengthens the metabolism and provides the cells which are inside the small intestine with metabolic fuel.

In case you want to lose weight, improve your health or gain muscle, you need to consume one serving of broth on a daily basis. There are certain people who use bone broth for detox. Bone broth consumption aids your digestive system and at the same time detoxes your liver and gut.

Apart from healing the digestive system, bone broth also stimulates the absorption of nutrients. It contains minerals like silicon, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium which are easily absorbed by the body. Some of these compounds can help you deal with arthritis pain and inflammation.

Furthermore, bone broth is an abundant source of collagen, which is a protein that is found in tissue, and especially in cartilage, ligaments, tendons, marrow and bone tissue. The collagen gets extracted when boiling the bones and it becomes gelatin.

Gelatin is effective in preventing food allergies and also prevents irritable bowel syndrome. Moreover, it minimizes the appearance of cellulite and wrinkles.

Make Your Own Bone Broth Like This

There are various ways of preparing bone broth, but according to research, the best way is by combining it with fresh vegetables. These ingredients complement each other and promote the amount of nutrients.

Additionally, you need to use bones from animals that are free of hormones and antibiotics and that have been grass-fed or pasture-fed.

Cooking Suggestions

  1. Take a large pot and put the bones in it. Then, fill the pot with water and put two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. By doing this, you will help to extract the nutrients. Keep in mind that you need to leave enough room in the pot so that the water can boil.
  2. When the broth is brought to boiling point, reduce the heat and leave it simmer for six hours at the minimum. Chicken bones can simmer for up to 24 hours and beef bones to up to 48 hours.
  3. Check the broth every couple of hours and remove the layer which develops on the surface. Use different types of food. You can use green vegetables, garlic, onions and carrots.
  4. Once the broth is cooled, strain it and put it in jars and store it in the fridge.
  5. You need to warm the broth before using it, but you mustn’t use a microwave for warming it.


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Eating Honey and Garlic on an Empty Stomach for a Week Will Do This to Your Body!

Garlic has become quite popular nowadays, and the number of items with garlic favor, like salad dressings, pretzels, meat, poultry, chips and bread is quite big.

However, his phenomenon is not something recent, since garlic has been celebrated for his amazing benefits since ancient times. Ancient people valued garlic and understood its incredible health benefits, even though they never contacted each other. Ancient Egyptians used garlic for increasing productivity, strength, insect infestation and circulatory ailments. In the Talmud, which is a Jewish text from the second century, it is said that turmeric was prescribed for treating parasites and other conditions. Soldiers in ancient Greece consumed garlic to protect their skin from poison and also to increase their courage. Ancient Romans believed that it promotes their cardiovascular health, it soothes joint disease, and improves gastrointestinal disorders. In China and Japan it was used as a treatment for respiratory and digestion issues. Furthermore, garlic was also used in ancient India, during the Middle Ages, the Renaissance period and Early America.

Garlic and Its Proven Health Benefits

Science has done its research and has proven that garlic is a superstar when it comes to healing and health. It has the following properties:

  • Prevents heart attacks
  • Prevents atherosclerosis
  • Reduces blood pressure levels
  • Prevents coronary heart disease
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Soothes hay fever and cold symptoms
  • Heals bug bites
  • Strengthens the immunity
  • Eliminates toxins
  • Traveler’s diarrheas
  • Powerful treatment for fungal infections

Moreover, it is also effective for the following conditions:

  • Enlarged prostate
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Diabetes

If garlic is combined with onion and ginger, it can detoxify the body following a chemotherapy.

Furthermore, read about how to properly eat garlic and enjoy all of its health benefits.

Honey and Garlic Recipe

Garlic is the most powerful in its raw form because allicin, which is its active compound is decentralized by heat. What you need to do is crush and then chop the cloves, leave it for 15 minutes and incorporate it in your food. You improve its bioavailability by crushing it, so in case you don’t own a garlic press, it is time to buy one.

This recipe should be consumed on an empty stomach, because when you are feeling satiated, the system will not be able to absorb all the critical nutrients. This needs to be consumed on a regular basis so that you can promote your immunity and achieve perfect health.


  • Honey- 1 tablespoon
  • Garlic cloves- 2 to 3 (they need to be shopped finely)

All you need to do is mix these ingredients and take this on a daily basis for improving your energy levels.

Garlic Flu Tonic Recipe

In case you are struggling with the flu or the common cold, and you need something to strengthen your immunity, this recipe is ideal.


  • Garlic cloves- 5, chopped
  • Ginger- 1 tablespoon, chopped
  • Apple cider vinegar- unfiltered and raw
  • Lemon- 1 juiced
  • Red chili peppers- 2 chopped


All of the ingredients, one by one layer, should be put into a Mason jar of 350 to 500 ml. You need to start with the garlic, then the chili peppers, then the ginger and you should finish with the apple cider vinegar and the lemon juice. When you finish, seal the jar, but make sure there is one centimeter from the rim at the minimum. Put the jar in the pantry and take this mixture on a regular basis till your symptoms have disappeared. Moreover, you can take it for prevention as well.


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Saturday, 29 October 2016

A Challenge of 14 Days to Lose Up to 9 Kilos!

Losing weight requires lots of dedication and effort and it is not something that can be easily achieved. You have probably tried different extreme workout routines, pills, diuretics, laxatives and diets that eventually wear out and harm your health if you are one of those who try to get rid of the excess pounds.


Today we will present you 100% natural recipe that will help you burn up to 9kg in less than 14 days. Moreover, it provides your body with very important nutrients – essential for your overall health and detoxifies your organism.

Once again, this powerful remedy will give you the chance to burn up to 9kg in less than 2 weeks!

The mixture should be consumed at least 45 min before you have breakfast for 14 days (for best results).

1st Day – make a mixture between a cup of plain water, squeezed juice from a lemon and drink it.

2nd Day – make a mixture between ¼ tsp or organic honey and 2 cups of plain water and drink it.

3rd Day – make a mixture between 3 cups of plain water and squeezed juice of 3 lemon.  Add ¼ tsp of honey drink it.

4th Day – combine 4 cups of plain water and squeezed juice of 4 lemons. Add ¼ tsp of honey and drink it.

5th Day – make a mixture between ¼ tsp of honey, juice of 5 lemons and 5 cups of plain water.

6th Day – combine ¼ tsp of honey, squeezed juice of 6 cups and 6 cups of plain water.

7th Day – this time, drink this beverage during the whole day. Make a combination between a tbsp of honey and 10 cups of plain water and juice of 3 lemons.

8th Day – combine ½ tsp of honey, juice of 6 lemons and 6 cups of plain water.

9th Day – combine a tsp of honey, juice of 5 lemons and 5 cups of plain water.

10th Day – make a mixture between ½ tsp of honey, juice of 4 lemons and 4 cups of plain water.

11th Day – combine a ½ tsp of honey, juice of 3 lemons and 3 cups of plain water.

12th Day – combine ½ tsp of honey, juice of 2 lemons and 2 cups of plain water.

13th Day – make a mixture between ½ tsp of honey, juice of 1 lemon and 1 cup of plain water.

14th Day – combine a tbsp of honey, juice of 3 lemons and 3 cups of plain water.

Try to consume this remedy all at once, but you can drink as much as you can and consume the rest later (60 min before your next meal) if you have troubles doing so.

This is one of the most powerful and healthy remedies if you want to detox your entire body and get rid of the extra pounds.

Source: Healthy And Natural House

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The Most Effective Natural Fat Burner: Melts Belly Fat In Less Than Two Weeks

We all know that abdomen is body part that is most difficult to get in shape. Most of the women agree that belly fat never seems to disappear completely no matter how much you sweat or starve.


Surprisingly, you can save your energy, money and time and get desired results in less than 2 weeks if you have the right tool. Today we will present you extremely effective and 100% natural fat burner for stubborn belly fat.


  • 800 ml water
  • A cinnamon stick
  • 3 bay leaves
  • A tsp of green tea

All these ingredients are extremely effective for stimulating fat burning process and boosting your metabolism.


Add the green tea, bay leaves and cinnamon into the boiling water (remove from heat), cover it and let it simmer for 15 min.

Immediately after waking up is the perfect time for your metabolism. It actually plays the most important role in the fat burning process.

This is the way how you ensure that your organism will met fat all day long. Consume the first cup of tea when you wake up on an empty stomach.

The second cup should be taken after your breakfast and the last one before go to sleep.

These 3 cups of far burning beverage will flatten your belly in less than 2 weeks. The fat will start melting from the critical parts of the body and you will start dropping weight. The first results will be visible in just one week.

You should also know that every weight loss plan should be accompanied by moderate physical activity and well balanced diet.

Do not use this treatment if you are breastfeeding or pregnant.

Do not forget to share if you found this article useful. Thanks for your reading!

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Friday, 28 October 2016

Don’t By The Fruit At Any Costs If You Notice This LABEL On It!

We all notice the stickers on the fruits we are actually buying. Many children do not want to consume bananas without sticker on them.

But do you actually know what does it mean and why is the sticker there?


1.If the sticker has 4 digit code beginning with 3 or 4, chemical fertilizers were probably used for the production of that fruit and it is not GMO.

2.The fruit is organic and is cultivated on in a traditional way if the number starts with 9.  Pesticides and fertilizers are not used.

3.5 digit code which actually starts with 8 means that it is GMO product.

Make sure that No. 9 is your chosen food. This is extremely useful information whenever you choose fruit for home.

Most of the people do not know the meaning and are unaware of the codes they notice on the products. So Please Share This Article in order to help them reach this useful info.

Have a nice day and enjoy the pleasures of the world!

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Without Starving And Exercises Only By Eating THIS Food – Lose 14 Pounds In 14 Days!

Buckwheat is one of the most beneficial plants on the planet which should be incorporate in our everyday diet. Many scientific studies have shown that buckwheat has large amounts of healing properties which can help you prevent and treat various medical issues.


This grain is also known as food for the brain because it can significantly improve your memory. You can improve the function of your entire respiratory system by preparing tea with buckwheat flowers. The mixture between flowers and leaves of this plant is extremely beneficial if you suffer from artherosclerosis.

The studies have also shown that buckwheat is absolutely effective in relieving the side effects of excessive mental work, chemotherapy and radiation.

Moreover, it’s especially effective in the treatment of digestive disorders, high blood pressure and cardiovascular conditions.

Buckwheat isn’t cereal and it doesn’t contain gluten

Buckwheat Diet:

It has very low calories count, but high nutrient content. Buckwheat is rich in Vitamins B1, B6 and P, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, amino acids and proteins. According to many experts and nutritionists, this plant is especially useful for people who suffer from liver disease, hypertension and anemia.

The diet that we will present you today lasts for 14 days. Your body will be cleaned of waste and toxins where you will lose 14 pounds.

This powerful plant will help get rid of the excess pounds and appetite easy.


Make mixture between 1.5 cups of boiling water and a cup of buckwheat in a pot. Drain the water and then add one more cup of boiling water. Depending on your appetite, it can be 1, 2 or 3 cups of buckwheat where you will have to increase the amount of water (one cup of buckwheat for every 1.5 cups of water). Cover the resulting mixture and let it overnight.

The mixture should be consumed the next morning without any sauces, salt or spices. You should also drink liter of kefir during that day.

Your desired results will be visible in just 2 weeks.

Have a nice day, get rid of the excess pounds and improve your health like never before!

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Doctors Are Amazed! This Recipe Renews the Knees and Joints!

According to many eminent doctors and experts, the improper body posture is the major reason for back, legs and joints pain. These issues should be treated on time because the can cause even more complications.


Today we will present you one of the most powerful natural remedies that will enhance the structure of your bones, ameliorate their consistency and restore the proper function of your joints and knees.

Here is how to prepare this gelatin treatment:


  • 200 g organic honey
  • 40 g pumpkin seed
  • 4 tbsp sesame seed
  • 8 tsp flaxseed
  • 40 g or 2 tbsp of unflavored gelatin
  • 3 tbsp raisins


Place all the ingredients in a bowl, mix well until you get homogenous texture and then transfer the mixture ina a glass jar.


Consume a tsp of this remedy two times a day, once before your breakfast and once before lunch.

This miracle will stimulate your metabolism, strengthen your joints and bones, enhance the elasticity of the ligaments and tendons and improve your overall health!

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Doctors Are Surprised: THIS Seed Controls Diabetes and Regenerates 100% The Function Of Kidney And Liver!

The seed that we will present you today is known as birdseed or canary seed. This seeds is actually used for feeding birds. However, only a few people know that people can also consume and use this seed. The large amounts of enzymes and amino acids make it perfect for the human body.


The presence of enzyme lipase is excellent for the process of digestion. This powerful enzyme breaks down your fat cells so they can be easily absorbed through the intestines.

The high nutritional value of this enzyme also reduces the symptoms of celiac disease and indigestion. The proteins found in this beneficial seed are easily digested.

According to many nutritionists and experts, the seed is rich in different types of plant proteins. Moreover, canary seed tightens the skin and slows down the aging process.

Enzymes consisted in this seed are powerful natural remedy so the seed significantly control diabetes and regenerates the pancreas. It is also useful in the reduction of swelling of the pancreas, liver and kidneys.

Bird seed is absolutely effective in the treatment of hypertension and the elimination of excess fluids.

It can also help with other health issues such as cellulite, swollen belly, obesity, edema, gout, gastric ulcer and gastritis. By increasing the number of hepatocytes in the liver, it removes cirrhosis.


Place 5 tbsp of this seed in pot of water and let it overnight. Strain the mixture in the morning and put the seed in a blender. You can also add a little fruit or milk (optional) and mix well.

This absolutely powerful mixture is highly energetic and nutritious to start and finish the day. It will do wonders to your overall health.

Please share this article if you found it useful! Thanks for your reading!

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Thursday, 27 October 2016

The Magic Of FAST WEIGHT LOSS In Just One Day!

Most of the people start their days in the mornings with cup of tea or coffee. Today we will present you the most powerful combination that will help get rid of up to 2 kg in just one day.


Despite it will help you lose weight, this beverage will also detoxify your while body.

The drink should be consumed once or the most two times per month. Do not forget to consult your doctor before try this diet if you suffer from chronic disease.


-        2 tbsp of green tea (nor bags)

-        1.5 l low fat milk


-        The first thing you should do is to boil the milk to 70 degrees (C), let it cool down and then add the green tea.

-        Let the mixture stay for 20 min, strain and drink it.

Consume a cup of this drink every two hours during that day. It is also recommended to consume a lot of water during that day.

Have a nice day and enjoy your body like never before!

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Say GOODBYE To Diabetes Forever Without Any Medications And Any Special Effort – Recipe

The organism is not able to produce enough insulin to balance blood sugar levels in case of diabetes. Officially, the cure for diabetes has not been found yet but you can control it and live normal life.


We all know that insulin normalizes blood sugar levels. You should avoid the daily tingling if you are diabetics. Before you go with the insulin, we would advise you to try some natural treatments. You should reduce the amount of insulin if you are already using insulin and stimulate pancreas to work.
Today we will present you 100% natural and extremely effective remedy that will normalize the blood sugar levels in the body and remove excess fluid.


  • 2 l bottle of minerals water
  • A leek with root


Completely wash the leek, pour 2 oz of the water, place the leek in the bottle and let it stay like that for one day (24h).

Consume this water as a substitute of water the next day. Prepare another dosage when you are finished.

This miracle water will significantly improve your overall health and blood sugar levels.

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Drink OKRA WATER And Treat Diabetes, Asthma, Cholesterol And Kidney Disease!

Lady finger or okra gained its popularity recently. This plant is cultivated in temperature and tropical regions for the fibrous foods.


This amazing plant contains:

  • 60 ml of magnesium
  • 80 micrograms of folate
  • 1 g of fat
  • 2 g of protein
  • 6 g of carbs
  • 3 g of dietary fiber
  • 21 g of vitamin C
  • 30 calories

Whether you will consume okra fried, stewed, boiled or in pickled form you can get the beneficial effects of this veggie any time of the year.

Okra is really effective in patients with diabetes, prevents kidney diseases, boosts immunity, lowers cholesterol and alleviates asthma.

Here is an amazing recipe that will help you control your blood sugar level naturally:

Cut the tails and head of 4 fresh okras. Place 3 cuts and dip them in a pot of water and let it overnight. Consume the water when you will get up the next morning, 30 min before breakfast. This drink will significantly control your blood sugar levels.

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Get Rid Of The Back, Arm Fat and Belly Thigh With Sodium Bicarbonate!

We can easily say that sodium bicarbonate is non toxic, all-purpose and extremely beneficial ingredient. Only a few people know that our pancreas and kidneys actually create bicarbonate substance – but not totally identical to the baking soda. These organs create this substance to control and neutralize the excess acid produced by the respiratory and digestive system.


Weight loss can be extremely difficult and extremely hard process. Surprisingly, today we will present you a lithe secret that will help you help you get rid of the excess fat faster. It is absolutely easy and simple. You only have to implement baking soda into your diet. We will present you 3 baking soda recipes where you will be astonished by the results.

1.Apple Cider Vinegar And Baking Soda


  • A cup of water
  • ½ tsp of baking soda
  • 2 tbsp of ACV


You only have to mix all the ingredients, consume it before breakfast and expect the results.

2.Lemon or Grapefruit Juice and Baking Soda


  • Grapefruit or lemon juice
  • A tsp of baking soda
  • ½ cup of water

Add the soda into the water and stir well until it dissolves and then add the grapefruit or lemon juice. Consume this miracle right after you wake up in the morning and consume nothing in the next 20 min.

3.Fruits and Baking Soda


  • ½ tsp of baking soda
  • 2 cups of water
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • A sprig of fresh mint leaves
  • A cup of strawberries

The preparation of this drink is same as the previous two recipes.

The consumption of these beverages will burn the excess fat and improve your overall health in no time.

Have a nice day and enjoy your body like never before!

Source: Healthy Food Lines

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No One Ever Told You That These Veggies Could Do These Amazing Things

We all know that onions are one of the healthiest and oldest vegetables on the planet.


Modern historians, botanist and archeologist can not determine exact place and time of their first cultivation.

This veggie treats many diseases and improves our overall health, despite its specific and characteristic aroma.

The presence of powerful antioxidants such as querecetin, promote health and destroy free radicals. They are also rich in sulfur which has a powerful antibiotic and antiseptic action.

Onion has many beneficial effects, including:

-treat cardiovascular diseases

-treat arthritis

-excellent against diabetes

-regulate high cholesterol levels

Due to its amazing healing properties, onion has been used as a remedy since ancient times.


Prepare peppermint tea and let it cool down. Make a freshly squeezed juice of an onion and take 2 tsp of it. Take 2 tsp of the cold tea after 5 min and then wait for 10 min before you repeat the procedure. Repeat the treatment until you feel better and in 20 min the urges to vomit will be totally gone.


In order to treat cough, cut an onion in halves and then add a tbsp of brown sugar on them, let it stay for 60 min and finally eat this remedy two times a day.

3.Dissolve Chest Congestion

Prepare a paste by using onion and coconut oil. Apply this remedy on your chest and then warm it up with a short and secure it with a towel.


Make a mixture between think onion slice and coconut oil. You should massage your feet with this mixture. Do not forget to apply some slices on your feet arches, secure them and let them act during the night.


Strong antiseptic properties are consisted in the onion skin. You should apply it on the cuts to instantly stop the bleeding.

You can also boil some slice of yellow onion in some water, let it cool down and then drain it in order to treat colic. The child should consume a tsp of this remedy every 60 min until it feel improvements.

6.Ear Pain or Ear Infection

Chop some and onion and then place it on the painful area. You can secure it with a hat or bandage and remove it when the pain is totally gone.

7.Air Purifier

All bacteria and viruses in the air can be killed by onion slices so distribute them all around your home.

The onions can be used also on these several other ways:

-        Prevent rust be cleaning the clothes iron with slices of this veggie

-        Polish copper objects and glasses by using onion slices

-        Boil and spray onion juice to protect your plants from pests and bugs

-        Place onion in clothes in order to prevent moths

-        Prevent insect bites by rubbing onion onto the skin

-        Speed up your hair growth by rubbing onion slices on the scalp.

-        Avoid freckles by massaging onion slices onto your skin

World Health Organization recommends the use of this powerful veggie in the case of congestion, bronchitis, infections, colds, coughs and flu.

Source: Healthy Motivator

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Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Whiten Your Teeth, Heal Gum Diseases and Cavities With This Natural Toothpaste

Today people are more preoccupied with oral hygiene than ever before. However, most of the people live lifestyle that actually prevents them from having healthy teeth. People do not have time to consume healthy foods so they consume beverages and foods that heavily strain their teeth. They also do not spend enough time to brush their teeth because they rush to get to work.


Many toothpastes that whiten the teeth are advertised by the dental companies. Unfortunately, if used often, these have been proven to damage the tooth enamel.

Irritation of soft tissues, gum damage and tooth sensitivity are other side effects. In the most cases, the side effects caused by these chemical products have been irreversible.

There are thousand reasons to switch from these chemical products to 100% natural teeth whiteners. Despite the presence of different chemicals that can damage your oral health, the natural whiteners provide more efficient clean for the teeth.

Today we will present you the recipe that will whiten your teeth and improve your oral health like never before.


  • Peppermint oil
  • 2 capsules or 0.5 – 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

You only have to mix all the ingredients together and the toothpaste is ready to use.
Due to its powerful microbacterial properties, turmeric is excellent for your teeth. It also helps oral infections, gum reddening and gum irritation. The best and most important thing about this ingredient is that it helps to decalcify the pineal gland.

Start washing your teeth with this mixture (as usual).

All the commercial toothpastes contain fluoride which can calcify the pineal gland. Apple cider vinegar, spirulina and turmeric are able to decalcify your pineal gland.

It is also recommended to use this natural toothpaste if you have sensitive teeth.

Do not put all those chemicals in your mouth, but whiten your teeth and improve your oral health with this homemade toothpaste.

Source: Foods and Healthy Life

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Tuesday, 25 October 2016

If You Are On These Meds, DON’T Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV has been used as extremely powerful treatment for everything from fungus to obesity. It is extremely beneficial ingredient, but it also has own side effects. It can become harmful if it interacts with some meds, because of its natural properties. You should not be taking ACV if you have one of these conditions.


Health Benefits Of ACV

This powerful ingredient keeps you feel fuller and helps in the process of weight loss. The latest Chinese study has proved that the consumption of ACV decreases the risk of esophageal cancer by 37%.

Due to its anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, it can be taken orally or applied topically to the skin, stopping the growth yeast infection.

It also reduces blood sugar spikes and is excellent for your overall health.

Meds That Reacts Badly To ACV

ACV can interact oddly with certain types of meds. This ingredient tends to lower potassium levels in the body that is the main reason why many meds react badly with ACV.


By taking insulin many people control their blood sugar. ACV should not be taken by people who already take insulin because it can cause low potassium and blood sugar levels.


Lanoxin (digoxin) is used for heart issues. The proper absorption of potassium can be prevented by ACV where the deficiencies of potassium often increases the side effects of this med. Mood swings, vision changes, dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea are some of the side effects.


Microzide, Lasix, Thalitone and Diuril are some of the diuretic drugs used in the treatment of bloating where they encourage the organism to shed water. Potassium is crucial for the balance of water in the human body, so If ACV is already messing up a person’s balances of potassium and sodium, they will probably end up dehydrated.

Other Health Problems That Might Stop You From Using ACV

If you have certain conditions, this ingredient can also have negative effects.

Mothers who are nursing or pregnant women should avoid the consumption of ACV because it is not known if this ingredient is safe for infants or fetuses.

People who suffer from bladder cancer should not take ACV it may accelerate the growth of bladder cancer. According to some studies, the consumption of large amounts of ACV can lower the levels of potassium and induce osteoporosis. This ingredient should not be consumed by postmenstrual women who are at risk of reduced bone density.

Most experts and doctors recommend only a tbsp or 2 combine with some water per day. You can add more vinegar to your diet and enjoy its extremely health benefits if you do not take any meds or do not have any preexisting conditions.

You can find some great uses of ACV on the following link:

22 Scientifically Proven Uses of ACV

Source: Moving To Organic

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The Ultimate 5-Ingredient Recipes For Making 13 Nutritious Human Dips

Before a couple of years ago, I finally realized that hummus is one the healthiest foods on the planet.


Chickpeas is the main ingredient in hummus which represents rich source of B Vitamins and quality protein. Hummus improves your immunity, cleans out the gut, keeps you feel fuller for a longer period of time and it is rich in fiber, delicious and easy to make.

Superfood Is A Main Ingredient In Hummus

Superb when added to salads with slightly nutty and sweet flavor, chickpeas taste great. You can make a sin-free snack when you are puckish, bake them in your oven or put them into soups.

Chickpeas can be bought in jars or cans, and if you do, ensure yourself that they are not soaked in oil or there is no added sugar. Buy the dried variety and boil them for the ultimate chickpeas.

Due to its powerful cancer fighting properties, hummus cut the cancer risk by 50%. Legumes along with chickpeas slow the growth of both prostate and breast cancer.


According to many scientific studies, people who consume legumes, have 32% risk of cancer, including 45% less prostate cancer and 57% less colon cancer.

How To Prepare Your Own Humus

The graphic below will present you how to prepare the best and healthiest humus. Do not forget to opt for organic foods.

The procedure is always the same, whatever way you are flavoring your dip. Wash and then drain any canned beans and finally mix everything in a blender and mix until you get homogenous mass. Add some water if you like a thinner consistency.


Source: Juicing For Health

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Doctors Hide This, Learn How To Heal Your Thyroid Naturally

Thyroid disorder is a common problem that causes symptoms of under or over functions of the thyroid gland.


This gland represents a crucial mechanism in the complexity of the system, it is responsible for the energy and metabolism and every body cell has receptors for the thyroid gland.

Reduces stress, rest, proper diet and regular exercises can treat this issue.

How To Treat Your Thyroid Gland Naturally

You should try some relaxation techniques such as tai chi, meditation and yoga if the thyroid disorder is due to very disturbing news, severe depression and trauma.

Consuming Bone Broth every single day – it will cure and seal the intestinal mucosa, boost the immunity, which are crucial for and improved thyroid health. Consume a cup of this broth consisted of a pinch of salt and seaweed flakes.

Avoid Gluten – many different diseases such as autoimmune common thyroid issues, allergies and adrenal fatigue can be caused by the consumption of gluten.

Coconut Oil – replace your standard oil with coconut oil – it improves your immunity, boost metabolism, stimulate weight loss and it’s extremely beneficial in case of thyroid diseases. Consume at least 2 tbsp per day.

Seaweed and sea vegetables – the consumption of wakame, kombu, nori and other sea vegetables will provide your body with iodine and dietary sources and other beneficial nutrients.

Increase the consumption of Vitamin K2, D and A because they are essential for your thyroid hormone and your overall health. According to many scientific studies, the deficiency of these vitamins leads to various thyroid disorders.

You should also increase the consumption of peanut butter and peanuts.

Source: Nature Care Box

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Garlic-Ginger Soup (Prepared with 52 Cloves of Garlic) Defeats Flu, Colds and Even Norovirus!

The dark months of contagious nasties, which make us cough and sneeze all the time are knocking on our door. Luckily, garlic has gained a reputation as a virus buster, due to its content of allicin.

Allicin and Its Amazing Health Benefits

According to new and notable findings from Washington State University, garlic is 100 times more powerful in fighting bacteria which causes disease than two well-known antibiotics.

The alliin becomes allicin when it is crashed. According to research, allicin reduces blood pressure and cholesterol and also prevents the formation of blood clots. Moreover, it lowers the risk of developing atherosclerosis, which is hardening of the arteries. Certain compounds of garlic destroy a number of organisms, including viruses and bacteria which cause colds, flu and earaches.

Furthermore, according to recent studies, garlic might be able to prevent cancer.

Helen Bond said that this chemical has been known for a very long time due to its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

For this reason, people assume that it will stimulate their immune system, and they crush it, mix it with olive oil and spread it on their bread.

However, the way it works has not been proven yet.

Actually, scientists cannot agree on the ability of garlic to fight flu and colds. According to an investigation conducted by the Cochrane Database, which is a respected global research, increasing the intake of garlic during the winter period can shorter the duration of cold symptoms.

However, in the report which combined all the previous scientific research on garlic, it is stated that there is lack of authoritative and large-scale research, so solid conclusion cannot be drawn.

The main issue is that pharmaceutical companies have no interest in running expensive and huge trials, since there cannot patent, package and sell garlic for profit.

Garlic as Medicine

Garlic has been used as a medicine for a very long time. It was used as a treatment for 22 ailments by Ancient Egyptians. Furthermore, according to evidence, the laborers who built the pyramids consumed garlic so that they can increase their stamina and improve their health.

Ancient Greeks used garlic for various conditions, from curing blood and lung disorders, curing infections, healing insect bites to treating leprosy.

The Romans gave garlic to their sailors and soldiers to enhance their endurance.

It is very interesting that garlic increases antioxidant levels in the body. Allium sativa is its scientific name, and according to Louis Pasteur, garlic kills bacteria. The Russians call garlic the Russian penicillin.

However, recent evidence suggests that garlic could help us to stay healthy in various ways.

Scientists from Florida found out that consuming garlic increases the number of T-cells in the blood stream. These cells are crucial for fighting viruses and strengthening the immune system.

Additionally, pharmacologists from California discovered that allicin, is able to kill infection.

Moreover, allicin also dilates the blood vessels, thereby improves blood flow and prevents cardiovascular problems like high cholesterol.

Furthermore, scientists from Brazil discovered that making a gargle with garlic water destroys germs which cause gum disease and tooth decay.

Prepare Garlic Like This

According to Argentinian researchers the allicin-type compounds are released when the cloves are baked. However, researchers from the South Carolina Medical University claim that the highest levels of compound which fight infection are produced when the garlic is peeled and left to sit uncover for 15 minutes.

Garlic Soup Recipe

4 Servings


  • Garlic cloves- 26 organic and unpeeled
  • Olive oil- 2 tablespoons
  • Organic butter- 2 tablespoons
  • Cayenne powder- ½ teaspoon
  • Garlic cloves- 26 organic and unpeeled
  • Fresh ginger- ½ cup
  • Sliced onions- 2 ¼ cup
  • Chopped fresh thyme- 1 ½ teaspoons
  • Coconut milk- ½ cup
  • Organic vegetable broth- 3 ½ cups
  • Lemon wedges- 4


Preheat your oven to 350F. Then, put the garlic in small glass baking dish. Next, add the olive oil and sprinkle some seal salt. Use foil to cover the baking dish and bake till the garlic becomes tender and golden brown for about 45 minutes. Allow it to cool. You need to squeeze the garlic between your fingertips so as to release the cloves. Put the cloves into a smaller bowl.

You will need a large saucepan to melt the butter on medium heat. Then, put the cayenne powder, ginger, thyme and onions and cook till the onions become translucent. The, add the raw garlic, the roasted garlic and cook for about 3 minutes. Then, add the vegetable broth and let it simmer for approximately 20 minutes. Blend all of the ingredients till you get a smooth consistency.

Squeeze the lemon juice from one wedge into each plate and serve. Enjoy!


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Actor Mark Ruffalo Accuses Monsanto of Poisoning People!

Actor Mark Ruffalo had a rare opportunity to address Hugh Grant, who is the CEO of Monsanto. Ruffalo knew that this was his chance to speak out for millions of people.

Prior to a segment for the movie Spotlight, which mark did with Mike Rezendez, he was in the green room watching Grant who was giving crafty answers to every question he was asked.

Ruffalo recorded that he felt disgusted watching the man who is accountable for so much sickness and misery worldwide go through the interview with easiness. Therefore, when Grant passed through the green room, Ruffalo told him that he is wrong and that he is engaged in monopolizing food and that they are poisoning people. Ruffalo also told him that they are destroying small farms, killing bees and that what they are doing is very wrong.


Grant was taken aback, but he responded that he thought that what they were doing was good. This ended the exchange.

However, Ruffalo had the opportunity to observe the evil that Monsanto were causing, and he wrote a piece which he shared with EcoWatch.

Ruffalo was aware that when people are paid the sum of money Grant gets paid, their judgement becomes clouded and going after their morality is what needs to be done. Ruffalo wrote a letter to Grant.

In the letter he said that it wasn’t the messaging that made Hugh and his company terrible, but the terrible stuff he and his company do. Ruffalo continued that people don’t just walk around making up terrible stories about good companies because they haven’t got anything better to do. Mark said that Grant and his company are just terrible, and they will remain like this, and people are going to greet them like he did because nothing can change the fact that they are terrible.

The actor used facts to back up his claims.


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Monday, 24 October 2016

In Case You Struggle With Belly Fat, Start Drinking These 4 Teas Instantly

Life has become quite exhausting nowadays, with our busy schedules and our hectic lifestyle. It has become almost impossible to spare some time for ourselves. All of this can cause burnout, stress and we often rely on quick solutions for this, like a bottle of wine or a cup of coffee.


However, creating a healthy habit may seem impossible, but it is actually quite simple. Approximately 2 billion people consume tea on a daily basis, and drinking a cup of tea could be your new healthy habit, without much effort.

Some of the issues that bother us are weight loss, brain fog and anxiety. If you want to know more about how to solve these issues, continue reading.

Improve Mood and Fight Anxiety


Tulsi is also called holy basil and it is considered that it can lift the mighty triad of spirit, mind and body. It is one of the most sacred plants in India.

Tulsi can boost your cognition and your immune system as well. Moreover, it is an adaptogen and intensifies the natural response of the body to emotional and physical stress. Herbs which are adaptogenic help the body to function perfectly throughout stressful times.

Green Tea:

It is already well known that green tea improves focus and mood. This is because of its potent combination of caffeine and L-theanine. These two bind together and provide an even and slow release of caffeine sans the jitters.

Ginkgo Biloba:

Ginkgo is used in Europe as a treatment for dementia to boost memory, learning and thinking. At the beginning, doctors believed that it stimulates blood flow to the brain. However, a new research suggests that it could protect damaged nerve cells in case of Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, a few studies suggest that it has a positive effect on thinking and memory in people with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Gotu Kola

Gotu kola has neuroprotective effects, especially against disease like epilepsy, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

There is a current research at the University of Maryland Medical Center which proves its potential ability to soothe anxiety. Scientists have discovered that this herb contains triterpenoids which increase the mental function and reduce anxiety.


Chamomile has proven relaxing effects and it can be used to promote the sense of well-being and calmness, to ease frayed nerves and to induce sleep.

Suggestions: you can use each tea individually, but combining them is the best strategy.


Boost Metabolism and Burn Fat

Puerh Tea

This amazing tea has been uses in Chinese herbalism for centuries. It has amazing health benefits for which it has been prized. The natural fermentation process which occurs to the leaves before they dry, is what makes this tea so unique. During the fermentation process, certain micro-organisms are produced. They combine with other compounds and are especially effective for fat burning and lowering cholesterol.


By sprinkling some cinnamon over your morning oatmeal or your tea, you can stop cravings and regulate your blood sugar levels.

Fennel Seed

Fennel Seed is excellent for improving digestion and also for preventing cravings and regulating blood sugar levels.

Ginseng Root

This herb, which is also adaptogenic, has anti-obesity properties, improves insulin sensitivity, and regulates the blood sugar levels.

Eliminate Fatigue and Brain Fog

Yerba Mate

This tea is excellent for an afternoon pick-me-up. It provides those who drink it with a wakefulness which is similar to that of coffee, but sans any side effects.

There are three related compounds in this tea, theophylline, theobromine and caffeine. When combined, these compounds provide mild stimulant effects.


Refreshing and crisp, the menthol which is found in peppermint can improve your mood and energize your senses.

Green Tea

Green tea contains caffeine, but less than coffee and it provides a person with a stream of energy, which is steadier and without a crush.


Water is not an herb, but even a mild dehydration can affect the ability of thinking clear, the energy levels and the person’s mood.

Suggestions: combining peppermint, green tea, and whole leaf yerba mate will improve your focus and concentration, and will provide you with clarity so you can continue your day.

Select the Best Tea Blends Like This

  • Make sure that you always buy organic ingredients
  • Buy brands which use loose-packed r loose-leaf whole leaf tea. These are made with ingredients that are high in quality and have preserved their medicinal properties.
  • Look and see if a tea specialist, herbalist or a naturopathic doctor is behind the blends. These people know what they are doing and they have created the blends for a specific purpose.
  • Stay away from transparent tea bags or those that have windows, because this allows oxidation, meaning the shelf life is reduced.

Where to Find Herbs and Blend?

An excellent place to start looking is the local retailer or the local health store. In herbal specialty shops, you can usually find individual ingredients, which can be used for preparing your own blends.


Ginkgo might interact with non-prescription and prescription medication. In case you are taking any of the following medication, consult your doctor first: antiplatelet or anticoagulant agent, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, melatonin, St. John’s wort,Fluoxetine (Prozac®)/buspirone (BuSpar®),herbs with coumarin constituents like red clover,papain, onion, licorice, horseradish, ginger, garlic, danshen, clove, chamomile, celery, capsicium, anise and angelica. Moreover, people with hypoglycemia or diabetes, those taking drugs, supplements or herbs which affect the blood sugar should also be cautious.

People who have liver disease or take certain medications which have an effect on the liver, should not take Gotu kola.

Source:The Hearty Soul

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Sunday, 23 October 2016

Prevent Stroke, Hypertension and Heart Attack By Consuming The World’s #1 Food

If you are searching for the healthiest food in the world, we have something to show you.


You should definitely try dates. They are full of beneficial effects that are able to soothe issues such as hypertension, cholesterol, heart attack and strokes.

They’re going to build up your metabolism in the body in no time because they are packed with large amounts of nutrients. These are the most important reasons why you should implement dates into your diet.

These Fruits Are Full Of Iron

The presence of iron in these tasty fruits makes them ideal for pregnant women, children and people who suffer from anemia. 0.9 mg of iron is consisted in 100 grams of dates 11% of the recommended daily intake. Iron supports the flow of oxygen through the blood and also has beneficial effects on the hemoglobin and red blood cells.

Dates soothe constipation

These fruits are rich in relieving properties that soothe constipation and diarrhea. In order to boosts you digestion, put some dates in water to stay during the night and then drink it the next morning. The effects are mild and laxative.

Prevent diarrhea

The presence of potassium in their content relieves the belly flora and the intestines, prevents diarrhea and stimulates more effective bacteria in this way.

Control bodyweight

You should definitely consume dates if you want to prevent excessive fat. Since they have no cholesterol, dates are going to control your body weight.

Regulate cholesterol

LDL or bad cholesterol can be regulated by these fruits. They prevent blood clots and cleanse blood vessels.

Strengthen the heart

Soak some dates at night, strain them in the morning and put out the seeds. You can also blend the seeds.

Prevent Stroke

As we already mentioned above, the presence of potassium in dates prevents any stroke and significantly improves the nervous system.

Regulate Blood Pressure

A lot of dates should be consumed by people who suffer from hypertension. They have no sodium and are rich in potassium. 80 mg of magnesium are consisted in 5-6 dates. This mineral improves the blood flow and lowers blood sugar.

You have no reasons to worry if you consume several dates a day.

Source: Healthy World



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Mix Coconut Milk, Turmeric and Ginger and Consume It Before Go To Sleep – You Will Be Amazed By The Results The Next Morning!

Many different issues including upset stomach can be caused by poor digestion and heavy meals. This actually leads to acid reflux, heartburn and interrupted sleep.


Surprisingly, all these symptoms can be completely treated thanks to the powerful remedy consisted of coconut milk, ginger and turmeric.

It promotes weight loss, boosts metabolism and treats indigestion. Due to the healthy ingredients consisted in this recipe, it is extremely effective!


  • 1 tbsp honey
  • ¼ tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 tsp ginger powder or 1 inch of sliced ginger

Many scientific studies have proved that ginger is extremely effective in the treatment of:

-        Dizziness

-        Weight loss

-        Vomiting caused by surgery

-        Nausea

-        Diabetes

-        Osteoarthritis

-        Morning sickness

-        High cholesterol

-        Migraine

-        IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)

-        Painful menstrual periods

-        Vomiting caused by AIDS/HIV treatment

Coconut milk if full of potent antimicrobial properties and healthy fats highly effective in the treatment of:

-        Burns calories

-        Boosts metabolism

-        Fights infections

-        Heals damaged tissues

-        Prevents digestive problems

-        Reduces protein loss

Turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, beneficial in the treatment of:

-        Prevents ulcers

-        Relives the digestive tract

-        Relieves pain

-        Improves blood circulation

-        Helps detoxification

-        Soothes arthritis pain

Black Pepper is very important in the absorption of curcumin – responsible for various health benefits

Honey helps digestion, soothes irritation …

-        Regulates blood sugar

-        Treats muscle fatigue

-        Boosts energy levels

-        Fights insomnia


Place all the ingredients except the honey in a large bowl and mix well. Then, place the mixture to a saucepan and cook it for 5 min on low heat. Then add the honey.

Consume this miracle drink before go to sleep. It will help you wake up energized in the morning like never before and significantly boost your overall health!

Source: Explore Healthy Food

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Cancer Dies In Just 42 Hours, This Juice Cure More Than 50 Thousand People!

Beetroot juice is one the healthiest and most beneficial juices. It is full of minerals such as iron, sodium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, folic acid, antioxidants and many vitamins such as B1, B2, B6 and C.


Many scientific studies have proved that this root is rich in anti caner properties. It eliminates cancer cells without harming the health ones. More than 50 000 people who suffer from various not curable diseases and cancer have experienced the amazing beneficial effects of this juice.

Beetroot is the main ingredient in the recipe that we will present you today. This juice will improve your overall health and starve cancer cells.


  • 2% of radishes
  • 3% potatoes
  • 20% of carrots
  • 20% of celery root
  • 55% of beet


You only have to place all ingredients in a juicer (blender) and squeeze the juice. This miracle should be consumed two times a day, once in the morning on an empty stomach and once in the evening.

Do not exaggerate with the beverage, drink as much as your body needs. As we already mentioned above, it will completely improve your overall health (physical and mental), cure many ailments and alkalize and kill cancer cells from your body.

Have a nice day and feel the difference in your body!

Source: Healthy Tips World

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Saturday, 22 October 2016

50 Alkaline Foods to Balance Your Body Naturally to Fight Cancer, Heart Disease and More

Keep your body in an alkaline state; then you will have fewer chances to suffer from chronic diseases. And it’s well known that you’re what you eat, that’s true, if you want to maintain your body in the alkaline state, you have to know which foods can help you.

The foods you eat have a direct impact on the PH levels in your body, some foods are more alkaline than others, which help your body maintain in an alkaline state, thus promoting energy, aiding in digestion, preventing diseases and also giving you clearer skin.

Additionally, an alkaline state body also essential for:

  • Preventing the common cold
  • Lowering the risk of cancer
  • Maintaining a healthy weight

Keep a balanced diet, you should eat a diet of 60-80% alkaline-forming foods and 20-40% acid-forming foods. Below is a list of alkaline foods that will help you maintain proper body functions and fight against many diseases.

Top 6 Alkaline Foods to Eat Everyday For Vibrant Health

Acidic to the taste, but maybe it’s the most alkalizing food of all. It helps to balance the body’s pH and also provides many other healing benefits:

  • Fights against colds and flu due to the high amount of vitamin C
  • A glass of lemon water is a good liver detoxifier
  • Drink lemon juice helps dissolve gallstones and kidney stones
  • Lemon destroys intestinal worms
  • Prevents many diseases thanks to its powerful antibacterial properties
  • Has great anti-cancer properties

Coconut oil
Coconut is also a superfood that benefits to your body in many ways. Coconut oil is the only cooking oil that isn’t acidic, it’s alkaline. It contains fatty acid that has great medicinal properties and the healthy saturated fats helps improve blood cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

As an alkaline tasty tropical fruit, pineapple is loaded with several vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health. It’s often been used as a natural remedy for treating cough, colds, toothache, arthritis and digestive disorders.

Carrot is a good source of vitamin A and provides many impressive health benefits, such as anti-cancer, anti-aging and also prevents heart attacks. Carrot is also good for your vision as beta-carotene has almost 40% lower risk of macular degeneration.

Beets are alkaline-forming foods, which help both your physical and mental health in many ways, from cleansing the body, providing energy to treating depression.

As a good source of calcium, iron, manganese and fiber, cinammon has long been used in cooking and baking, it’s also widely used as a natural remedy to cure health problems. It helps lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, treat yeast infection, prevent cancer, relieve arthritis and boost brain function.

More Good Recommendations:

Alkalizing Fruits

  • Apple
  • Avocado
  • Apricot
  • Banana
  • Figs
  • Grapes
  • Lime
  • Tangerine
  • Watermelon

Alkalizing vegetables

  • Buckwheat
  • Green Beans
  • Cauliflower
  • Chlorella
  • Alfalfa
  • Parsnips
  • Spirulina
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Been Greens
  • Wild Greens
  • Celery
  • Wheat Grass
  • Garlic
  • Dandelions
  • Cucumber
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Mushrooms
  • Rutabaga
  • Cabbage
  • Eggplant
  • Sprouts
  • Spinach
  • Green peas
  • Mustard Greens
  • Barley Grass
  • Sea veggies
  • Collard Green
  • Edible Flowers

Alkaline Spices and Seasonings

  • Ginger
  • Mustard
  • Curry
  • Tamari
  • Chili Pepper

What’s more, many diets are generally highly acidic, as some acid-forming foods are also popular:

  • Meat
  • Egg
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Sodas
  • Sugar
  • Soft drinks
  • Vinegar
  • Fried food
  • Dried fruits
  • Corn
  • Almond milk
  • Some acidifying beans
  • Acidifying nuts such as pecans, peanuts, walnuts and cashews
  • Avocado oil
  • Olive oil

So if you eat these acid-forming foods more, you have to pay attention to shift your body to an alkaline state, with the help of the healthy and nutritious alkaline-forming foods we listed above.

The post 50 Alkaline Foods to Balance Your Body Naturally to Fight Cancer, Heart Disease and More appeared first on Healthy Food Team.

Premature Baby With Dazzling Smile Gives Hope To Worried Parents

Even if they can be noisy and smelly, we love babies, don’t we? Innocent, playful and intrigued by the big, wide world around them, they represent hope for the future. In them, we see opportunity to right the wrongs of our life and set about instilling a new one with morals, values and a desire to do good by and for others.

Sadly, not all parents can be so lucky: sometimes, they are born sickly or disabled, facing many hardships over the course of their, unfortunately, short lives. Other times, the child is born early and must fight for survival, as its organs are simply not fully developed yet. This can be a time of great pain and worry for the family, and can end tragically. However, there is always hope

A premature baby’s smile is a beautiful thing to behold. Little Freya Vinje was born on Thanksgiving in 2014, following a complicated pregnancy by her mother, Lauren, battling preeclampsia (a complication characterised by high blood pressure). At 28 weeks, Freya weighed below the average, at just a measly 1.7kg. However, the little one soon gained notoriety for her incredible smile.preemie-baby-smile

An overjoyed Lauren remarked to ABC News that

I was talking to her and I had said ‘should we send a picture to Daddy?’ and right when I was about to take the picture, she had this huge smile. It was a picture that I had always wanted to get out for people to see because of how it touched me [in] the way that it did. We gave a copy to the nurses, and when we went to have our second little girl, they still had it hanging up in their break room.

Since posting on her Facebook, the image has been shared 35,000 times, and received more than 300,000 likes. Freya will celebrate her second birthday next month. Her mother also said,

Honestly, she is the best thing that has happened to us. We go to the store and she’s the friendliest little girl and she says hi to everybody.  She’s so fun. She’s so happy. That picture at five days old, you can see her little personality and you look at her now, and she hasn’t changed. She’s still the happy little girl in that photo.preemie-baby-freya

Sights like this, while they may simply be cute to an outside observer, are an important boost for parents. When you have a premature child, where the health risks are even higher than with just a regular baby, anything that seems like a sign of reassurance can be a massive morale boost, as well as give hope for their future.

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Doctors Are Amazed! This Recipe Renews the Knees and Joints!

Specialists guarantee that the shameful body stance is the real reason for issues and agony in the joints, legs, and back. Such issues may bring about much more complexities, so they should be dealt with on time.

This regular cure reestablishes the best possible capacity of knees and joints and improves the structure of bones and enhances their consistency.

This is the means by which to set up this gelatin treatment:


  • 3 tablespoons raisins
  • 2 tablespoons of unflavoured gelatin (40 grams)
  • 8 teaspoons flaxseeds
  • 4 tablespoons sesame seeds
  • 40g pumpkin seeds
  • 200g nectar


In a bigger bowl, blend the fixings recorded above, and mix well until you get a homogeneous blend. At that point, move the cure in a glass bump.


You ought to utilize this cure day by day. Take a teaspoon twice every day, prior to your breakfast and lunch.

This treatment will upgrade the flexibility of the ligaments and tendons, reinforce the bones and joints, and will also fortify the digestion system.


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The Secret Things, No One Ever Tells You About Menopause!

The absence of a menstrual period for at least one year is an indicator that a woman is transitioning from a reproductive to a non-reproductive phase in life. This indicates she has entered menopause. For most women, menopause starts around 51.

The transition from one phase to another doesn’t happen overnight. It’s rather gradual and is a different experience for each woman. In fact, the first sign of menopause can begin 10 years before a woman is officially in this phase of her life. Many women think that menopause can make their life easier as they don’t have to deal with menstrual cycles or shop for hygienic products, and they can plan their days without worrying much.There are some of the problems that no one ever tells you about menopause:

Weight Gain

Putting on more pounds is common after menopause. But it is important to note that menopause-related weight gain does not happen all of a sudden. This type of weight gain occurs gradually. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, during menopause, women gain an average of five pounds. Some women may even gain as much as 15 to 25 pounds.

Weight gain during menopause is not a good sign, as it poses potential serious consequences to your health. It increases your risk for breast cancer, depression, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet can help you prevent weight gain.

Sleep Problems

During menopause, there is a significant drop in progesterone and estrogen levels that causes nighttime hot flashes and disturbed sleep.

There are three major ways in which menopause affects sleep: The first is the concept of a menopausal mood disorder and the development of menopause-related insomnia. The second is an increase in the prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing. The third is an increase in the development of fibromyalgia.

A nice hot bath of 20 to 30 minutes before hitting the bed can help you deal with hormone-related sleep problems. It is also important to follow a consistent sleep-wake schedule.

Frequent Mood Swings

The fluctuating hormones that accompany menopause can lead to changes in brain chemistry, which in turn can induce depression.

Frequent mood swings and depression can be debilitating. Depression does not appear for the first time after menopause. However, women become somewhat more vulnerable to depression during the perimenopause period.

Deep breathing, meditation, a healthy diet, proper sleep and support from family can help you deal with the problem to a great extent.

Bone Loss

Bone loss and osteoporosis are common in women over the age of 50.

In fact, after the age of 35, there is a gradual loss of bone mass in the body which may contribute to osteoporosis, causing your bones to become fragile and more likely to break.

The hormone estrogen helps keep the bones strong. Due to menopause, the ovaries stop producing this hormone, even during perimenopause, which occurs 2 to 8 years before menopause. This in turn affects your bone health and you start losing bone more rapidly.

Hot Flashes Continue for Years

Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms of menopause. Though flash means fast, they do not stop quickly. In fact, they can last for years.

Also called vasomotor symptoms, hot flashes may begin during perimenopause, the period around the onset of menopause. In some women, they may not start until after the last menstrual period occurred. Episodes of hot flashes are lengthy and nuanced events that come in stages.

The sudden rise and drop in body temperature can take a toll on one’s daily life. It can lead to heart palpitations and feelings of anxiety, tension or a sense of dread. As hot flashes can occur during sleep, it may disrupt sleep, causing fatigue and mood changes.

To manage hot flashes, avoid possible triggers like hot beverages, spicy food, warm air temperatures, stressful situations, alcohol, caffeine and some medications. Also, dress sensibly and always keeps a change of night clothes handy.

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The Hands Of This 46-Year-Old Looked Like She Had 70 But When Her Friend Told Her This Secret Recipe, She Couldn’t Recognize Her Hands!

We use our hands every day and experts say that they show the first signs of aging.

Why is it so? Because the skin on the hands is very thin and sensitive. Fortunately, with a little effort, you can restore your youthful hands.

Noticeable aging

The back of the hand has very little fat and, therefore, when the fibers of collagen and elastin begin to break, the effect becomes more noticeable. Constantly washing and exposure to various chemicals can have a great impact on them, so it is not surprising that they require extra care.


Experts say that this powerful food helps to restore elasticity. It’s very simple – take the egg whites and mix them with one tablespoon of honey. Then grease the hands with this mixture and let them dry. Wash with soap and water.


Potatoes can make your hands smooth again. Boil a few medium-sized potatoes and mash them using fork. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, honey and milk and put this mixture in the fridge. Apply the mixture 2-3 times a week and let it stay on your hands for about 15 minutes. Wash with soap and water.

Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil will help you return the elasticity and strength of your hands, and this oil is also very nutritious. Massage your hands every day with this oil and relax them.

Lemon and sugar

Squeeze half a lemon and mix it with 2 tablespoons of sugar and rub this mixture on your hands to improve the microcirculation. Wash with soap and cold water.

Almond oil

Soak the hands in almond oil and then in cold water for about 5 minutes and then apply greasy cream. Put on cotton gloves on your hands and leave them overnight. In the morning your hands will be fully hydrated.


You should apply some Vaseline on your hands, put on cotton gloves and leave them overnight.

Stop biting your nails

This affects the skin on your palms, and also slows down the nail growth which makes your hands look even older.

Avoid using very hot water

Avoid exposing your hands to very hot water since this can dehydrate them. Instead, use lukewarm or cold water.

Protect your hands from the cold weather

Always wear gloves when it’s cold outside, because they are the most vulnerable then.

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You Are Banana Lover, Read These 10 Shocking Facts (Pay Attention on No 6)

Banana is one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. For one thing, this tropical fruit is a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins, which boost your health on many different levels. Plus, it has a unique delicious taste hardly anyone can resist.

Bananas also provide a wide array of medicinal properties. Consuming this fruit on a regular daily basis can help with a number of health issues including:

 Morning sickness

 Blindness

 Diabetes

 Osteoporosis

 Depression

 Kidney cancer
These are the top 10 health benefits of consuming bananas on a regular basis:

It Promotes Proper Digestion

Bananas are abundant in dietary fiber, which is extremely effective in fighting indigestion and constipation by regulating bowel movement.

It Controls Blood Sugar Levels

Bananas can keep blood sugar levels under control and are especially beneficial for diabetics. Plus, they fight depression, PMS symptoms and improve your mood.

It Prevents Calcium Deficiency

Bananas protect against calcium loss in the body. They also improve mineral absorption by your bones and teeth thus making them stronger.

It Makes You A Smarter Person

Owing to their high potassium content (potassium is one of the minerals essential for proper brain function), bananas improve your cognitive and reasoning ability.

It Prevents Kidney Cancer

By promoting calcium absorption in the body thus preventing kidney stone formation, bananas protect against kidney cancer. They also improve teeth and bone health while protecting against macular degeneration.

It Fights Anemia

Bananas are rich in iron which improves blood quality thus extremely beneficial for fighting anemia.

It Increases Your Energy

Eating bananas on a regular basis significantly increases your energy levels. Eating a banana or two before a workout will give you all the energy you need for the gym.

It Protects You From A Heart Attack And Stroke

Owing to their high potassium and low sodium content, bananas also reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke when consumed on a regular basis.

It Fights Depression

Bananas are high in tryptophan which transforms into serotonin in the body. Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that controls your mood.

It Reduces Inflammation

Last, but not least, bananas are abundant in vitamin B6, which reduces joint inflammation. It also fights type II diabetes, stimulates the production of white blood cells and improves your nervous system.

The post You Are Banana Lover, Read These 10 Shocking Facts (Pay Attention on No 6) appeared first on Healthy Food Team.