Tuesday 20 December 2016

Is It Possible That Nutrition Is Better for Improving Mental Health than Prescription Drugs?

The word depression is used quite often these days, and many people are not even aware of the weight it carries.

What Is Depression?

Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world and it is a kind of condition that feels unending, completely debilitates you, seems void of life and is very lonely.

Actually, about 350 million people suffer from depression worldwide. People of all ages are affected by depression, but when it comes to gender, women are more affected.


Depression is a condition which can be caused by a number of things, including:

  • Genetics and family history
  • Challenged mood regulation by the brain
  • Current medications
  • Co-occurring medical issues
  • Stressful or traumatic life events


Depression can begin by what seems to be a usual bad day. Being unhappy occasionally should not be dismissed. Nevertheless, people with depression usually:

  • Experience major manic and depressive episodes
  • Feel depressed for two weeks at the minimum. This is accompanied by suicidal thoughts, poop psychomotor skills, decrease or increase in appetite, inability to concentrate, low energy, guilt, disinterest in pleasurable things and lack of sleep.
  • Feels that way without taking any medications or drugs
  • Becomes incapacitated in social contexts like family functions, school and work.
  • When it is not obvious from where it originates

How to tell if someone is depressed?

SIGECAPS stands for sleep, interest, guilt, energy, concentration, appetite, psychomotor and suicide. In case four of these are present, there is an indication of serious depression.

Depression and Prescription Drugs

Psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors first started using medication for depression in the late 1950s and they have categorized the medication into three groups:

  1. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are used for treating social phobia, bulimia nervosa, compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and depression.
  2. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), which are uses for treating all depression types.
  3. Tricyclic agents (TCAs), which are used for treating chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder and depression.

Superficially, it looks like the drug companies have handled everything and can keep depression under control. However, even when it seems that the drugs are having effect, they may not be addressing the root cause.

According to Dr. Irving Kirsch’s from Harvard University, there is published data, and also unpublished one which was concealed by the drug companies, and this data revels that all of the benefits of the depression drugs are thanks to the placebo effect.

This is very sad, especially if we take in consideration that there are seventeen million people in America who take antidepressants, and the total cost is $11.3 billion.

J.Guy Edwards, who is a psychiatrist says that even after 50 years of doing research, there is still no drug that can be used as a treatment for depression. He adds that those drugs that actually have effect come with dangerous and troublesome side-effects.

Because of the fact that there isn’t an antidepressant which is truly effective, people choose to treat depression naturally.

Depression and Nutrition

Important: You need to consult a doctor prior to making any adjustments to your lifestyle, diet or health care or beginning any treatment. Consult with your doctor prior to removing yourself from any prescribed treatments or medications. The information you are about to read is meant for educational purposes and for general information.

Luckily, clinical psychologist and educator Julia Rucklidge has dedicated the last decade of her life in investigating the role of micronutrients in the demonstration of mental illnesses, particularly in depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, and ADHD.

She said in 2014 during her TEDx talk, that because of our current health system, the first thing that doctors do is try to solve our problems by medication. However, her research has proven that minerals and vitamins, or also called micronutrients, are effective treatment for mental illnesses and this should not come as a surprise since the food we consume every day build the neurotransmitters which are necessary for mental health.

Rucklidge was the lead researcher on a clinical trial which began in 2009. During this trial, adults with ADHD were treated with micronutrients. It was discovered that the number of people who responded positively to the micronutrients was twice as much when compared to placebo. Those people from the micronutrient group had depression in remission. Moreover, their levels of aggression and hyperactivity were lower.

In another study, she observed the way micronutrients decreased stress and anxiety, and improved the mood following a natural disaster. It was discovered that micronutrients are of an immense help.

Nevertheless, she knows the importance of prescription drugs and that they save lives, but often fail to be effective in the long run.

10 Vital Nutrients for the Brain

  1. Proteins for healthy neurotransmitters
  2. For brain power complex carbohydrates
  3. For eliminating stress B vitamins
  4. Healthy fats such as coconut oil, seeds, nuts and avocados
  5. For fighting cognitive decline, improving mood and memory vitamin D
  6. For boosting brain function, intelligence, memory and mood vitamin C
  7. For proper digestive and immune functioning zinc
  8. For improved metabolism iron
  9. For preventing dementia, mood swings and memory loss, omega-3 essential fatty acids
  10. For good sleep, improved mood, concentration and focus, magnesium

In case the body is not absorbing the necessary nutrients amount, there can be short-term and long-term issues, such as potentially dementia, bone growth complications, skin problems and digestive problems.


Despite the fact that certain people might question the legitimacy of natural remedies and micronutrients, drug companies do not offer anything better. Prescription drugs offer a temporary solution, and do not solve the cause of the problem.

So, in case you are afflicted with mental problem, try and change your diet, and you can also try taking micronutrient supplement. If that fails to succeed, you can always start using medications again.

Source: worldtruth.tv

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