Sinus infections can be extremely bothersome. However, they can be eliminated with the help of a number of effective and safe natural remedies. Some of the usual symptoms of a sinus infection are headaches, sinus pressure, and sinus pain.
Most sinus infections are called by its medical term, sinusitis, which is an inflammation of the sinuses and cavities. This inflammation can make breathing harder, but the pressure and the pain are even much worse. Sinusitis can be caused by fungal, allergic, bacterial or viral infection. Therefore, sinusitis can be contagious.
How to Treat Sinusitis
You need to remember that if treating the infection in its early stages, you might be able to avoid taking antibiotics. For starters, you need to rest, and drink plenty of fluids like herbal teas and water. Nevertheless, avoid sugar and caffeine, since it dehydrates your body. You can increase drainage and reduce your pain with the help of nasal rinses and steams. Moreover, it is recommended to sleep with an elevated head. In this way, you promote drainage and relief from the pain.
When to Consult a Doctor?
In case the symptoms are persistent or your fever is over 100.5, you need to consult a doctor. Some of the symptoms of a serious sinus infection are:
- Swollen forehead
- Swelling or pain around your eyes
- Confusion
- Vision abnormalities
- Double vision
- Shortness of breath
- Stiff neck
Eliminate Sinus Problems with Pressure Points and ACV
The vomer bone is a thin and vertical bone which is found in the nasal cavity. Moving this bone backwards and forwards, you can promote drainage, thereby relieving the inflammation and the pressure.
You need to put a thumb between your eyebrows and apply pressure on the roof of your mouth with the help of your tongue at the same time. You need to apply pressure at the same time for approximately 30 seconds. You should feel immediate relief.
Moreover, you can also prepare this simple mixture with apple cider vinegar. This tonic will soothe the symptoms, kill pathogens and break up congestion if taken two to three times on a daily basis. ACV promotes mucous production and it is excellent for the common cold and runny nose.
- Apple cider vinegar- 1 tablespoon
- Plain stevia- 3 to 5 drops
- Warm water- 1 ½ cups
- Mix the water and the apple cider vinegar
- Add the raw honey or the stevia
- Consume it warm, 2 to 3 times every day
Other Home Remedies
Horseradish Spread
This is excellent for clearing congested sinus passages. What you need to do is mix 1 teaspoon of virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, and a tablespoon of freshly grated horse radish.
Ginger Compress
Ginger reduces sinus pain and inflammation. What you need to do is add 3 inches of sliced ginger into 2 cups of water and boil it. Leave it simmer for about 20 minutes, and then strain it. The tea needs to cool down so that it doesn’t burn your skin.
Taka a washcloth and soak it. Lie down, elevate your head and put the cloth on your face for approximately 15 minutes.
Steam with Peppermint and Thyme
Thyme has proven antibacterial properties, and the menthol which is found in the mind is a decongestant. Add 3 teaspoons of each into a heatproof bowl and then add boiling water.
Lean over, put a thick towel over your head, inhale for about 10 minutes and make sure that your head is 8 to 10 inches above the bowl. Do this 2 or 3 times a day if necessary.
Antibiotic Garlic and Lemon Tea
- Organic garlic- 3 cloves
- Organic lemon- 1, washed, cut and seeded
- Water- ½ cup boiling
- Honey- to taste
- Add the water, the lemon and the garlic in a blender and blend till they become smooth.
- Put the mixture into a 16 oz, jar, then add the boiling water and leave it for about 5 minutes.
- Strain it into a mug.
- Add honey to taste and consume it 2 to 3 times per day in order to clean the sinus infection.
Homeopathy is becoming popular again thanks to its non-toxic materials, the ability to treat chronic disease and the ease of use. Homeopathy individualizes and makes it possible for the users to find the remedy that is perfect for them, based on the symptoms which are manifested.
Homeopathic remedies can be purchased at natural food stores, through the local homeopath or online.
Furthermore, we present you with some natural homeopathic remedies.
Arsenicum album needs to be used when the discharge is burning, watery and thin. The condition gets worse with exposure to open air and if there is a desire for drinking something warm accompanied with sense of anxiety and restlessness.
Hepar sulph needs to be used when the discharge is yellow-green, thick and has a foul smell. Moreover, when your nose is blocked and the facial bones and sinuses are sensitive to touch. Also, when your nose is swollen with burning pain, inflamed and red.
Hydrastis needs to be used when the discharge is watery acrid but becomes yellow, thick and foul smelling. Your nasal passages are burning and nose feels raw. When you constantly blow your nose, have severe sinus headache and nasal drip.
Kalium bichromium needs to be used when you feel pressure at the root of your nose and you have a loss of smell of a foul smell. If your frontal sinuses are constantly stuffy and there is a constant nasal obstruction or nasal drip, or if the symptoms are soothed by applying warm compress and they become worse when exposed to cold and damp air.
Mercurius iosatus needs to be used when the nostrils are ulcerated and raw, in case your condition worsens at night and from extreme temperatures. Moreover, if the nasal discharge is green or yellow and if it is tinged with blood.
Nux Vomica needs to be used if your passages are stuffy, and especially outdoors or at night. In case you experience frontal headaches which are calmed when applying pressure on them, or if light and noise bothers you and you feel irritable and chilly.
Pulsatilla needs to be used when your nose is stuffy, you have lost your smell, and have dull but heavy maxillary and frontal sinus pressure. Your discharge is non-irritating, thick and yellow. Your nose drains when you lie down and it stops once you stand up. The condition worsens when you go from cold to warm room and you feel better when the air is fresh.
Silicea needs to be used if there are hard crusts which start bleeding easily. Moreover, if you have sinus pain in the maxillary and front sinuses, or if your nasal bones are sensitive to touch. Moreover, if your nose is obstructed, sensitive to touch and you have a loss of smell.
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