The Hunza Valley is in northernmost Pakistan and it is a clean mountainous region. There is a rumor that it has been the stimulus for Shangri-La in the classical novel by James Hilton, Lost Horizon.
However, life there is very different from what people in West consider simple. These people subsist on the rough land and their diet mostly consists of the plants which are indigenous to that area. They also cultivate vegetables and fruits, whole grains without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically engineered organisms. They consume yogurt, cheese and meat in small amounts.
The Hunza people usually eat twice per day. They eat big breakfast at midday and they eat dinner after sunset. They don’t cook the produce through, but eat it while it is still crunchy. These people have an active lifestyle. The region where they live is completely devoid of crime, violence and disease. There aren’t many cell phones or desks. They spend their days tending animals, farming, house-keeping, cooking, they take part in sports and social events and care for their children. Their lives are centered on community and family and Hunza children have the best education in Pakistan.
Despite the fact that the rate of unemployment is pretty high, around 90%, these people are content and happy in general.
Sociologists have been observing these people in order to find answers.
- An average Hunza has a life expectancy of 120 years. To add, some have lived to up to 150 years.
- A number of Hunza women give birth in their 60s.
- These people have positive attitude, they live in nature and are fearless. When there is no anxiety and fear over basic necessities, there are not a lot of things to be concerned about.
- Fasting is a segment of their culture, and apricots are one of their main food sources. There are over 50 types of apricot types and when these people fast in the spring, they drink only juice from dried apricots. When the apricots are ripe for harvest in summer, they eat the whole apricot. Apricots have carotenoids, C vitamins, B vitamins, magnesium, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, and fiber. Moreover, these people eat the seeds as well, which contain vitamin B17, which can cure and prevent cancer.
- They make a traditional tea with the healing plant tumuru, which smells similar to oregano. This plant acts as moderator of blood sugar and anti-spasmodic. They use all of the plant’s parts. The seeds, fruits and bark are extensively used as an anthelmintic, stomachic and carminative. Its stem has shown hypoglycaemic activity during the initial trials. Also, the bark is utilized for cleansing teeth. The seeds and fruits as a scented tonic in dyspepsia and fever. Moreover, an extract from the fruits is believed to be helpful in preventing roundworms. Since the fruits have antiseptic, disinfectant and deodorant properties they are used for dental problems. Their lotion is beneficial for scabies. Furthermore, the essential oil has deodorant, disinfectant and antiseptic properties.
- Hunza Valley is practically disease-free.
Well, if we take all of the above mentioned in consideration, it is clear why these people live so long.
- There is virtually no pollution of the water earth and air. The water they use for bathing, drinking and cooking runs from the Himalayas and it is without chlorine and fluoride. Everything is grown naturally, without chemicals or pesticides. There is no toxic waste, no plastic and there aren’t dangerous chemicals on their bodies and in their homes.
- Children are supported, educated and physically active. They do not play computer games, do not receive vaccines and they do not suffer from neurological damage or get gravely ill.
- They do not have cell phones, and do not watch television. They are active and they move throughout the whole day.
- They have all of their basic needs covered and do not need more.
- Their communities are in regular social interaction and there is a feeling of constant comfort and support from friends and family. There are no gangs and violence.
- They eat in moderation. They do not consume flavorings, preservatives, artificial colors or refined sugars.
Hunza people lead a lifestyle which is totally different from the one people in the West lead. They live a content, healthy and much longer life.
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