Although there’s a wide array of hair dyes, these cosmetic products contain harsh chemicals that do more harm than good for your hair and scalp. For one thing, commercial hair colors irritate the scalp and damage the hair follicles, which leads to hair fall and dry, damaged hair. If you regularly use hair dyes to cover gray hair, natural solutions are more beneficial. These are much safer to use because they don’t cause scalp irritations or hair damage, and provide long-term benefits.
One of the most beneficial recipes for treating gray hair naturally is the one we recommend here.
Natural Recipe for Gray Hair Treatment
You can easily make the recipe at home. It asks for only two ingredients and takes very little time to make.
Start by peeling 5 potatoes. You won’t need the potatoes, only the peels. Put these in a pot of water. Bring the mixture to a boil then simmer for approximately 5 minutes. Remove the pot from heat and leave it to cool off. Strain the liquid and store it in another container. To improve the scent of the remedy, add some rosemary or lavender essential oil.
After washing your hair as normal, massage your hair and scalp with this mixture. Your gray hair will restore its natural color after only several treatments!
The post One Ingredient Can Help You Get Rid Of White Hair Forever! appeared first on Healthy Food Team.
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