Wednesday, 10 August 2016

8 Amazing Reasons to Incorporate Flax Seeds in Your Diet!

8 Amazing Reasons to Incorporate Flax Seeds in Your Diet

Flax seeds are famous for their various health benefits. These little seeds have a number of healing properties and you have to include them in your diet.

8 Reasons Which Make Flax Seeds Amazing

  1. Makes the Hair Glossy and Smooths the Skin

Flax seeds are high in healthy fats, minerals and B vitamins, thus they keep the skin and the hair in excellent state. Moreover, their anti-inflammatory index is pretty high, thereby they reduce tissue inflammation, skin irritation and redness. Furthermore, one or two tablespoons of flax seeds a day can significantly reduce eczema, rosacea and acne.

  1. Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Flax seeds contain lignans, which is a compound plant with incredible healing properties. There was a review which was published in Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences and it states that there are experimental evidence that show that pure or flaxseed lignans have clear anti-carcinogenic effects. Intestinal bacteria which makes the lignans into enterodiol and enetrolactone positively affects the hormones, thus reducing the risk of ovarian, endometrial and breast cancer.

  1. Boosts Nutrients Absorption

There is a high level of mucilage gum in flax seeds. This gum is gel-forming, water-soluble fiber and it is excellent for the intestinal tract. In this way, food remains in the stomach longer and it this way nutrient absorption is increased.

  1. Keeps A Person Full

A combination of fats and fiber usually fills a person up faster. According to a study only a small dose of flaxseed fiber notably suppresses energy intake and appetite. Since flax seeds are rich in fiber and healthy fats, they are going to get you full fast. Moreover, the soluble fiber absorbs liquids and keeps a person full for a longer period of time.

  1. Balances the Cholesterol Levels

These seeds can also reduce blood cholesterol and can help with the energy balance. Since they are high in soluble fiber they trap cholesterol and fat. Additionally, the fiber traps bile and then passes it through the digestive system, in this way the body produces more and reduces the blood cholesterol levels.

  1. Has a Positive Impact on Female Hormones

The lignans, which were already mentioned above, contain phytoestrogens, which balance the female hormones. Moreover, they can be helpful for balancing the menstrual cycle as well.

  1. Can Substitute Flour

Flaxseed is an excellent gluten-free substitute for flour. It has natural anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for baking.

  1. Aids in Releasing Toxins

As mentioned above, these seeds are rich in fiber that help in cleansing the colon, thereby helps eliminate unwanted toxins. Consuming 1 or 2 teaspoons a day is going to help you prevent bloating.

Use Flaxseeds Every Day in This Way

  • Add some flaxseeds in your smoothie
  • Add some in your salad
  • Sprinkle some flaxseeds over your paste
  • Add some flaxseed in your bliss balls
  • Add it to condiments and salad dressings
  • Bake it into bread, muffins, cookies and crackers
  • You can use it as a vegan egg replacement

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