Pamela Jacobs is 52 years old. She is originally from South Asia, moved to the UK. However, that is not the first impression people get when they met her for the first time. In fact, all the people believe that Pamela is in her 30s.
She has a great body and flawless complexion. In order to look the way she does, Pamela works hard. Despite from exercising and eating healthy, she permanently uses and swears by just one ingredient that actually keeps her youthful appearance – coconut oil.
This powerful oil takes the most important part of her beauty routine. Pamela uses it for body brushing once a week, apply it on her face before go to sleep and let it overnight, as a makeup remover and body moisturizer two times a week. Many people mistake Pamela to her son’s girlfriend (21 years). When she was buying a ticket to London, she was even offered a student’s discount.
Pamela has started using this oil when she was young. 80/20 is her diet rule, meaning that 20 % is not so healthy, dark organic chocolate, pudding and alcohol and 80% is healthy organic foods.
She especially loves leafy green vegetables, pepper, ginger, turmeric, protein foods, water with lemon, but she avoids pasta, sugar, bread and fruit.
After going to the sauna, she showers with cold water.
Why is coconut oil so good?
Coconut oil is full of amazing medicinal properties and combination of fatty acids. It is also considered as a exotic food in the Western society in spite of its different health benefits. People who live on the South Pacific are the largest consumers of saturated fats in the world and get 60% of the calories from coconut. Due to the consumption of this diet, these people enjoy excellent health and only a small percent of the people suffer from heart diseases.
Cooking at High Temperatures
This oil has higher temperature tolerance due to its medium chain fatty acids. For ex: olive oil and vegetables oils oxidize once they reach the point of opacity and then create free radicals.
Easy Digestion
Intestinal problems and microbiological bacteria can be easily treated by this oil. The antimicrobial effect of this oil eliminates parasites, fungus such as candida and bacteria.
Slows Down the Formation of Wrinkles and Aging Process
This product is one of the most beneficial products for your skin. It prevents various skin issues such as wrinkles, acne and keeps connective tissues strong. In order to give your skin a nice glow and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, you should use it on a regular basis.
This product is the perfect alternative for all the expensive cosmetic products full of chemicals.
Coconut oil is extremely beneficial for hair loss. You should simply take some coconut oil and apply it on your hair and then comb the hair from the tips to the scalp. Let it act during the night and wash your hair mild water the next morning.
Body Lotion
This oil is excellent for dry skin, prevents moisture loss – it is amazing for skin hydration.
As a result of frequent washing, coconut oil is ideal for your hands. It softens the skin and retains moisture in your skin.
Body Scrub
Melt some salt, brown sugar and ½ cup oil. This extremely powerful exfoliant effectively and deeply moisturizes your skin. You can also add some drops of your favorite essential oil in the mixture.
Source: Home Healthy Recipes
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