Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Short-Burst Workout Routine Which Is Going to Help You Eliminate Belly Fat in Two Weeks!

Do you have a little extra fat that just won’t go away? If the answer is yes, all you need to do is try a simple workout routine, which can be done at the comfort of your home. It will help you firm your belly.

You need to do:

  • 20 burpees
  • 30 push ups
  • 3-minute spot run
  • 10 second side planks on both sides

By doing this routine two times on a daily basis you can shed 10 pounds in just two weeks. Do this in the morning and in the evening.

Do It Like This

  1. Lunges

  • Stand up and put your feet hip’s width apart. Put the left leg in front and the right leg in the back. The right heel needs to be off the floor. Focus your weight in the left heel.
  • Tighten your core and lengthen your spine.
  • Breathe out and at the same time lower the hips toward the ground. The left knee should be in line with the left ankle and the right knee in line with the right hip.
  • Return to starting position by pushing yourself up.
  • Repeat, but change legs with every repetition
  1. Squats

  • Your feet need to be put slightly more than shoulder’s width apart. The toes need to be pointed outward. This is going to place your knees in line with the toes and open the hips.
  • Breathe in while lengthening the spine, tightening the core and try to reach your hips backwards. You need to be doing the same move as if sitting in a chair. Flex your knees, but be careful not to hyperextend them or cave them inwards. Keeping the back straight is very important.
  • Breathe out while pulling your glutes and abs inwards in order to return to starting position.
  • Do 4 sets of 20 repetitions, doing a 1 minute break between sets.
  1. Plank

  • Kneel on the floor on all four.
  • Make sure that your neck is straight and your head is facing the floor.
  • Put the hands under the shoulders and the knees under the hips.
  • Move your feet backwards one at a time. Place the toes firmly on the floor.
  • For further stability, you can push the knees toward the ceiling and make sure that your fingers are wide spread.
  • Tighten the core and glutes so as to keep the back in a straight position. Do not move the hips.
  • Your legs and arms need to be kept tight.
  • Distribute the body weight on your feet and hands evenly.
  • Take deep breaths and remain in that position for one minute.
  1. Jumping Jacks

  • Stand up and place your feet together, the arms at hip height and the thumbs and indexes touching. Focus your weight on the feet’s balls.
  • Jump out while moving the feet in a wide stance. While you are jumping, swing the arms to the side, allowing your hands to rest over your head. The thumbs and indexes should be touching.
  • Return to starting position and do this again.
  1. High Knees

  • Begin jogging on the spot, making sure that your feet touch the floor for just a second, not letting the heels to touch the floor.
  • While you are jogging, make sure your chest is up, the shoulders back and the core tight.
  • Your knees need to be brought to a straight angle to the height of the hips each time they leave the floor.
  • The moves need to be controlled and smooth during the entire exercise.
  1. Push-ups

  • You need to be in a plank position, your hands a bit more than shoulder-width apart. Your toes need to be braced on the floor. The hips and back need to be completely flat, meaning the core muscles need to be tight.
  • You need to look straight and begin to lower the body, while the shoulders are kept back and the elbows tucked.
  • While you are breathing out return back up and keep the core tight.
  • Do this till the set is finished.
  1. Burpees

  • Stand up with the feet shoulder’s width apart.
  • Bend down so that you are resting on your feet’s balls. Your hands need to be placed in front of you.
  • Move the feet back and flex the elbows like if you were performing a push-up.
  • Your core needs to be kept down while you are lowering the body towards the floor.
  • Push yourself up with the help of your arms and return to crouching position.
  • Raise the arms over the head and jump upward. You should be back to initial position.
  • Do the movement again.
  1. Side Plank

  • Lie down on the left side, the left forearm on the ground, at a straight angle with the body. The right hand needs to be on the side, resting.
  • Put your legs and feet together and drag the bellybutton inward toward the spine.
  • Lift your body by lengthening and straightening your waist. You need to be balanced on the bottom of the left feet and the left forearm.
  • Remain in that position while slowly counting to 10.
  • Do this again, but on the other side.
  1. Spot Run

  • The name of this exercise pretty much explains everything. You run, but you always put the foot at the same place. The spine needs to be tall and straight and the core engaged during the entire exercise. Don’t forget to breathe steady. Your weight need to be put on the feet’s balls and the center of the feet.

Source: fitness.mercola.com

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