Thursday, 21 July 2016

Hydrogen Peroxide Is Believed to Be Great, but You Probably Didn’t Know This

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a colorless liquid, a little more viscous than water. It is often used for oxidizing, bleaching and disinfecting. We usually use it after an accidental cut, and Eminem even used it to bleach his hair.

When heated to a boiling point, hydrogen peroxide actually explodes. Because of this, most household products contain this solution in a diluted form. Namely, they contain from 3 to 5 % of hydrogen peroxide.

In this article, read about the uses of hydrogen peroxide (HP).

The Complete List

  1. Destroys Viruses. Applying a few drops of diluted form of HP in both of your ears is going to cut short the duration of cold and flu.
  2. Kills pesticides. Soaking the vegetables in a mixture of 3 cups of water and ¼ cups of HP will eliminate all chemicals from them.
  3. Eliminates airborne germs. Mix one gallon of water and 1 pint of 3% HP and add it to your humidifier.
  4. Teeth whitener. Most teeth whitening products contain HP. HP oxygenates the surface of the teeth, thus naturally whitening them.
  5. As a bleach for finger and toe nails. In order to do this, all you need to do is put your fingertips of toes into some HP.
  6. Hair bleacher. HP is a mild bleach, so use it in order to bleach your hair.
  7. Hair highlights. In order to do sun-bleached highlights, spray some HP on a damp hair. Wait for about 15 minutes and then wash it.
  8. Detox and rejuvenate your body. Soaking in HP will detox and rejuvenate your body.
  9. Prevent stuffy sinuses. Stuffy sinuses can be very painful, so using a homemade HP solution will help you unclog them.
  10. Prevent toothache. Use a mixture of HP and coconut oil and make a gargle. It will ease your pain by eliminating bacteria.
  11. Wounds disinfectant. HP is excellent for disinfecting wounds.
  12. Mouth rinse. HP is also effective as a mouth wash.
  13. Prevents acne. Making a face rinse with HP will help you destroy germs which are responsible for acne.
  14. Eliminates boils. Soak in HP and eliminate boils.
  15. Softens corns and calluses. A mixture of water and HP (equal parts) is going to soften most calluses and corns in a natural way.
  16. Eliminates wax from the ears. Applying 2 drops of HP and some olive oil in each ear is going to eliminate wax from the ears.
  17. Stops the dreaded swimmer’s ear. This ear infection is very bothersome. All you need to do is mix some vinegar and 1 cap of HP, and apply a couple of drops of the solution in each ear after swimming so as to prevent infection.
  18. Soothes ear infections. 8 drops of HP to each ear will soothe the symptoms of the infection.
  19. Prevents skin mites. Apply some HP on the skin and it will eliminate skin mites.
  20. Eliminate foot fungus. A mixture of water and HP is going to help you eliminate foot fungus.
  21. Make a marinade for meat, fish or poultry. Place the food in a casserole which contains HP and water in equal parts. Leave it for half an hour. Wash the items prior to cooking them.
  22. Grow mushrooms. HP will make it possible to grow oyster mushrooms in your fridge.
  23. Toothbrush disinfectant. Soak your toothbrush in HP in order to disinfect it.
  24. Eliminates stubborn stains from clothes. Applying HP directly on the stain will remove even the most stubborn stains, like blood stains.
  25. Controls fungus growth in aquarium.
  26. An emetic for your pets. HP induces vomiting, so it is great if your pet feels unwell after having eaten something.
  27. Dishwasher detergent. Mix HP with what is left from your detergent.
  28. You can make an all-purpose cleaner. All you need to do is put a HP solution in a spray bottle and use it for cleaning.
  29. Contact lenses cleaner. Soak the contacts into a solution of HP and leave them overnight.
  30. Makes the laundry whiter. Adding 1 cup of HP to the wash is going to make your laundry whither.
  31. Eliminates organic stains. It can be difficult to remove organic stains, like coffee, wine, blood and sweat. Nevertheless, HP will help you remove them.
  32. Prevents undesirable odors. All you need to do is soak you clothes in a mixture of two parts HP and 1 part wash detergent.
  33. Cleans rugs and carpets. Many homeowners clean their rugs and carpets with HP. Just spray some on your rug and carpet and clean it like you would normally do.
  34. Disinfects the lunchbox. Since lunchboxes can build up a lot of bacteria, you need to spray some HP solution on it, wait for a couple of minutes and then wipe it.
  35. Keeps the shopping bags fresh. Spray some HP over your shopping bag, and it will be disinfected and fresh.
  36. Improves seeds germination. Fungal spores are able to prevent seeds germination, therefore, soak the seeds in some HP prior to planting them and it will eliminate the fungal spores.
  37. It cleans the humidifier. Disinfect your humidifier by adding 1 gallon of water and 1 pint if HP in it.
  38. Excellent cleaner of surfaces. Spray some HP on the surfaces and you will clean the dirt easier.
  39. Cleans the toilet. Add half a cup of HP in the toilet bowl and leave it for half an hour. It is going to disinfect the bowl and remove the stains.
  40. Whitens the grout. Make a mixture of white flour and HP and clean the grout with it.
  41. Eliminates soap scum from the bath. Spray the bath with HP, leave it for half an hour and it will eliminate the scum.
  42. Eliminates mold. Spray some HP, rub it with a sponge and get rid of mold.
  43. Makes the glasses perfectly clear. Spray some HP on the glasses and wipe them with a clean cloth.
  44. Cleans bathroom and kitchen counters.
  45. Disinfects dishrags and sponges.
  46. As a disinfectant for cutting boards. Spray some HP on the cutting board, wait a few minutes and wash them with water.
  47. Wash your fruits. Spray some HP over your fruits and veggies and then wash them with water.
  48. Cleans the fridge. Spray some HP over the whole fridge, leave it for a few minutes and clean it with a cloth.
  49. Eliminates stubborn foods. A mixture of baking soda and HP will help you clean your pans and pots.
  50. It will make your salad fresher. Spraying your salad with HP will make it last for a longer time.
  51. Cleans your children’s toys. Use HP and clean the toys, boxes and the play areas.
  52. Brighten table clothes and curtains. Use some HP and whiten your table clothes and curtains.
  53. Eliminates algae. Remove algae from your aquarium with the help of HP.
  54. Heals animal wounds. Just apply some HP on the wound.
  55. Eliminates mold from plants.
  56. Eliminates canker sores. Hold a cupful of HP in your mouth and eliminate canker sores.
  57. Prepare your own enema.
  58. Control a yeast infection.
  59. For an exceptionally clean mirror.
  60. Keeps the vegetables fresh for a longer period of time.
  61. Removes wine stains.
  62. Gets rid of a wring round the collar.
  63. Eliminates mites very easy.
  64. Improves the root system of the plants.
  65. Cleans cutting board made of wood.
  66. Eliminates odor from sponges.
  67. Removes armpit sweat. Soaking the stain in a mixture of 1 part dishwasher liquid and 2 parts HP will remove the stains.
  68. Removes stains from any stone surface.
  69. Stimulates the immune system.
  70. Weakens the cold.
  71. Eliminates impurities from the feet.
  72. Purifies the humidifier water.
  73. Makes your sponge to last longer
  74. Skin disinfectant.
  75. Hands disinfectant.
  76. Eliminates persistent yeast infection.

Facts about Hydrogen Peroxide

It is interesting that hydrogen peroxide is found in all living material, and it is produces by the white blood cells.

Furthermore, fruits and vegetables also produce it naturally. The first milk of the mother contains large amounts of HP and it is also found in rainwater.


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