Many men and women face premature hair loss and this problem can wreak havoc on one’s self-esteem, especially if it happens really early. People who suffer from this common issue know that there are a million hair-care products and treatments which promise amazing results, but effective solutions are really hard to find. The ones that really work are usually very expensive and not everyone can afford them, so what can be done?
If you suffer from hair-loss don’t get disappointed, we’ve found the perfect solution for you. Guava leaves have proven to be extremely effective in stopping hair loss and stimulating new hair growth due to the high amount of vitamin B they contain, and we all know that this vitamin is essential for hair growth. We’ll show you how you can use them and resolve your problem for good.
Take a handful of guava leaves and boil them in a liter of water for approximately 20 minutes. Leave the mixture to cool down at room temperature. You can use this guava leaves mixture like a tonic, applying it on your scalp and hair roots after you wash your hair. You can also use this mixture to massage your scalp. Leave it in after the massage for a few hours and then rinse your hair. If you want this treatment to be even more effective you can massage your scalp before you go to bed and sleep with the mixture on your hair during the night. Wear a shower cap and rinse in the morning.
Repeat this process as often as you can and you’ll see the bald spots disappearing and new hair growing, thicker and healthier than ever before. Try this recipe and you won‘t regret it for sure!
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