Every organ in the body needs to function perfectly so that the body can function properly. This is especially important for the liver, which is an organ that is found in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and it is secured by the ribs.
The liver can be attacked by a number of diseases and health problems, and in this article you can read about the symptoms of a damaged liver and how to detect them. Some conditions are fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, alcoholic liver disease and hepatitis.
Some of the most common symptoms of a damaged liver are:
- Stomach Problems
Stomach problems, from nausea and vomiting to migraines, food poisoning, vertigo, early pregnancy, depression, and motion sickness can indicate liver damage.
These symptoms can also be a sign of kidney disease. They happen because the liver is not able to eliminate toxins, and that is followed by nausea.
- Different Color of the Urine
Bilirubin is responsible for the change of color. The color of the urine may become orange amber and more brown.
If the liver is not able to eliminate bilirubin, the kidneys eliminate it.
- Digestive Tract Problems
In case the liver is damaged, it cannot produce bile. As a consequence, diarrhea occurs. Usually, if there is a lack of bile there is intolerance to fatty foods, gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, abdominal bloating and alcohol intolerance.
- Intestinal Bleeding, Constipation and Diarrhea
In case of a damaged liver you are likely to have bleeding of your intestines, therefore constipation and diarrhea.
- Abdominal Discomfort
This is one of the most usual symptoms of a damaged liver.
- Fluid Retention
This occurs during the early stages and happens in both the ankles and the feet. This condition is usually caused by lymphatic disease, hormonal irregularities, kidney issues and heart failure.
- Abdominal Problems
Liver damage is often followed by bloating, pain or cramping, and in the lower abdomen in particular. Furthermore, there could be ascites, which is fluid accumulation in the abdomen. This can then lead to high blood pressure or portal hypertension.
- Chronic Itching
In case of a damaged liver, the skin can easily get irritated, itchy and can be very sensitive to touch. Moreover, there could also be veins exposure and bruising.
- Stool Color Changes
These changes can also be caused by lack of bile. The stool can be from gray to clay colored or pale yellow. If it last for a longer period of time, consult a doctor.
- Lack of Appetite
The bile helps in decomposing fats and enhances digestion. If the food we consume is not completely digested, this can have effect on the appetite, thus causing weight loss.
- Jaundice
In case of jaundice, the color of the skin, tongue, fingertips and eyes turns yellow. Jaundice happens as a result of high bilirubin levels. Moreover, it can be related to other disease, especially those related to the pancreas and the gallbladder.
- Body Sickliness and Fatigue
From all of the above mentioned symptoms, this is the one which directly points to liver damage. If there is a liver damage, your organism works far more so as to compensate for the lost performance. However, it exhausts itself during the process.
Moreover, because the liver does not destroy the toxins they stay in the body. In case you notice any of the above mentioned symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.
Source: Med Health
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