Our bodies regulate their pH just fine…the food we consume hurt or help this process.
Most people consume genetically modified and highly processed foods in this modern life. This food is actually high in different unhealthy substances that harm the pH value of the body and low in nutrients at the same time.
Human organism is alkaline, but fast and ready-made foods make it acidic, which affect the immune function extremely negatively.
However, there are some natural foods that can really help you in the restoration of your body’s pH.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
This oil is packed with monounsaturated fats and Vitamin E. it can be consumed on many many different ways (your choice).
Flax Seeds
These seeds are extremely rich in strong alkaline and anti-inflammatory properties. Flax seeds are also full of fiber and Vitamin E.
Due to its abundance in water and fiber content, melon has the ability to detox the digestive tract and hydrate the body.
Full of fiber and antioxidants, berries are one of the healthiest fruits on the planet.
By preventing cardiovascular issues and providing a lot of energy, lentils are excellent alternative to wheat.
Swiss Chard
It is rich in antioxidant, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Swiss chard is extremely alkaline.
Alkalizing Vegetables
- Alka
- Sprouts
- Spirulina
- Green spinach
- Cucumber
- Collard greens
- Chlorella
- Chard greens
- Green peas
- Green beans
- Garlic
- Fermented veggies
- Eggplant
- Edible flowers
- Dandelions
- Sea veggies
- Rutabaga
- Radishes
- Peas
- Barley Grass
- Wild Greens
- Peppers
- Pumpkin
- Wheat Grass
- Alfalfa
- Broccoli
- Carrot
- Watercress
- Sweet potatoes
- Celery
- Cabbage
- Parsnips
- Beets
- Cauliflower
- Nightshade Veggies
- Beet Greens
- Tomatoes
- Mushrooms
- Onions
- Mustard Greens
Alkalizing Fruits:
- Rhubarb
- Pineapple
- Pear
- Peach
- Orange
- Fresh coconut
- Sour cherries
- Cantaloupe
- Banana
- Avocado
- Apricot
- Apple
- Lime
- Lemon
- Honeydew melon
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Dried figs
- Watermelon
- Umeboshi plums
- Tropical fruits
- Tomato
- Tangerine
Alkalizing Protein
- Chestnuts
- Millet
- Almonds
- Tofu (fermented)
- Tempeh (fermented)
Seasonings & Alkalizing Spices
- Chili Peppers
- Curry
- Cinnamon
- Ginger
- Mustard
- All herbs
- Tamari
- Miso
- Sea salt
Alkalizing Others
- Bee Pollen
- Probiotic Cultures
- Molasses
- Fresh Fruit Juices
- Veggie Juices
- Green Juices
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Mineral Water
Source: Best Healthy Guide
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