Statistical data show that around 75% of American adults and 70% of American children are insufficient in vitamin D because they don’t get enough of it on a daily basis. The problem with this vitamin is that we get the majority from the sun (our body synthesizes it when we’re exposed to sunlight) and it’s rarely found in food, so if we don’t get enough sun we develop a vitamin D deficiency. However, there are some foods that are rich in it, so if you suspect you may be lacking it you should consume more of these foods because vitamin D is extremely important for the normal functioning of our body and in the prevention of various diseases.
Regular consumption of vitamin D is essential for your health and can have an amazing effect on your organism. Some experts even say that this vitamin could be the secret to finding a cure for cancer. Vitamin D deficiency is often overlooked but it’s much more common than you think and there are some tell-tale sign which indicate you may be suffering from it.
What is vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which is stored in the liver and fatty tissues. This means that extra body fat can absorb vitamin D and prevent it from being used. Vitamin D is different from all the other vitamins because as we mentioned before our body produces it when exposed to sunlight. Even though some foods are rich in it we get most of it from the sun. It’s also important to eat these foods rich in vitamin D to prevent a deficiency and further health problems.
Vitamin D is crucial for the proper calcium absorption in the bones. The lack of it can lead to osteomalacia or rickets, and significantly increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractured bones. More recently, vitamin D deficiency is suspected to increase the risk of cancer in some patients.
Health problems caused by vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D is crucial for the proper functioning of your lungs so if you want to increase their capacity and prevent respiratory disorder like asthma you should increase its consumption.
Osteoporosis is linked to insufficient levels of vitamin D in the body so if you suffer from fragile bones you should consume more of it. In combination with calcium, vitamin D strengthens your bones and prevents fractures.
Vitamin D can strengthen your immune system and help you fight numerous diseases.
Heart health
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to heart problems and high blood pressure. Your heart is dependent on this vitamin so try increasing its levels to preserve your cardiovascular health.
Allergies can significantly be reduced with adequate vitamin D levels. People with low vitamin D levels are more susceptible to allergies according to a study conducted on 6000 individuals.
According to research, deep feelings of sadness or even depression are more present in woman with low levels of vitamin D. If you want to increase your vitamin D levels consume more salmon, mackerel, halibut, tuna, fortified milk, orange juice, cereal, dried shitake mushrooms. Take care of your vitamin D levels in order to keep your body healthy.
The recommended daily dosage of vitamin D is 400-800 IU (International Units) per day if you’re under 50 years, and 800-1000 IU for people over 50.
The post Take Vitamin D For 3 Months And All Diseases Will Disappear appeared first on Healthy Food Team.
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