High levels of acid in your body lead to an acidic environment which can cause a number of health problems. On the other hand, alkalinity is the whole capacity of the body fluids to neutralize the acid, and these fluids include blood, saliva, urine and so on. In order to preserve our overall health we need to keep the levels of acids within a specific range.
The body’s acidity and alkalinity is measured by a pH scale that goes from 0 to 14. If your body fluids have higher pH levels it means they have more oxygen and are more alkaline. If your body fluids are lower in pH, it means they have less oxygen and more acids. Neutral levels are considered around pH value 7.
Optimal pH levels of the body fluids are:
- Saliva pH = 7.0-7.5
- Blood pH = 7.35-7.45
- Urine pH = 4.6-8.0
If your pH levels are lower your body is acidic and this can have serious consequences for your health. The majority of people are unaware of the dangers of acidity so they rarely check their pH levels.
Here is a list of symptoms that indicate body acidity and ways to regulate the alkaline balance as well:
- Weight Gain
If your body is acidic it will stimulate an increased production of insulin which will lead to fat accumulation. Your body’s detox system won’t be able to respond appropriately and will push the acid back to the fat tissues, forcing it to cling to cells.
Moreover, your metabolism – which depends on balanced alkaline levels – can’t do its job properly and prevents your body from burning the usual amount of calories. This means that if you just can’t find a way to shed those extra pounds no matter how hard you try it may mean that your body is acidic
- Weak Bones
Our body is a very intelligent system which finds a way around the obstacles it runs into. That’s why when it notices that there’s too much acid it tries to neutralize it by pulling alkaline nutrients to counteract the effect. Where does it find them? From your bones, which isn’t something you’d want.
This process won’t be noticeable right away but as time goes by and your body continually pulls nutrients like calcium from your bones you’ll end up with weak and fragile bones, susceptible to fractures and osteoporosis.
This is also one of the main reasons why patients suffering from osteoporosis are advised to stay away from high-acid foods like coffee.
- Dental Problems
According to a study published in the International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications in 2015, the tooth enamel can become weaker and more susceptible to damage as a result of high acidity.
If you frequently get cavities or can’t eat cold or hot foods without your teeth erupting in pain, that could be a sign that you’re suffering from acid-related enamel degradation.
- Insomnia
As we already mentioned, when your body gets too acidic it start stripping your bones from calcium in order to regain balance. But in doing so it depletes your body of calcium, you become deficient in this important nutrient and this deficiency has been linked to insomnia and fatigue according to the Human Nutrition Research Center in North Dakota.
- Skin Problems
High levels of acidity lead to toxins build up and this in turn causes damage to your skin. It also leads to decreased blood flow making the skin unable to eliminate toxins through sweating. Due to this condition a person may develop rashes, eczema, acne and various allergies.
- Mucus Buildup
Mucus serves a purpose which is eliminating toxins via the nose. When the organism is acidic, the nasal passage cannot throw out the mucus, which remains trapped inside the body.
If the mucus starts building up you need to seek medical help because otherwise it will lead to respiratory problems like coughing, sinus issues, wheezing and chest pain.
- Muscle Pain
High levels of body acidity results in constricted muscles, which means that the oxygen cannot be transferred through the blood vessels properly. Thus, the muscles lack oxygen as well and this leads to pain and soreness. You may also experience fatigue, a clear sign of elevated body acidity.
Deal With The Problem
If you want to prevent body acidity you can do a few things and keep your body alkaline and healthy.
Hydration: Drink plenty of water in order to prevent dehydration. Water stimulates digestion, speeds up the metabolism and prevents diseases.
Warm Lemon Water: Lemon does have an acidic taste but it can actually alkalize your body and it may be your best solution for keeping an alkaline environment.
Green Leafy Vegetables: eat more cucumbers, kale, spinach, broccoli, arugula, green peppers, collards, chard, zucchini, lettuce, artichokes, green asparagus and celery and fix any acidity problems instantly. By juicing these veggies you will get maximum health benefits.
Stop Consuming Highly Acidic Products: steer clear of alcohol, caffeine, soft drinks, processed junk foods, processed meats, and artificial and processed sugars if you want to lower your acidity levels.
Calcium and Magnesium: increasing your intake of calcium and magnesium will keep your bones strong and muscles functional. This is going to also keep your teeth, heart, and nervous system in check. Moreover these minerals will keep your pH levels up.
Best sources of calcium are dark, leafy green veggies, seafood (salmon and mackerel), dry fruits, and grain cereals. Calcium and magnesium supplements can be also beneficial, and can be prescribed by your doctor.
Organic Foods: always try to eat organic foods because they are health beneficial. GMOs on the other hand are full of toxins and chemicals which only increase the acidity in your body.
The post Signs That Indicate Your Body Is Too Acidic And How To Fix It Fast appeared first on Healthy Food Team.
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