Friday, 19 August 2016

Signs On Your Face Which Indicate Liver, Hormones and Kidneys Problems!

We always relate clear skin with a healthy person. Not only it looks radiantly youthful, but a fresh and glowing skin also speaks volumes about a person’s health.

Since our mind relates clear complexions with health, then it is logical that we relate skin issues with health issues. Actually, Face Mapping suggests that what is happening on the outside can speak volumes about what is happening inside our bodies.

Face Mapping is founded on the ancient philosophies of Ayurveda and the Chinese Medicine and it connects changes in the skin with the internal environment. This makes it easier to diagnose the main cause of the skin problems and to discover other health issues which require attention.


Zone: Forehead

Related with: gallbladder and liver

Explanation: our foreheads are connected with digestion and the activity of the nervous system. Thereby, sluggish digestive system and stress can lead to breakouts in this zone.

You need to: stay away from processed, fatty and sugary foods. Instead, you need to consume fruits and veggies which are rich in fiber so as to keep the digestive system running. Moreover, do meditation, yoga or similar to eliminate stress. For a natural detox of the liver try adding some fresh lemon juice in warm water or some dandelion tea.

Zone: Right Side of the Space Which Separates the Eyebrows

Related with: stored emotions in the liver.

Explanation: facial expressions always give away the way we feel. Wrinkling and skin issues in this zone could be an indication of unexpressed anger that is being held in the liver.

You need to: try counselling, yoga, journaling, reiki or whatever makes you more relaxed and helps you eliminate negative energy. Also, reduce high-fats food and alcohol intake.

Zone: Left Side of the Space Which Separates the Eyebrows

Related with: stored emotions in the spleen.

Explanation: lines in this area could be an indication of unexpressed emotions in your spleen.

You need to: get rid of stagnant and old emotional energy. You can try guided meditation and breathing work, journaling, counselling, yoga and reiki.

Zone: Eyes

Related with: intestines, thyroid and joints.

Explanation: we all know that our eyes are the window to our soul, but they are also window to our health. Extra white coloring in the iris can indicate joints degeneration while smaller-sized iris can indicate joint issues in general. Intestinal malabsorption may be indicated by spotty discoloration in your iris. In case you have a lightly-colored ring round your iris, it means you are eating too much sugar and salt.

You need to: consume anti-inflammatory foods like walnuts, fish, flax seeds/lin seeds, ginger and turmeric, organic bone broth. Reduce the intake of processed foods, refined salt, sugar and caffeine, since these foods stimulate inflammation.

Zone: Under the Eyes

Related with: kidneys

Explanation: puffy and swollen eyelids indicate sluggish kidneys. Impaired kidney function can also be indicated by dark and puffy bags.

You need to: dehydration puts a strain on the kidneys and they are prevented from performing the crucial eliminating functions. Thereby you need to drink a lot of filtered water, minimize stress and get enough sleep. Furthermore, stay away from alcohol and coffee.

Zone: Cheeks

Related with: sluggish metabolism, malabsorption and lungs

Explanation: in case there are discolored patches on the cheeks, it can be an indication of lower nutrients absorption and slower metabolic rate. Moreover, the cheeks are also associated with the lungs.

You need to: in order to oxygenate the lungs you need to try breathing exercises. Also, perform more cardio exercises so as to improve the functions of the lungs. Make sure that you chew your food well. Additionally, diet which is rich in antioxidants and consuming green tea can protect your skin.

Zone: Nose

Related with: the cardiovascular system

Explanation: it is believed that the nose is linked to circulation, thereby skin problems in this zone could be an indication of problems with the blood pressure.

You need to: consume more heart0healthy foods like nuts, avocado, cold-pressed olive oil, tahini, oily fish, flax seed or lin seed. However, you need to reduce coffee and alcohol consumption.

Zone: Lower Lip

Related with: the digestive system

Explanation: the lower lip reflects intestinal function. Brown spots may indicate insufficient digestive enzymes or problems with indigestion. Moreover, it may be an indication of parasite overgrowths or worms in the intestines. Anemia can be indicated by pale lips.

You need to: take a natural worming treatment or a good probiotic. Moreover, you need to consume foods which are rich in iron, like green leafy vegetables, legumes and lead red meat.

Zone: Tongue

Related with: toxin overload and lungs

Explanation: the tongue is an amazing guide to inner health. What you need to do is check the surface of your tongue first thing in the morning. White circles toward the middle or the rear area indicate intestinal toxins. Frothiness or abrasion on the outer sides of the tongue could indicate suboptimal lung function.

You need to: perform detox in order to eliminate excess toxins.

Zone: Chin

Related with: stress and hormones

Explanation: the chin is the zone where stressful emotions and hormonal imbalance manifest.

You need to: try taking maca powder for supporting the hormones and stay away from artificial cleaning aids or beauty products which contain toxins and hamper with the endocrine system. Moreover, reduce stress and get proper sleep.


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