Sunday, 7 August 2016

Proven Recipe for Cancer Prevention, High Cholesterol and Chronic Pain

Ginger originates from south-east Asia and it is one of the oldest spices with powerful healing properties. Very prized and traded by early civilizations, ginger is now used as part of modern dishes, tonics, drinks and also as a supplement. It has been used as a powerful treatment for unstable blood sugar and chronic pain, as a treatment for gastrointestinal distress, and for calming the intestinal tract. Ginger has also anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


It is generally considered a folk medicine and it is clinically proven that it can soothe rheumatoid arthritis and sore muscles, and chronic pain as well. Moreover, it can relieve and prevent flu and cold symptoms, reduce cholesterol and stabilize the blood sugar levels.

According to new research ginger is 10,000 times more powerful at fighting cancer compared to chemo treatments. Because of its amazing healing properties, you can prepare ginger for best results. Read about an amazing recipe for an amazing ginger drink.

You are going to need:

  • 200 grams ginger- peeled and chopped
  • Lemon-sliced wedges
  • 450 ml water- filtered
  • Lime juice- a few drops
  • 225 grams cane sugar- raw
  • Sparkling water- 115 ml

First, you need to boil the filtered water and put the chopped ginger in it, reducing the heat slowly and simmering for an extra five minutes. Allow for the juice to cool down for approximately 20 minutes.

Take another bowl and mix 1/3 cup of syrup with ½ a cup of ginger juice. Then, add ½ a cup of sparkling water. Next, add the honey and the lime juice and mix it well.

Additional Tips

Fresh and unpeeled ginger can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 weeks and 6 months in a freezer.

Consuming ginger in your drinks can help you with a number of conditions like:

  • Arthritis
  • Inflammation and pain
  • Flu or the common cold
  • Inadequate circulation
  • Gas
  • Intestinal tract irritation
  • Unstable blood sugar levels
  • High cholesterol

Ginger has been used as a treatment for various discomforts and ailments, from upset stomach to rheumatoid arthritis.

Ginger has virtually no side effects and a number of cultures have used it as a food product for a very long time.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties ginger can be used to soothe muscle pain and daily soreness, and a number of studies even claim that ginger is able to efficiently soothe the osteoarthritis symptoms. Moreover, it can reduce the risk of a cardiovascular diseases, stabilize blood sugar levels, especially in people with type 2 diabetes. Including more ginger in your diet might just be the missing ingredient you have been searching for.

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