Friday, 5 August 2016

Press These Points On Your Baby’s Feet To Make Them Stop Crying Immediately

Reflexology represents an ancient Chinese practice. Today this medicine is very popular in the Western world. This powerful treatment is ideal for calming down babies. Reflexology actually determines what it’s your baby is experiencing and how to fix it.

Reflexology Foot Guide for Babies


Babies are much more responsive to this Chinese medicine compared with adults. This is generally because the babies are more receptive to physical touch.

Different health issues are related with their corresponding body parts. The picture above presents the correlations between the certain points of the body and certain part of the baby’s feet.


In the center of the “Head/Teeth” area is the part on the foot related with sinuses. The severity of a variety of sinus problems from respiratory problems to common cold can be solved by applying pressure to the center of a child’s toes. However, it doesn’t mean cure for disease but reduce and make the symptoms more bearable.


The tips of the toes are area of the foot that should be rubbed in order to treat issues involving the teeth and head. This is ideal for curing many health conditions that occur above your neck, such as ear infection. Performing reflexology on the tips of the toes is especially helpful when the baby is teething.

Lower and Upper Abdomen

The entire arch of the foot is the part of the foot that correlates with the abdomen. The upper half of the arch correlates with the upper abdomen. Digestive issues such as heartburn and bowel obstruction can be treated by performing reflexology on this area.

Solar Plexus

It is complex collection of nerves situated between the lungs and the stomach. By performing the Chinese reflexology near the upper area of the arch of your foot, you can effectively treat solar plexus pain.


The pelvic are corresponds with the heels of the foot. Postural problems and muscle tightness are problems that usually effect the pelvic area. Applying pressure to the heel area of the baby’s foot can easily solve this problem.

Reflexology significantly increases the comfort of the babies during periods of stress and pain.

Source: Foods and Healthy Life

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