Monday, 22 August 2016

9 Things That Happen to Your Body After You Quit Sugar. No.9 Will Surprise You!

As modern diet is mostly defined by food rich in sugar and unhealthy fats, no wonder ‘modern’ diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, depression etc. are constantly on the rise. Worst of all, most people are not even aware of the harmful effects such a diet can incur on their health. By removing a single ingredient from your diet – sugar, you can reap numerous health benefits and improve your overall health in the long run.

9 Things That Happen to Your Body After You Quit Sugar

1# You become more aware of your eating habits

This is the most important of all benefits you gain from cutting out sugar from your diet. Sadly, most consumers are unaware of the amount of sugar they consume on a daily basis until they start reading the labels. If your diet includes a lot of sweets, pretzels, Frappuccinos, and energy bars then you have no idea how much sugar you actually consume. You’ll soon start reading the labels and be more mindful of your diet choices. This will eventually lead you to healthier eating habits.

2# Your energy levels go up

Soon after you cut out sugar, you’ll feel that your energy levels go up. This is because your body will start producing more energy rather than relying on caffeine or sugar as an energy source.

3# You stop sleeping until late

With your energy levels boosting, your metabolism changes as well. Soon after quitting sugar, you’ll become a morning person even if you didn’t use to be one.

4# You gain mental clarity

Sugar often makes you feel forgetful, which can seriously affect your productivity and efficiency at work. Without sugar on your menu, there’s no more brain fog or forgetfulness.

5# You drop weight

Sugar can seriously affect your weight loss goals as you constantly have sugar cravings. Plus, building muscle is far more difficult. Once you quit sugar, your body stops using glucose as fuel and burns fat reserves more easily.

6# You are less stressed and anxious

Sugar consumption suppresses the protein Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which is quite low in people suffering from depression and anxiety. In addition, crashes in blood sugar affect the energy levels your body produces making it more difficult for you to deal with stressful situations.

7# You save money

You’ll be surprised that people on average spend over $200 a month on sugary protein bars, chocolate, lattes, and cocktails. If you add this up for a year’s period, you’ll find that you can save more than $2,000, which you can invest more wisely.

8# Your skin quality improves

Aside from cutting inches of your waistline, one of the greatest benefits from ditching sugar is improved skin quality.

9# Your relationships improve

You have more energy, mental clarity and patience, and you feel a lot better about yourself – all of this inevitably improves the quality of your relationships. You’ll soon find yourself surrounded by more positive people.


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