Friday, 19 August 2016

2 Ingredient Drink That Will Help You Burn 10 Pounds in Just 5 Days. The Nutritionists Are Shocked!

Every person knows that burning the excess pounds can be difficult and long process. But what if we tell you that you do not have to eat much less or to starve if you want to get rid of the excess pounds.

Today we will present you an amazing homemade beverage that will help to up to 10 pounds in just one week. This powerful mixture was recommended by many dietitians and nutritionists.

2 easy available and simple ingredients are needed for this DIY mixture. A pinch of cinnamon powder and a glass of water are all things you need. It may sounds weird, by this miraculous beverage will do wonder to your body weight and overall health.


Make a mixture between 250ml of water and a teaspoon of cinnamon and let it boil for 5min. Let it cool down for 10 min and the drink is ready for consumption. Do not forget that it has to be consumed on an empty stomach, right after you get up. You can also consume it before dinner or in the middle of the day.

Consume the miracle at least 15 days. It will help you to burn 15 lbs in just 15 days and will improve your overall health. Do not waste your time, start today and feel the difference in your body.

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Source: Just Amazing Recipes

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