Wednesday, 20 July 2016

The Powerful Cancer-Fighter You Can Grow In Your Front Yard

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the US, mostly because it’s usually diagnosed in its later stages. Aside from conventional medical treatment, alternative medicine has also proved effective in treatment of this particular type of cancer.

A living example of this is Chris Wark of Chris Beat Cancer, who beat stage III cancer without subjecting himself to chemotherapy. After the surgery, Chris chose alternative treatment and has been cancer free for 11 years now. Now, he shares his story on his website and encourages others to put more faith in alternative medicine.

According to him, the first steps you need to take in fighting colon cancer is to cut out the standard American diet (SAD), take up moderate exercise on a regular basis, and reduce stress.

In addition, enriching your diet with particular foods, such as the purple potato, can further increase your chances of survival. The purple potato has been found to prevent colon cancer in in-vitro and in-vivo (animal and human) studies.


The Color Purple

Purple potatoes are abundant in anthocyanin pigments, which are extremely effective in destroying colon cancer stem cells. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that develop into many different cell types in the body to produce more stem cells.

The thing with cancer stem cells is that they are much stronger and more resilient to conventional oncology treatments. This means that even if the treatment kills most cancer cells, the stem cells remain intact and create future cancer cells. This is basically the main reason why cancer reappears after remission.

A recent Penn State University study examining the anti-cancer effects of purple potatoes found that even baked potatoes can destroy not only cancer cells, but also stem cancer cells with the help of anthocyanins.

What the researchers did was use extracts from the baked potatoes in their in-vitro studies and in-vivo fed animals with colon cancers. The findings revealed that baked purple potatoes gave positive results in reversing tumor growths.

You might want to compare cancer stem cells to roots of the weeds,” said Jairam K.P. Vanamala, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Food Science at Penn State University. “You may cut the weed, but as long as the roots are still there, the weeds will keep growing back and, likewise, if the cancer stem cells are still present, the cancer can still grow and spread.”

Purple potatoes originated in Peru, but today organic purple potatoes can be found in almost all health food stores sell. One of the most recommended recipes for this powerful cancer-fighting food is to cut and boil the potatoes, since they’re too small for baking, then mash them with some organic butter and real sea salt. Another way to prepare them is to make a potato salad.

It’s good to know that anthocyanins are not only found in purple potatoes. These powerful pigments are also present in plums and cherries, which are mostly eaten raw.

What About the Starches?

Resistant starch, one type of starch, is not immediately digested to create sugar and it disappears when cooked. However, some of it does return after cooling. Potato salads of both types of potatoes, white and purple, even pastas and peas, are great sources of this resistant starch, especially after refrigerating and eating at room temperature.

Resistant starch is particularly high in purple potatoes. Moreover, it contains chlorogenic acid – a powerful antioxidant and tumor fighter. The highest content of this starch is found in starchy foods that are either raw or cooked then cooled by refrigeration and eaten at room temperature.

Food researcher Janine Higgins from the University of Colorado School of Medicine explains:

Resistant starch is found in peas, beans and other legumes, green bananas, and also in cooked and cooled starchy products like sushi rice and pasta salad. You have to consume it at room temperate or below — as soon as you heat it, the resistant starch is gone. But consumed correctly, it appears to kill pre-cancerous cells in the bowel.”


The post The Powerful Cancer-Fighter You Can Grow In Your Front Yard appeared first on Healthy Food Team.

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