Monday, 11 July 2016

How to Eat Properly For Your Blood Type!

Plant-based diets, low-calories diets, low-carb diets are just a few from the many diet plans that we constantly follow in our pursuit of losing weight. Losing weight and then maintaining it can be very difficult, so it is very important to discover what type of foods are best for you. The effects that diets have are different for everybody, some diets are more effective than some. However, if you still haven’t found the diet that works for you, check this diet plan. It could be the one you were looking for.

Your facial expressions, movements, gestures and habits can tell a lot about your personality, but your blood type reveals a lot as well. Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo created the so called Blood Type Diet which is based in the blood type and on person’s personality. According to this doctor, it is vital to have a weight loss plan when starting a diet. Continue reading and find out the foods that you need to consume according to your blood type.

Type A

People with blood Type A prefer to lead a harmonious, rhythmic and structured life and they like to be surrounded by supportive and positive community. According to Dr. D’Adamo vegetarian diet works perfectly for people with this blood type. People who have this blood type and eat meat can lose weight if they start the vegetarian diet. They need to start consuming foods which are organic, fresh and pure.

Type B

People with blood Type B can thrive in changeable conditions and they have great potential for malleability. These people can be highly sensitive and during stressful situations they produce cortisol in higher levels. People with this blood type need to avoid eating wheat, corn, lentils, buckwheat, tomatoes, sesame seeds, peanuts and chicken since these foods have an effect on the metabolic process. Instead, people with this blood type need to consume venison, rabbit, mutton, lamb and goat. They also need to eat more green vegetables and dairy low in fat.

Type AB

People with this blood type have low stomach acid, meaning they do not have enough stomach acid for efficiently metabolizing meat. Thereby, it gets stored as fat. People with this blood type need to avoid alcohol and caffeine, and especially in stressful situations. People with this blood type need to consume seafood, tofu, green vegetables and dairy in order to lose weight. Dr. D’Adamo says that these people need to avoid cured or smoked meats since they can lead to stomach cancer in people with low level of stomach acid. Meals which are smaller and more frequent can prevent digestive problems in type AB people.

Type O

These people have higher level of stomach acid, so their ability to digest meals which contain fat and protein is well-developed. Therefore, these people can eat more animal products. These people need to avoid eating simple carbohydrates, grains in particular since they are easily transformed into triglycerides and fats. People with this blood type need to consume more fruits and vegetables, organic meats, and lean. On the other hand, the need to avoid alcohol, caffeine, dairy and wheat.

Watch the following video for additional information!


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