Monday, 11 July 2016

Doctors Advise: 5 Simple Things Can Prevent 80% Of Heart Attacks

Heart attacks are the leading causes of death in the US. New statistical data confirm that only in America, there are over 1 million deaths per 1 year caused by cardiovascular diseases or coronary artery disease, all of which can lead to a heart attack. And, according to health experts, nearly 920,000 Americans will suffer a heart attack this year. A heart attack is normally the result of impaired or restricted blood flow to certain parts of the heart muscle. The most common cause of this is arterial plaque, which builds up on the arterial walls creating a blood clot that inhibits proper blood flow.

Doctors Advise 5 Simple Things Can Prevent 80% Of Heart Attacks

You can prevent heart attack by changing your habits and your lifestyle

The dramatic rise in cardiovascular disease, hence heart attacks, is usually attributed to modern way of living. Fortunately, simple lifestyle and dietary changes can significantly reduce the risk of this life-threatening condition. According to the KI (Karolinska Institute), men who change their lifestyle and adopt these 5 healthy habits can reduce their risk of heart attack by 80%.

5 Healthy Habits That Can Prevent Heart Attack

  • No smoking
  • Healthy well-balanced diet
  • No alcohol
  • Regular physical activities (cycling or walking 40 minutes a day and exercising 1h every week)
  • Healthy waist circumference

Healthy diet

Sugar and food rich in refined carbohydrates as well as all processed food seriously endanger your health. On the other hand, saturated fats like those found in eggs, butter and lard are health beneficial because they reduce LDL or bad cholesterol, which is linked to all heart diseases. There are two types of cholesterol particles:

  • Low-density cholesterol (LDL)
  • High-density cholesterol (HDL)

While HDL cholesterol is health beneficial, LDL is harmful because it leads to plaque buildup. LDL cholesterol levels rise when you consume refined sugar, white-flour bread and soda.

Healthy plan

  • Cut out processed fructose, sugar and grains.
  • Replace grain carbohydrates with more vegetables, high-quality protein sources, high-quality healthy fats, such as: butter, raw dairy, organic egg yolks, coconuts and coconut oil, avocados, organic nut oil, raw nuts, grass-fed meats, etc.
  • Keep your omega-3 – omega-6 ratio in balance, because lack of omega-3 can seriously affect both your physical and mental health. Increasing your intake of oily fish including anchovies, sardines or take high-quality krill oil instead of using vegetable oils.
  • Eat lots of fruit because it’s a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and other phytochemicals. Most fruits are also heart-healthy and have strong anti-inflammatory effects. According to health experts, people who eat fruit, particularly sweeter fruits, every day have 40% lower risk of cardiovascular disease. These 2 simple rules are important to know:
  1. People suffering from leptin or insulin resistance – diabetics, overweighed people and people with high cholesterol should limit their fruit intake. In fact, their daily fructose intake shouldn’t go over 15 grams.
  2. People with normal weight and not any health issues as in 1# should eat fruit on a regular daily basis, especially after working out because then, the body uses this sugar as fuel thus preventing the increase of blood sugar levels.

Diabetes drugs

Metformin, one of the most common diabetes drugs, has been linked to higher risk of low levels thyroid-stimulating hormone – TSH. On the other hand, low TSH affects overall health and leads to cardiovascular issues such as atrial fibrillation, which can result in congestive heart failure. New research found that treating type 3 diabetes with prescription drugs reduces blood glucose levels, but drastically increases the risk of death from heart-related diseases.

Beta-blockers and Scientific Misconduct

It’s known that beta-blockers prevent the neurotransmitters epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine from binding to beta receptors. Although these blockers are commonly given to patients who don’t need a heart surgery, statistics shows beta-blockers have caused death in nearly 800,000 in Europe only.

You need to protect your heart

  • Reduce exposure to stress and anxiety.
  • Avoid sitting for too long.
  • Avoid statins, as they produce unwanted side effects.
  • Increase your intake of unprocessed saturated animal fats.
  • Cut out sugars, including grains and processed fructose.
  • Exercise regularly: weight-lifting, high-intensity interval training, core workout and stretching.
  • Increase your vitamin D intake. Spend more time in the sun or simply take vitamin D supplements.
  • Walk barefoot to get some potent antioxidants from the earth. When these antioxidants are carried through the free electrons, they relieve inflammation in the body.


The post Doctors Advise: 5 Simple Things Can Prevent 80% Of Heart Attacks appeared first on Healthy Food Team.

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