Thursday, 14 July 2016

This Woman Lost 60 pounds With the Help of These 4 Yoga Poses!

If you are looking for healthy and sustainable ways to lose weight in a natural way it is important to learn how to relax your body and how to feel good from the inside.

Yoga is very powerful, and can be part of your healing journey. This woman spent quite a long time struggling to lose weight. However, her health was in very critical condition and she needed to implement some changes in her life.

Her doctor recommended prescribed medications for life, but she knew that was not the answer and that in order to achieve health and lose weight she needs to heal her mind, emotions and body first.

Once she concentrated on recuperating her mental, emotional and physical well-being, incredible things started. Her body healed and her feelings about the world and herself changed. She also started losing weight very soon. She lost 60 pounds and she was able to keep that weight off.

This experience shaped her into who she is today. She is dedicated to sharing her message with women from all around the world.

One of the changes she implemented was practicing yoga. Yoga is all about unity. It helped her relax, she felt more comfortable into her own skin and could release stress easily.

This woman is a yoga teacher today and she has her own style, known as Healing Hatha Yoga. However, the following poses are her favorite ones. These poses are ideal for beginners and everybody is going to find them helpful.

  1. Child’s Pose

This is an excellent pose for healing and relaxation. Take a mat, kneel on it, your bottom needs to be resting on your heels. Lean forward and make sure that your legs support the chest. Place the forehead on the mat. You can place your arms by the sides, with the palms facing up. Take a rest here and make sure to breathe deeply.

  1. Cat and Cow Pose

This pose is a flowing movement which will allow you to gently stretch your spine, hips and heart. You can perform it on hands and knees, at times rounding and flexing the spine.

You are going to notice the energy circulating through your body. You are going to feel the areas which are tense and tight and release the stress from within your body.

  1. Forward Fold

This movement symbolizes surrender and release. With its help you can let go of the pain and the past and accept the present as it is. This is a seated posture. You need to lean forwards from your hips and reach toward the toes.

  1. Mountain Pose

This is a standing position. The feet need to be placed hip-width apart and you need to stand tall. You are going to feel that you are attuned with your body and that you are being grounded. While you are standing, set new goals for your life and your body.


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