Saturday, 31 December 2016

More Evidence Proves That Cannabis Makes Cancer Commit Suicide by Eating Itself

TetraHydroCannabinol (THC), which is the main psychoactive compound of cannabis, eliminates tumor cells, but does not harm the healthy ones, said in 1998 Christina Sanchez, who is a molecular biologist from the Compultense University in Madrid.

She came to the discovery that when the tumor cells are exposed to THC, they stop multiplying and proliferating, and they also destroy themselves. This was proven in both, animal studies and lab tests.


According to a study from Harvard from 2007, which is the most comprehensive study on the potential of THC released till present day, THC succeeded in reducing the growth of lung cancer in half in mice and also reduced the cancer lesions.

Cannabinoids are chemical components of Cannabis, and they create pharmacologic effects, especially in the immune system and central nervous system by activating specific receptors which are found throughout the body. Nabilone and dronabinol are FDA approved drugs and they can be found on the market. These drugs are used for treating the side-effects which are related to cancer.

Cannabinoids get incorporated into the human body when consumed or inhaled. The natural endocannabinoid system of the body is responsible for regulating a number of biological functions, like reproduction, motor behavior, food intake and appetite among others. As a consequence, the tumor cells enter a state of apoptosis, and they self-destruct.

According to Sanchez there are various ways to eliminate cancer cells, but the treatment with cannabinoid is a clean way, the cells die by self-destruction. The biggest advantage of cannabinoids is that they target the tumor cells, and do not harm in any way the healthy, normal cells. This is a great advantage, since standard chemotherapy targets all of the cells. She continues and wonders why cannabis is under Schedule I, since it is pretty much obvious that its therapeutic potential is quite big.

The federal government admitted that certain cancer cells can be killed by cannabis. They made this groundbreaking and unexpected declaration in a recent update about medical marijuana, which was given to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The NIDA announced that animal studies have proven that marijuana is able to destroy certain cancer cells and decrease the size of others.

According to the evidence of an animal study, extracts from whole-plant marijuana are able to reduce brain tumor, which is considered to be the most serious. Moreover, according to research, these extracts can increase the effects of radiation.
Via Organic Healthy

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4 Tablespoons of This and Say Goodbye to Clogged Arteries and High Blood Pressure Forever!

High blood pressure comes without any symptom, it sneaks up and increases the risk of getting a heart attack. It is known to be a silent killer, and it can come out of nowhere, says Shermane Winters-Wofford, who is a survivor.

Shermane believed that she was in perfect health, up until she had a stroke. It is important to mention that she was at risk for a long time because of her family history of heart disease and high blood pressure.


High blood pressure is also called hypertension or HBP, and it is a widely misunderstood condition. People often think that it has an effect on people who are aggressive, tense and type-A. However, that is not the case and hypertension can happen to anybody, regardless of the personality traits.

Furthermore, read about a mixture which is very effective in controlling high blood pressure.

Old German Recipe for Blood Pressure


  • Filtered water- 68 ounces
  • Unpeeled organic lemons- 4
  • Organic garlic cloves- 4
  • Lavender essential oil- 4 drops
  • Organic ginger root- 1 thumb



  1. You need to wash the lemons and then cut them. Next, clean the garlic and peel the ginger root.
  2. Put all of the ingredients in a blender and blend till the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  3. Take a pan and add the mixture in it. Turn the fire and add the water in it in a slow manner. You need to stir continuously till the mixture starts boiling. Next, remove it from the heat and let it cool.
  4. You need to strain it and put it in a glass bottle, and then in the fridge.

Consume It In This Way

This drink needs to be consumed on an empty stomach, once a day, and two hours prior to eating.

You need to know that the smell of garlic is neutralized by the ginger and the lemon. Shake well prior to drinking it, and enjoy this beneficial and powerful mixture.

The Best Foods for Blood Pressure Diet

Foods high in fiber- foods like fruits, vegetables and seeds, which are unprocessed and rich in fiber should be the basis for every diet.

Foods low in sodium- the blood pressure is increased by excessive salt consumption. Limit the consumption of sodium to 1500 to 2000 mg a day at the maximum.

Foods high in potassium- potassium reduces the blood pressure. Foods rich in potassium are bananas, avocados and melons.

Foods rich in omega-3- these foods are excellent for reducing inflammation. They include flax and chia seeds, wild caught salmon, and grass-fed beef.

Dark chocolate- dark chocolate which contains 200 mg of cocoa phenols at the minimum can decrease the blood pressure.

Foods You Need to Avoid

Foods high in sodium- these foods raise the blood pressure, they include canned foods, olives, pickles, and processed foods.

Omega-6 and Trans fats- these increase the blood pressure and inflammation and are found in conventional meats and packaged foods.

Sugar- sugar raises the blood pressure.

Caffeine- caffeine also raises the blood pressure.

Alcohol- the blood pressure can be increased by narrow arteries.

Via Bare Natural Truth

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6 Causes of Water Retention and How to Reverse It

Edema, or also called water retention is the accumulation of fluids in the cavities and tissues and in the circulatory system. It can lead to swelling in the legs, ankles, feet and hands and it usually occurs to women before their period or during pregnancy.

It can also have an effect on people who are not physically active, somebody who is bedridden, people on long-term medication or during a long flight.


Despite the fact the most of the causes of edema are not life-threatening, it can be a symptom of grave medical conditions like heart failure or kidney disease. Nevertheless, if there are not any underlying conditions, you can avoid water retention and decrease the swelling it brings.

In this article, you can read about the causes for edema. Knowing the causes is vital, since in this way, you can stop or avoid doing the thing which causes the swelling.

  1. Excessive Intake of Sodium

Consuming foods which are rich in salt and not drinking enough water can make your body go into the “reserve mode”, thus retaining water. Water can make the cells expand to 20 times.

However, salt is not the only product rich in sodium. It is also present in processed foods like processed meat and some condiments. It can also be found in canned vegetables.

On the contrary, Himalayan or Celtic sea salt reverse the damage that is done by the table salt.

  1. Deficiency in Magnesium

Water retention is a symptom of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is essential for nearly all functions in the body, and if deficient, various functions might not perform as they need to, thereby causing water retention.

According to one study, 200 mg of magnesium on a daily basis can reduce edema in woman with premenstrual symptoms. You can relieve this condition by consuming foods high in magnesium or by taking a magnesium supplement. Foods that rich in magnesium are dried fruits, dark chocolate, yogurt, peas, spinach, whole grains, nuts, dark green vegetables and avocados.


  1. Vitamin B6 Deficiency

Vitamin B6 is responsible for controlling a number of water balance aspects in the body, so if this vitamin is deficient, it can lead to edema.

There was a study, which was published in the Journal of Caring Sciences, and it proved that women who had edema caused by premenstrual syndrome, had improvements thanks to the vitamin B6.

Being a water-soluble vitamin, B6 requires a number of cofactors to function, and it is best to get it from consuming whole foods.

Foods that are high in this vitamin are lean beef, turkey, chicken, tuna, and potatoes with skin, bananas, dried fruit, pistachio nuts, and sunflower seeds.

  1. Magnesium Deficiency

Potassium is a mineral which is responsible for proper function of the organs, tissues and cells in the body. This electrolyte is critical for maintaining normal water balance in the body.

Potassium levels can drop by eating too much salt, and not eating foods which are rich in potassium. This can cause water retention.

Moreover, potassium deficiency can also lead to grave health issues like weight gain, cramps and muscle spasms.

Potassium reduces the sodium levels, thus reducing water retention.

Potassium is present in most fruits, but honeymelon, rockmelon and watermelon are especially rich in this mineral.

  1. Dehydration

Drinking insufficient amounts of water can lead to dehydration. When this happens, the body enters its survival mode and it retains water.

Consuming plenty of water and juices which are abundant in potassium on a regular basis is going to improve this condition.

Knowing the amount of water you need to drink is important. Soda drinks and coffee dehydrate the cells even more.

  1. Excessive Consumption of Processed Foods

Apart from being high in sugar and sodium, processed foods also contain many artificial food additives which act as toxins and put burden on the kidneys and the liver.

Foods which are rich in sugar, artificial sweeteners in particular, lead to rapid increase in insulin levels and blood sugar.

You need to reduce the consumption of processed foods. An excellent way of detoxifying the body is by eliminating chronic ailments and making sure your body is in excellent shape.

Beneficial Herbs for Reducing Edema

The following herbs have diuretic properties, thus they are beneficial for decreasing water retention.

  • Horsetail
  • Dandelion
  • Hibiscus
  • Parsley
  • Nettle
  • Corn silk
  • Fennel
  • Garlic

Via Juicing For Health

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Friday, 30 December 2016

6 Ways To Turn Off Your Weight Gain Hormones

7 different hormones are related with weight gain, so you can turn off their power to make you overweight once you understand how they work.

We often feel like our weight gain is out of control despite we watch what we eat and exercise.

However, today we will present you 6 powerful ways to Turn Off You Weight Hormones:



The consumption of grain is connected to slowing down of the thyroid hormone production. You will turn off weight gain and regulate your thyroid hormone levels if you reduce the intake of grains.

The crucial factor when it comes to weight gain is the thyroid gland so check the function of your gland.


When we feel stuck, overwhelmed or frustrated, cortisol (stress hormone) is released. You must lower the cortisos level in the body because it dictates when you eat. Breathe deeply, go for a walk and relax your body.

The level of cortisol can be also increased by caffeine. Do not forget that you should also reduce the intake of caffeine.


The human normal estrogen in the body can be blocked by soy products. These products contain phytoestrogen which increases body fat. You should definitely make dietary changes that will increase the production of leptin – the hormone that regulates satiety.


Many medical and nutritional experts have realized that milk that animals provide is meant to raise their own young, but not HUMANS.

The consumption of animal products triggers early development in teenage boys and girls.


This sneaky ingredient shows in many forms in many different foods. In order to turn off your weight hormones, you definitely have to get rid of it.


Try to avoid high fat foods and increase the consumption of protein foods. Protein will keep you from gaining weight and consuming more.

Via Skinny Points

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Thursday, 29 December 2016

Combine These 2 Ingredients and Get Rid Of Rhinitis, Flu, Phlegm, Sinusitis and More…

Sinusitis represents an inflammation of the sinuses that can be caused by allergies, fungi, bacteria and viruses.  

Sinuses should be filled with air normally, but they can also be blocked with fluids (bacteria, fungi, viruses) and germs that can lead to infection. Swelling of the lining of the nose (allergic rhinitis), a shift in the nasal cavity (deviated spetum), small growths in the lining (nasal polyps) and common cold are some of the issues that can lead to sinus blockages.


Types of Sinusitis

  • Several attacks in a year – known as recurrent.
  • Inflammation symptoms that can last 8 week or longer – known as chronic.
  • Inflammation that lasts 4-8 weeks – known as subacute.
  • Facial pain, stuffy and runny nose are the symptoms of this type of sinusitis that lasts 4 weeks or less.

Antibiotics are the most used treatment for sinusitis that often provide a lot of side effects and short-term beneficial effects.

However, natural remedies are the best, safest and cheapest way to treat the sinusitis.

Today we will present you an extremely powerful natural remedy that will treat this issue in just a few days, improve your overall health and boost your immunity.


  • A tbsp of organic honey
  • Freshly squeezed lemon
  • A tbsp of cayenne pepper
  • ½ cup of coconut water
  • ¼ cup of ACV (apple cider vinegar


Warm the coconut water and then pour it into a bigger mug. The next thing you should do is to pour the ACV in the same mug and mix well. Let it cool down and then add the cayenne pepper and honey in the mug and mix once again. Add the squeezed juice in the end and mix it well.

Consume the beverage before the breakfast on and empty stomach and before go to bed late at night in order to get best results.

Consume the remedy until you treat the infection!

Via Natural Cures and Home Remedies

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Squished Cucumber Weight Loss Recipe – Lose More Then 7Kg In Just 14 Days!! Pay Close Attention On The Preparation Method!!!

Despite it may sound weird, but this diet regimen may help you burn up to 7 kg in just 14 days.

Cucumber is veggie that prevents overeating and food carvings.



  • Coffee and tea with no sugar
  • 150 g of tuna
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • 2 boiled potatoes or 3 pieces of whole wheat bread
  • 300 g of fresh fruit

You can also consume cucumber shake or fresh cucumber salad as a snack. Consume them whenever you feel hungry.

Diet Plan

Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs and cucumber salad

Snack: 5 plums, 1 peach or 1 apple

Lunch: cucumber salad and whole wheat bread

Snack: cucumber shake

Dinner: 300 g fruit salad

Cucumber Salad Recipe:

  • Salt
  • Fresh onion
  • 200 ml of yogurt or sour milk
  • 400 g of cucumber


Peel and chop the cucumber and onion and then add the salt and the yogurt. Your salad is ready for consumption.

Cucumber Shake

  • 20 g of spinach and almonds
  • A handful of spinach
  • A small piece of ginger
  • A cucumber
  • An apple


Place the cucumber, spinach and apple in a blender, mix well, then add the ginger and mix again. Consume the smoothie fresh and get all the essential minerals and vitamins which will improve your overall health and keep you feel full for a longer period of time.

In order to accelerate the fat burning process and get perfect results, exercise regularly while on the cucumber diet.

Via Mr Life Hacks

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Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Consume This Drink Every Night and Say Goodbye to Belly Fat

Did you know that you can get rid of the excess abdominal fat without any physical activity? Surprisingly, we have the right solution for you!

This miracle will also flush the toxins form the liver, detoxify the body, sculpt the body, boost immunity and strengthen the abdominal muscles.



  • 2 cups of water
  • Grated ginger root (2 cm)
  • 6 mint leaves
  • A cup of pineapple chunks
  • 1 lemon


You only have to place all the ingredients in a blender and mix well until you get homogenous mass. Consume the drink in the evening and expect the results!

Health benefits of the consisted ingredients (with extra slimming properties).

-        Mint – is rich in strong digestive and antiseptic properties. It also tones the body and relaxes the muscles.

-        Ginger – is full of anti-inflammatory agents. It helps in the process of weight loss, suppresses the appetite and boosts your metabolism.

-        Pineapple – is packed with large amounts of minerals such as enzyme bromelain, fiber, vitamins, calcium, sodium, potassium and iron.

-        Lemon – prevents the formation of fat in the body, detoxifies the body and improves the digestion.

Expect the results in just a few of consuming it!

Have a nice day and enjoy your body like never before!

Via Healthy Lifestyle Zone

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Here is What Happens To Your Belly Fat When You Do This For Just 6 Min Every Day  

How To Fire Up The Core In Just 6 min

“What can I do to strengthen the core” is the most common exercises question. The term “abs” is often used interchangeably with “core” despite the two are really different, so this is a great question.


Your hips, lower back muscles, butt (glutes) and abs are included in the core. Your abs are just the abs.

Training the core will improve your athletic performance, help you avoid various injuries, alleviate low back pain, improve your posture and give you stronger abs.

Day 1

3 simple exercises that will take you less than 5 min are included in this workout. Do the entire routine two times if you are feeling ambitious.

  • Exercise 1: Army Crawls – 36 steps
  • Exercise 2: Skyscraper – 10 per side
  • Exercise 3: Windshield Wipers – 10 per side

Day 2

4 challenging moves are included in day 2. As we already mentioned above, if you want an extra challenge, try a second round of the core circuit.

  • Ex 1: Thread the Needle – 10 per side
  • Ex 2: Dead Bug – 10 reps
  • Ex 3: Skydiver – hold for 30 sec
  • Ex 4: Breakdancer – 15 per side

Day 3

Super-though core exercises are consisted in day 3.

  • Ex 1: Crab kicks into Superman – 6 per side
  • Ex 2: Star leg raise – 10 per side
  • Ex 3: Side V-ups – 10 per side
  • Ex 4: Over/Unders -10 per side

This belly trimming techniques and fat blasting exercises will do wonders to your belly fat in very short period of time!

Via Healthy Holistic Living

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Heal The Kidneys With The Help Of Baking Soda

Baking soda is solid and essential crystal. It is like powder and has white color. Sodium bicarbonate is extremely alkaline ingredient and the taste is salty.

The first soda factory was made by John Dwight and Austin Church in 1846.


How To Heal Your Kidneys

These days sodium bicarbonate is actually used for many things such as homemade toothpastes, shampoo, cleaning, curing and cooking.

Beneficial Effects

  • You can cure kidney failure
  • Splinter removal
  • Water-soda paste cures allergies of sumac and poison ivy
  • It raises pH Levels
  • Soda and water is great as antacid.

The pancreas and kidneys make soda for safety of kidneys. The acid piles up inside and make difficulties and trouble with the neutralization of pH if we have decline in this production.

The cell damage actually starts here and we need to get rid of the excess acid and get more water, nutrients and oxygen.

Low sodium bicarbonate is common for those with kidney diseases. This disease is also known as metabolic acidosis which affects 3 million people in the UK.

Surprisingly, many scientific studies have shown that baking soda is the cheapest and best way to improve the health of the kidneys.

This miracle is not medicine or drug and has now side effects. The consumption of baking soda will definitely alkalize your body, improve the health of your kidneys and is also able to kill some kinds of cancer!

Via Dr Sircus

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Monday, 26 December 2016

A Mixture of These Two Ingredients Will Eliminate Rhinitis, Flu, Phlegm, Sinusitis and Much More!

Rhinitis, phlegm, flu, cold and sinusitis are conditions which occur in the head. Sinusitis is usually caused by viral, fungal, and bacterial infection or an allergy and it occurs when the sinuses get swollen or inflamed. The most common symptoms of sinusitis are headaches, thick nasal mucus, congestion, cough, fatigue, clogged nose and facial pain.

Most people use prescription antibiotics as a treatment for these issues. Nevertheless, these meds come with certain side-effects, so they need to be avoided if there is a natural solution. When it comes to these issues, there is a natural remedy which is going to soothe your symptoms and ameliorate your condition in no time.


The recipe is as it follows:


  • Ginger root- 1 medium sized
  • Apple cider vinegar- 2 dl.


You need to grate the ginger, put it in a glass bowl and add the apple cider vinegar. This needs to be stored in a glass jar and you need to cover it with a lid. It needs to be at a room temperature for 10 days. It needs to be shaken from now and then.

Use It In This Way

In order to calm your sinusitis, place your head over the jar, put a towel over your head and breathe in the vapors of it. You need to do the inhalation for 5 to 10 minutes. Next, soak a handkerchief in the mixture and place it on your neck prior to going to bed. Leave it on your neck overnight.

Do this for 5 days in a row and you will soon notice improvements. Moreover, you will see that the pain is going to be notably reduced thanks to the ginger and its strong scent.

Furthermore, you can use ginger as a home remedy for inflammation in the sinuses in another way.

You need to boil 50 grams of ginger root. Then remove it from the heat, put a towel over your head and inhale. This is going to relieve the congestion and will calm the symptoms.

Both of these remedies are safe and effective methods of treating sinusitis. Moreover, they are better than prescription drugs since they come without any side effects.


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10 Most Potent Natural Antibiotics Known to People!

Countless of lives have been saved thanks to the introduction of antibiotics, and a number of life-threatening and serious infections have become temporary. Doctors have prescribed billions of antibiotic prescriptions throughout the years, but unfortunately this has come with a big price. The thing is that microorganisms are able to adapt to our techniques, and it results in something known as “super bugs”.

Super Bugs and the Problem

These super bugs do not respond to regular use of medicinal antibiotics. Actually, they have created resistance. When out methods of eliminating unwanted bacteria in the human body developed, these super bugs created methods for fighting back and their methods were becoming stronger. Nowadays, serious measures need to be taken so that the problem of resistance to antibiotics is resolved, and so that we can have the upper hand again.

The Innovative Natural Treatments

A number of people choose to use natural antibiotics in order to fight mild infections, and to stop the creating of super bugs. Nevertheless, in order to do it properly, it is of crucial importance to know the types of antibiotics and their actual purpose.

How to Choose a Natural Antibiotic

Antibiotics can fight some parasites, fungi and bacteria, but they do not fight viruses. This is the reason doctors do not give antibiotics for the flu or viral infections. Therefore, you should not use natural antibiotics for viruses, since they cannot do anything. Namely, natural antibiotics can be divided into antifungals and antibacterial, and their functions are specific. On the other hand, medicinal antibiotics are created to do both.

Before you start taking natural antibiotic, it is advisable to consult with a medical practitioner about the type of natural antibiotic you need to take. Nevertheless, this information is not a substitute for professional treatment, diagnosis or medical advice. Always consult with a physician about you medical condition or about any medication you take. Do not delay asking for advice or ignore medical advice because of something you have read online.

Natural Antibacterials

These are used against wound infections, strep throat, ear infections, H. pylori, Salmonella or E. Coli.

  • Ginger extract
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Horseradish root
  • Onion extract
  • Turmeric
  • Habanero Peppers
  • Raw honey
  • Oregano essential oil
  • Garlic extract

Anti-fungals are used against yeast infections, skin rashes, athlete’s foot or candida albicans overgrowth.

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Echinacea root extract
  • Raw honey extract
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger extract

These ingredients can be purchased in tincture or supplement form. However, consult with a medical practitioner about the proper dosage. Moreover, you can consume them as whole foods as a prevention.


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Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Roast Just 6 Of These and In 1 Day Your Body Will Be Healed

Garlic is one of the most amazing foods on Earth! Garlic has tons of health benefits and makes food taste great! Eating 6 garlic cloves can heal your body in just 24 hours! Garlic is pretty much a super food!

Being a close cousin to the onion, you can’t be surprised when it comes to the benefits of garlic. Onions, Garlic, and chives are all in the Allium family. Allium is the primary ingredient in all of these powerful foods. Allium gives these foods powerful disease-fighting properties and makes them taste good as well. Garlic medicinal properties have been taken advantage of for centuries! You can trace medicinal garlic all the way back to ancient Egyptian times! Other ancient civilizations used it too, including Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and the Chinese.

The garlic comes in the form of a bulb. Each bulb contains about 10-20 cloves. You can eat just 6 cloves to heal your body in 24 hours. However, most remedies use little amounts of garlic such as half a clove. The compound in Garlic is called Allicin. Allicin enters the body through the digestive tract and travels all throughout the body. This happens within the first hour of eating the garlic. In 2-4 hours, the compounds in garlic start to destroy cancer cells! The National Cancer Institute states: “Protective (cancer) effects from garlic may arise from its anti-bacterial properties, or from its ability to block the formation of cancer-causing substances, halt the activation of cancer-causing substances, enhance DNA repair, reduce cell proliferation, or induce cell death.

Within 4-6 hours of the Garlic being ingested, the metabolism starts to recognize the helpful properties and it helps to eliminate excess fluids and fats. Garlic does this because it gives your T cells a boost. Eating garlic increases the amount of virus fighting T-cells in the bloodstream. Nutrition scientists from the University of Florida reported in the journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2012 that taking aged garlic extract reduced the severity of cold and flu symptoms and that the symptoms went away faster in those who took the garlic extract than among those who didn’t The scientists speculated that the garlic extract worked by boosting participants’ immune cell function.

After 6-10 hours of ingestion, the garlic has provided effects of a cellular level. A small group of researchers at Medical University of South Carolina discovered something that’s useful for anyone willing to properly consume lots of garlic. They discovered that certain organo-sulfur compounds in garlic do kill brain cancer cells without disturbing healthy cells. Within 10-24 hours of ingestion, the body has experienced loads of benefits from it. The Garlic has almost lifted burdens off the body because of how much it lended a helping hand. If you have eaten cloves of garlic 24 hours earlier, you probably feel amazing. Your body has now experienced a strengthened immune system, lowered bad cholesterol, improved bone strength, and even improved athletic performance.

The post Roast Just 6 Of These and In 1 Day Your Body Will Be Healed appeared first on Healthy Food Team.

Toxic Teeth: How Root Canal Procedures Dramatically Increase Your Risk of Chronic Disease

This common dental procedure that most consider safe is actually anything but! Root canals are actually very dangerous.

Thousands of root canals are done each day here in the United States. Well over 25 million are done every single year. The majority of the dentists carrying out these procedures are in the dark about the serious health threats they pose. 

There is no published data or research that can prove root canals as safe. Yet, for some reason, the American Dental Association claims they are proven safe. Dr. Price and Dr. Meinig did their best to research this procedure among others. Dr. Meinig working to complete Dr. Price’s work spent well over 2 years intensely studying Dr. Price’s research continuing on to publish a book known as Root Canal Cover-Up.

Diseases found to be linked with root canals include:

  • Heart disease
  • Arthritis
  • Joint pain
  • Neurological disease
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Kidney disease

There also may be a connection between root canals and cancer, specifically breast cancer. A Dr. Robert Jones has found that at least 93 percent of women with breast cancer have actually had root canals. We should avoid ever getting a root canal done.

We should never risk our health to preserve a tooth. Our health is worth more than that. To see how a root canal is done and learn more about how terrible they are please watch the videos below.

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Heal Cavities, Gum Disease, And Whiten Teeth With This Natural Homemade Toothpaste!

One of the most important parts of our bodies is our teeth! They are there forever, and we only get one pair. With all the junk food we eat these days, it is very important to keep our teeth healthy so that we don’t suffer from tooth decay or gum diseases.

There are literally thousands of toothpaste out there, they all claim to be the same too. They claim to whiten your teeth in 30 days, and to prevent gum disease, etc. But, they usually all contain the same toxic ingredients! Fluoride is an excellent example.

Fluoride is one of the most used ingredients in toothpaste, and it is purely toxic. For example, Harvard University did a study on fluoride and brain function, and the results were pretty startling. They showed that an adverse side effect of fluoride is a lowered IQ level. So basically, the toothpaste advertisers are offering us whiter teeth in exchange for our brain cells. No, thank you!

Thankfully, there are many natural ingredients to create a home remedy for toothpaste. This home remedy for toothpaste is completely natural, and is completely effective in whitening teeth and lowering risk for gum diseases! This remedy contains baking soda, coconut oil, and neem powder. Baking soda is an excellent ingredient for your teeth because it works to clean teeth. According to The Journal of Clinical Dentistry in June 2008, brushing your teeth with baking soda products was proven to be more effective than using products without it. Baking soda is more affordable and more effective. Why would we brush our teeth with anything else?

Moving onto the Coconut Oil, it has also shown to be exceptionally effective in dental health. Coconut oil has been used to clean teeth for centuries, dating back to ancient India! Coconut oil works by detoxifying the oral cavity in a similar way to dish liquid cleaning dishes. It literally sucks the dirt and toxins out of your mouth. It creates a clean, antiseptic oral environment for your teeth.

The last primary ingredient in this amazing and natural toothpaste is Neem Powder. Neem is a leafy tree also known as the “Indian Lilac”. It is commonly used in Indian traditional medicine. It has more than 140 active compounds within! It is known to produce a more healthy immune system, treat ulcers, and prevent tooth decay! Researchers published in the Journal of Ayurveda Integrative Medicine that just chewing on a stick from the tree can help prevent tooth decay while inducing a more sterile environment for your teeth to live in. This ingredient really is amazing and should be exalted for its medicinal uses.

Here are the ingredients you will need to create this natural toothpaste:

  • 3 tablespoons baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon neem powder
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon xylitol (for taste)
  • 15 drops of mint essential oil/aroma


You should mix all ingredients in a suitable container, in order to prepare a paste. As coconut oil may harden depending on the outside temperature, store the paste in a glass jar. Use this natural toothpaste just like you would ordinary toothpaste. Use it three times a day, and you will experience healthier gums, whitened teeth, and healed cavities! Yes, you heard me right, It can heal cavities. Enjoy!

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15 Signs Showing That Your Blood Sugar Is Very High

Your blood sugar level indicated the amount of glucose in your blood. Glucose is a type of sugar and is the main energy source for our bodies.

High blood sugar is also known as hyperglycemia this can occur when your body has an issue processing the glucose properly. This condition is something that can last a very long time. It can damage many different body parts permanently.

Body parts including:

  • Blood vessels
  • Kidneys
  • Nerves
  • Eyes

The reasons for an increase in this type of issue when it comes to diabetics depends on several different factors. Things like missing a dose of medication, stress, dehydration, common cold and over snacking.

The signs of high blood sugar are as follows:

  1. Blurred vision
  2. Frequent urination
  3. Dry mouth
  4. Impotence
  5. Issues concentrating
  6. Stomach issues
  7. Infections
  8. Slow healing of wounds
  9. Extreme tiredness
  10. Fatigue
  11. Increased thirst
  12. Itchy skin
  13. Dry skin
  14. Weight gain
  15. Nerve issues

Doesn’t sound fun at all does it? Luckily for us, there are measures we can take to prevent high blood sugar issues. You can reduce your blood sugar levels with glycemic foods. Low GI foods should be consumed on a daily basis.

Low GI foods include things like one egg, one cup of broccoli, one cup of walnuts, one turkey sausage, and so forth. The right foods can be pretty amazing in the correct amounts. For a list of low GI foods and more information on this issue please watch the videos below. If you want to avoid high blood pressure or reduce your already high blood pressure then I highly suggest adding more of these low GI foods to your diet.

The post 15 Signs Showing That Your Blood Sugar Is Very High appeared first on Healthy Food Team.

Doctors Urging People Over 40 To Stop Taking Ibuprofen Immediately – Here’s Why!

Doctors are urging people that are over the age of 40 to stop taking one of the most common pain relievers ever! This drug is Ibuprofen and here is why doctors everywhere are urging people to stop taking it.

Doctors are warning people that the risks of taking Ibuprofen might outweigh the benefits. Ibuprofen might temporarily lessen the pain of a headache, but is it worth heart disease? In 2005, the FDA issues a warning stating that Ibuprofen can significantly increase your chances of getting heart disease! They say that even with short term use, a persons heart attack and stroke risk increases significantly.

The FDA said:

This risk increases the longer one continues to use ibuprofen”

“You do not need to have an existing heart condition to be at risk, although such a condition does increase your chances”

“These risks make ibuprofen especially dangerous to individuals over 40 – the age at which one’s risk of heart disease begins to skyrocket”

Ibuprofen can increase the chance of a heart attack by almost 20%. The health warning over the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) comes after analysis involving almost 10 million patients published in The British Medical Journal. NSAIDs are a drug class that groups together drugs that provide an analgesic and antipyretic effects. The chance of having a heart attack is a large price to pay for the relief of a headache. There are many natural ingredients out there that can help relieve pain just as well as the leading NSAID. Additionally, you get the benefits while skipping out on the harsh effects of these drugs.

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Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Is It Possible That Nutrition Is Better for Improving Mental Health than Prescription Drugs?

The word depression is used quite often these days, and many people are not even aware of the weight it carries.

What Is Depression?

Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world and it is a kind of condition that feels unending, completely debilitates you, seems void of life and is very lonely.

Actually, about 350 million people suffer from depression worldwide. People of all ages are affected by depression, but when it comes to gender, women are more affected.


Depression is a condition which can be caused by a number of things, including:

  • Genetics and family history
  • Challenged mood regulation by the brain
  • Current medications
  • Co-occurring medical issues
  • Stressful or traumatic life events


Depression can begin by what seems to be a usual bad day. Being unhappy occasionally should not be dismissed. Nevertheless, people with depression usually:

  • Experience major manic and depressive episodes
  • Feel depressed for two weeks at the minimum. This is accompanied by suicidal thoughts, poop psychomotor skills, decrease or increase in appetite, inability to concentrate, low energy, guilt, disinterest in pleasurable things and lack of sleep.
  • Feels that way without taking any medications or drugs
  • Becomes incapacitated in social contexts like family functions, school and work.
  • When it is not obvious from where it originates

How to tell if someone is depressed?

SIGECAPS stands for sleep, interest, guilt, energy, concentration, appetite, psychomotor and suicide. In case four of these are present, there is an indication of serious depression.

Depression and Prescription Drugs

Psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors first started using medication for depression in the late 1950s and they have categorized the medication into three groups:

  1. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are used for treating social phobia, bulimia nervosa, compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and depression.
  2. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), which are uses for treating all depression types.
  3. Tricyclic agents (TCAs), which are used for treating chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder and depression.

Superficially, it looks like the drug companies have handled everything and can keep depression under control. However, even when it seems that the drugs are having effect, they may not be addressing the root cause.

According to Dr. Irving Kirsch’s from Harvard University, there is published data, and also unpublished one which was concealed by the drug companies, and this data revels that all of the benefits of the depression drugs are thanks to the placebo effect.

This is very sad, especially if we take in consideration that there are seventeen million people in America who take antidepressants, and the total cost is $11.3 billion.

J.Guy Edwards, who is a psychiatrist says that even after 50 years of doing research, there is still no drug that can be used as a treatment for depression. He adds that those drugs that actually have effect come with dangerous and troublesome side-effects.

Because of the fact that there isn’t an antidepressant which is truly effective, people choose to treat depression naturally.

Depression and Nutrition

Important: You need to consult a doctor prior to making any adjustments to your lifestyle, diet or health care or beginning any treatment. Consult with your doctor prior to removing yourself from any prescribed treatments or medications. The information you are about to read is meant for educational purposes and for general information.

Luckily, clinical psychologist and educator Julia Rucklidge has dedicated the last decade of her life in investigating the role of micronutrients in the demonstration of mental illnesses, particularly in depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, and ADHD.

She said in 2014 during her TEDx talk, that because of our current health system, the first thing that doctors do is try to solve our problems by medication. However, her research has proven that minerals and vitamins, or also called micronutrients, are effective treatment for mental illnesses and this should not come as a surprise since the food we consume every day build the neurotransmitters which are necessary for mental health.

Rucklidge was the lead researcher on a clinical trial which began in 2009. During this trial, adults with ADHD were treated with micronutrients. It was discovered that the number of people who responded positively to the micronutrients was twice as much when compared to placebo. Those people from the micronutrient group had depression in remission. Moreover, their levels of aggression and hyperactivity were lower.

In another study, she observed the way micronutrients decreased stress and anxiety, and improved the mood following a natural disaster. It was discovered that micronutrients are of an immense help.

Nevertheless, she knows the importance of prescription drugs and that they save lives, but often fail to be effective in the long run.

10 Vital Nutrients for the Brain

  1. Proteins for healthy neurotransmitters
  2. For brain power complex carbohydrates
  3. For eliminating stress B vitamins
  4. Healthy fats such as coconut oil, seeds, nuts and avocados
  5. For fighting cognitive decline, improving mood and memory vitamin D
  6. For boosting brain function, intelligence, memory and mood vitamin C
  7. For proper digestive and immune functioning zinc
  8. For improved metabolism iron
  9. For preventing dementia, mood swings and memory loss, omega-3 essential fatty acids
  10. For good sleep, improved mood, concentration and focus, magnesium

In case the body is not absorbing the necessary nutrients amount, there can be short-term and long-term issues, such as potentially dementia, bone growth complications, skin problems and digestive problems.


Despite the fact that certain people might question the legitimacy of natural remedies and micronutrients, drug companies do not offer anything better. Prescription drugs offer a temporary solution, and do not solve the cause of the problem.

So, in case you are afflicted with mental problem, try and change your diet, and you can also try taking micronutrient supplement. If that fails to succeed, you can always start using medications again.


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Monday, 19 December 2016

Natural Super Antibiotic Which Destroys All Kidney and Bladder Infections After the First Use!

Bladder infection, or also called urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection of the bladder. UTI is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract, like the urethra, ureters, kidneys and the bladder.

Nearly all bladder infections happen suddenly, and they are acute. However, some infections are chronic and they occur on the long-term.

Anyone who has ever been afflicted with UTI knows how persistent and painful these infections are. There is a constant need to urinate, even though you cannot. And you feel pressure and pain.

However, even if you urinate, the pain is intense. Nevertheless, there are some natural antibiotics which are extremely helpful in cases like these.

The bacterium Escherichia coli causes bladder infection and inflammation in every fifth woman each year. In the majority of cases, the infections goes by itself, but if the symptoms persist, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

In case you have cystitis, you will be forced to go to the toilet every 10 minutes. Moreover, the urinating will be followed with burning sensation, and you may notice blood in your urine. Furthermore, you can feel back pain, chills or fever.

Recipe for Natural Antibiotic


  • Organic parsley root- 9 ounces
  • Organic lemon peel- 9 ounces
  • Raw organic honey- 9 ounces
  • Organic coconut oil- 1 tablespoon


  • Dissolve some baking soda in water and wash the parsley and the lemons.
  • You need to chop the parsley into tiny pieces and then put it in a blender together with the coconut oil, honey and lemon rind.
  • Mix till everything is blended and smooth.
  • Store the mixture in the fridge.

Use It in This Way

You need to take one tablespoon of the mixture every morning.

Tips: stay away from chocolate and caffeine since they can stimulate bacteria expansion.


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It is Now Confirmed that Vitamin D Has a Number of Health Benefits for the Mental and Physical Health!

Appropriate sun exposure is the perfect way of optimizing the vitamin D levels. However, during the winter periods, sun exposure is limited, and throughout these days, UV ray exposure is recommended since it also has a number of health benefits.

Magnetic ballasts are considered the most damaging elements of tanning beds. However, if the ballasts are electronic, there are far less damaging EMFs.

The bulbs which are used are also a subject of concern, since they only contain UVA light which brings the tan, but does not promote vitamin D levels. Vitamin D production is impossible in most of the northern hemisphere, so use of artificial UVB light is important.

Nowadays, it is perfectly clear that vitamin D deficiency is a growing concern and it can be the cause of a number of diseases. Actually, improving your vitamin D levels can reduce the risk of death by 50 %.

If you find this hard to believe, you need to know that vitamin D influences almost 3,000 of your genes, which are 24,000. This happens through the vitamin D receptors. They are found in the whole body and the importance of vitamin D should not come as a surprise.

Vitamin D Has a Positive Effect on the Gene Activity

The ability of the human body to fight chronic inflammation and infections is just one example that vitamin D regulates important genes. Moreover, it produces more than 200 anti-microbial peptides, and cathelicidin, which is an antibiotic, is the most important.

Nowadays, there are 33,800 medical papers about vitamin D. All of these papers show the importance of vitamin D. Vitamin D is able to:

  • Reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia and Cesarean section
  • Reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease
  • Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, autism and other brain dysfunctions
  • Prevent viral and bacterial infections

Crohn’s Disease and Vitamin D

According to a new research, vitamin D levels can have an effect on the genetic expression which is related to Crohn’s disease. Namely, vitamin D can work in two ways, improve or worsen the condition. It all depends on the levels of vitamin D you have.

Vitamin D Can Reduce Pain and Depression

It has been recently discovered that vitamin D supplementation reduces both pain and depression in diabetic women.

The conducted study included women who had type 2 diabetes and were also depressed. At the beginning of the study, 74 % of the participants has sensory pain like tingling and numbness in their legs, fingers and hands. Moreover, 61% reported neuropathic pain like burning pain in their feel and legs.

However, these symptoms reduced after 6 months of taking Vitamin D supplements. Todd Doyle, Ph.D says that taking vitamin D supplements is a promising treatment for both pain and depression in people with type 2 diabetes.

Why is Vitamin D3 Better Than D2

Drisdol is a form of vitamin D2, which is synthetic and which is usually prescribed by doctors. It is made by plant matter and irradiating fungus. The human body does not produce this vitamin.

There was a meta-analysis in 2012 by the Cochrane Database, and it analyzed the mortality rates for individuals who used vitamin D2 as a supplement and also people who took vitamin D3. The results showed that there is a 6% relative risk of decrease among those people who took vitamin D3, and 2% relative risk of decrease among those who took vitamin D2.

An estimated 60% of the people with type 2 diabetes have a vitamin D deficiency, so there is plenty of room for improvements. The fact that vitamin D is beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes has also been suggested by another studies.

Vitamin D Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer

Professor Kefah Mokbel suggest that women take vitamin D supplements on a daily basis in order to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Moreover, he requested that vitamin D vitamin are made free and claimed that this would save 1,000 lives every year. According to a research from the Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, taking calcium and vitamin D in combination reduces the risk of developing colon, lung and breast cancer to 60%. Moreover, vitamin D is easy to take, cheap and safe.

Vitamin D is Essential for Preventing Cancer

The number of studies which show that vitamin D reduces the risk of a number of cancers like, skin, prostate, breast, ovarian, lung and pancreatic cancer is on the constant increase. Theories which have linked vitamin D deficiency with cancer have been proven in over 200 epidemiological studies.

Maintaining Optimal Vitamin D Serum Levels is Crucial

A number of studies indicate that maintaining perfect vitamin D serum levels is of crucial importance. According to research, the perfect level is around 60 to 80 ng/ml.  According to an article from 2009, high serum levels of vitamin D significantly reduce the occurrence rates of pancreatic, renal, ovarian, breast, colon, aggressive prostate cancer and many others.

It is calculated that raising the vitamin D serum levels to 40 to 60 ng/mL is going to prevent 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer and 58,000 cases of breast cancer each year.

It is also expected that these intakes are to reduce the fatality of patients with prostate, colorectal and breast cancer by half.

Guidelines for Supplementation

It is suggested that adults need to take around 8,000 IUs a day in order to reach the level of 40 ng/ml. Moreover, appropriate sun exposure is of utmost importance as well. Keep in mind that boosting the intake of vitamin K2 is also important.

You need to have your vitamin D levels tested every 6 months. Your levels need to be from 50 to 70 ng/mL, and this level needs to be maintained throughout the whole year. The highest point is usually in August, and the lowest in February.

Vitamin D and Disease Prevention

An increasing number of evidence suggests that vitamin D plays an important role in disease prevention and maintaining perfect health. There are around 30,000 genes in the human body and around 30,000 of them are affected by vitamin D.

Maintain optimal levels of vitamin D is crucial for preventing skin, prostate, ovarian, lung and pancreatic cancer.


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Friday, 16 December 2016

Get Rid Of Back Fat, Arm, Thigh And Belly With Baking Soda! Here Is How To Prepare It!

Many ingredients are used in our kitchen every day. Unfortunately, we are not aware about their different usages. Numerous ingredients can be used in many different ways to boost our health. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is the most important one!


All the people want to show off flat stomach. However, they use different techniques, foods, diets and pills to achieve this goal. Surprisingly, the most effective technique is in most homes!

It is extremely effective, super economic formula, rich in digestive and alkalizing compounds.

There are 3 way to use powerful ingredient to obtain your desired figure!

Here Is How To Prepare Baking Soda To Get Rid Of Your Belly!

1.Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda


-        ½ teaspoon of baking soda

-        A glass of water

-        2 tbsp of ACV


Dissolve the soda in the water, add the ACV and mix well. Drink this miracle in the morning on an empty stomach and you will melt fat and lose weight in a short period of time!

2. Grapefruit, lemon juice and baking soda


-        ½ glass of water

-        A teaspoon of baking soda

-        1 grapefruit or lemon


Dissolve the soda in the water and then add the grapefruit or lemon juice. Drink this potion 20 min before breakfast! Consume it until you get desired results!

3. Fruits with Baking Soda


-        A tsp of baking soda

-        A bunch of fresh mint leaves

-        A cup of organic strawberries

-        2 cups of water

-        2 organic lemons


Place all the ingredients in a blender, and mix well. Drink it 2 times per day and say goodbye to the corporal fat in your body. Try to avoid the consumption of sugars, flour and fast foods! The incorporation of baking soda will do wonders to your overall health.

Via Just Natural Life

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Dentists Will Never Tell You This Secret: 100% Natural Way To Avoid Cavities

Many scientific studies have proved the amazing biological properties of the coconut oil in the fight against bacteria responsible for tooth decay.

The oil has been examined against strains of Streptococcus bacteria. In fact, the research has shown that coconut oil inhibits the growth of acid producing bacterium, Streptococcus mutants and Streptococcus bacteria – the major reasons of tooth decay.


However, the chief researcher of the study has said:

The incorporation of coconut oil into dental hygiene is an excellent alternative to the toxic chemicals consisted in most of the toothpastes.

6 Great Reasons To Replace Toothpaste With Coconut Oil

  1. No Chemicals

Triclosan is antibacterial chemical connected with the concerns over endocrine disruption and antibiotic resistance – found in many conventional toothpastes such as Colgate total.

Those endocrine chemicals lead to many health issues including: undescended testicles in boys, precocious puberty in girls, low birth weight babies, testicular, prostate, ovarian and breast cancer.

Fluoride is another toxic chemical found in conventional toothpaste. This industrial waste is extremely poisonous even in small amounts.

  1. Kills cavity-causing bacteria

According to many scientific studies, you can significantly reduce plaque and decay-causing Streptococcus mutants.

  1. No Foaming Agents

Surfactants such as sodium lauryl, sodium laureth sulfate and sodium laurel sulfate are also consisted in many in a lot of toothpastes.

These chemicals are responsible for the foaming action, but they also break up the phospholipids on the tongue and interfere with the taste buds’ function.

Coconut oil has potent antibacterial properties and maintains natural balance of the lipids on the tongue.

  1. Cheap

In order to keep your teeth clean, you will need a small amount of this oil. You will need one jar month, which is absolutely inexpensive.

  1. You can clean your dog’s teeth

Coconut oil is ideal for your pets too if you do not want to brush your dog’s teeth with conventional toothpaste. You only have to apply a coconut oil on a toothbrush brush your dog’s teeth.

Note: the following recipe is not recommended for pets.

  1. Easy to make

You will need just a several ingredients for the preparation of this natural toothpaste.

-        Bentonite clay – helps in drawing toxins from your gums and tongue.

-        Salt –

-        Stevia, xylitol or erythritol reduce cavities. Do not use Xylitol when you prepare toothpaste for your dog.

-        Essential oils – add additional therapeutic benefits and give flavor to the toothpaste.

-        Baking soda – whitens your teeth and also acts as an abrasive

You can also promote healthy teeth and remove bacteria by practicing Oil pulling.

Via Healthy Viral 24

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Thursday, 15 December 2016

4 Tbsp Per Day And Say Goodbye To Clogged Arteries And High Blood Pressure!

Today we will present you an extremely effective mixture that will help you fight against cardiovascular problems, infections and common colds. It is consisted of 100% natural ingredients and they are much more beneficial and effective than any of them alone. We are actually talking about traditional German remedy that has been for years to improve overall health.



  • 67.6 oz / 2 liters of purified water
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 4 unpeeled lemons
  • 1.5 inches / 4 cm of ginger


Wash and cut the garlic cloves and lemons in slices and then put all the ingredients in a food processor or blender and mix well.

Pour the homogenous texture in a pan and then heat it by slowly adding the water. Heat and stir until it finally boils. Remove and let it cool down. Strain and transfer the mixture into glass bottle and store it in the fridge.


Consume this miracle every day, 2 hours before meal, 2 times per day. The ginger may remain on the bottom so shake the bottle before use. Due to the presence of ginger and lemon, you will neutralize the smell of garlic.

This potent remedy strengthens the immunity, boosts your heart health, unclogs arteries and treats high blood pressure!

Via Natural Healing Magazine


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7 Simple Exercises for a Complete Body Transformation in Just Four Weeks

In order to stay fit, you need to eat healthy and be active all the time. However, busy lifestyles and hectic schedules can make this difficult and you don’t have time to go to the gym. Nevertheless, in this article you can read about how to stay fit and healthy, without going to the gym.

4 Week Full Body Workout

If you want to strengthen your muscles and tone your entire body, you need to repeat the following 7 exercises for a month.

  1. Plank

Your belly should be on the floor, and your feet need to be hip width apart. Your palms need to be placed besides your chest at shoulder’s width apart. Your starting position needs to resemble the one for a push-up.

Raise yourself up and put all of your weight on your toes. Then, lower your arms, one at a time, and make sure that your forearms are touching the floor. The weight needs to be equally distributed to your forearms and your toes.

Your back needs to be kept straight and your head needs to be faced towards the floor, and the core and buttocks should be tightening. Your hips need to be in line with the legs and back.

  1. Push-ups

You need to be in a plank position, and your hands need to be a bit more than shoulder-width apart. Your toes need to be steady on the floor. The core muscles need to be tight and the hips completely flat.

Breathe in, looking straight ahead start to lower your body downwards. The shoulders should be kept back and the elbows tucked in. Your back must not arch.

While you are breathing out, return back, and make sure to maintain the same position of the body.

  1. Squats

Stand up and place your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes need to be pointed straight ahead. Keeping your back straight, lower yourself from the knees and hips. The thighs need to be in line with the floor.

Maintaining the same posture, move up. Your knees need to be aligned with the toes during the entire exercise so that you can prevent an injury.

  1. Donkey Kicks

Place yourself on all four and your hands and knees should be shoulder and hip’s width apart. Your glutes and abs need to be kept tight and you need to lift your heels toward the ceiling and your foot should come directly over the butt. The thigh shouldn’t be higher than the torso. In this way, you can prevent spine injury.

Maintain this position and return in a slow manner toward the floor sans touching it.

  1. Dead Bug

Lie down on the back and put your legs at a straight angle. Your calves need to be in line with the floor. You need to put your hands on your knees.

Extend your right leg and right arm into a straight line, and allow your limbs to rest above the ground. Go back to previous position and do the same with your left leg and arm.

  1. Downward Dog Leg Lift

Position yourself in a downward facing yoga position. Your hands need to be on the ground in front, the feet and hip’s width apart and the neck straight. Your hands and feet should carry your weight. The hips need to be square and you need to raise the right leg back in height with your hip.

Then, change into a position for a high plank and put your right leg in your chest. The spine needs to be curved inwards and tucked in the chin. Next, release and return to downward facing dog, stretching the right leg so that it is in straight line with the back.

  1. Ball Twist

Stand up and place your back against a wall. Your feet need to be hip width apart. You need to slightly bend your knees and stretch your arms in front, holding a medicine ball. You need to tighten your core and move your arms from one to another side. Make sure that your torso is straight and almost touching the wall.

The 4 Week Plan

You need to work from Monday to Saturday, and take a break on Sunday.

Week 1:

  • Plank- 2 minutes
  • Push-ups- 1 minute
  • Donkey kicks- 1 minute
  • Dead bug- 1 minute
  • Squats- 1 minute
  • Ball twist- 1 minute
  • Downward dog leg lift- 2 minutes

You need to take a 10 seconds rest between each exercise.

Week 2:

You need to alternate between these sets:

Set 1:

Each exercise needs to be performed or 3 minutes. You need to rest 15 seconds between exercises.

  • Dead bugs
  • Plank
  • Downward dog leg lift
  • Donkey kicks

Set 2:

Each exercise needs to be performed or 3 minutes. You need to rest 15 seconds between exercises.

  • Plank
  • Ball twists
  • Squats
  • Push-ups

Week 3:

Repeat the first week.

Week 4:

Repeat the second week.

Source: Daily Health Post

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100% Natural Toothpaste That Heals Gum Diseases And Cavities and Whiten Teeth!

Yet, commercial toothpaste can be quite expensive and are full of toxic chemicals which endanger our overall health.

On the other hand, today we will present you homemade toothpaste that will help you healthy and white smile.


The tree that grows in tropical areas known as neem is the main ingredient in this paste. The developing countries has been used this tree as a substitute for toothbrush for centuries.

By breaking it down into twigs and chewing them you will fight cavities, gum diseases and support oral health.

This extremely powerful toothpaste contains antibacterial ingredients such as xylitol, coconut oil and baking soda, but no fluoride.


  • 3 tbsp baking soda
  • 1 tbsp neem powder
  • 3 tbsp extra virgin oil


Place all the ingredients in a container, mix well, store the resulting mixture into jar and keep it at a room temperature. Due to the presence of coconut oil, it can harden. You can also add a tbsp of xylitol if you want a better taste.

There are numerous health benefits of this natural toothpaste. You will no longer worry about the adverse effects of the chemicals, whiten and make your teeth healthy like never before!

Via Healthy Living House

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Avoid These Vegetable Oils At Any Cost!

You probably know that fried foods are unhealthy and you need to avoid them. However, do you know why? You’ve probably thought that it has something to do with the fat and salt content. The truth is that it is much more serious than that. The real danger lies behind the oil that the food is cooked, and much worse, the fumes that are created while cooking.


Nevertheless, this does not apply to all oils. Vegetable oils are very unstable, and they release dangerous chemicals such as aldehyde, when they are exposed to oxygen or heated. These chemicals act like carcinogens and neurotoxins.

Most households use sunflower, canola, safflower, corn, rice brain, and grapeseed and soybean oils. All of these oils create these harmful substances. Moreover, reusing the oil drastically increases the quantity of the dangerous chemicals.

Large amount of the chemicals go in the air, from where they get breathed in from the family members. It is believed that this contributes to the development of lung cancer.


Is This Really True?

According to a report in the Daily Mail, 20 minutes of cooking with vegetable oil creates 20 times more of the allowed levels of aldehyde.

The “smoke point” indicates the temperature at which the oil starts crating the dangerous substances. Namely, if the smoke point is lower, it is more dangerous, since the oil will start to produce more dangerous chemicals when it reaches high temperature. Some oils, like flaxseed and coconut oil, which are healthier, have lower smoking points compared to their counterparts, like canola and soybean oil.

In order to examine aldehyde production, there was a study which collected samples of used vegetable oil, sunflower oil, cold-pressed rapeseed oil, corn oil, olive oil, goose fat, butter and lard. All of these samples were sent to Leicester, where they were analyzed by Martin Grootvels, who is a professor of bio-analytical chemistry and chemical pathology.

It was discovered that those oils like sunflower oil and corn oil, which were polyunsaturated-rich created really high levels of aldehydes. The professor said that these oils should not be subjected to heat.

The professor adds that during the study, he discovered two aldehydes, which were previously unknown. Moreover, it was discovered that known aldehydes are much more toxic than it was considered. Goose fat, butter and olive oil created fewer aldehydes when subjected to heat. This can be due to the fact that they have higher levels of saturated and mono saturated fats. Actually, sunflower and corn oil produced three times more aldehydes when heated.

The authorities have been telling us that lard and butter was bad for us and to stop using it. However, we have discovered quite the opposite, and lard and butter are actually better for frying purposes.

Additionally, aldehydes can also be formed by sunlight, so healthy oils like avocado oil, olive oil and coconut oil should be placed in cool and dark places and in opaque bottles.

The Case of Canola Oil

Apart from being highly unstable in high temperatures, Canola oil is GMO. This oil is referred to as rapeseed oil and it is extracted from a plant which is a hybrid of leaf mustard, turnip rapeseed, and black mustard. It has been genetically modifies since 1995, and 90% of all Canola oil made in Canada in now GMO certified.

Moreover, it is partially hydrogenated. This means that this oil was heated from 500 to 1000 degrees under several pressure atmospheres and it was then introduced to a catalyst such a platinum, nickel or aluminum to change it density and structure. Furthermore, Omega-3 fats are turned into trans fatty acids during this process. Partially hydrogenated oils are harmful for the neurological, cardiovascular, liver and kidney health.

The use of this oil is not because of its health benefits, but due to its low price. This oil is usually used in biofuels, soaps, inks, cosmetics, highly processed foods and even insecticides.

Understanding the Seriousness of the Problem

According to John Stein, who is a professor at Oxford, constant use of these oils impacts our brains because of their high levels of omega 6 fatty acids. These oils change the human brain, and this is very serious.

Lack of omega 3 contributes to the development of mental health issues and problems like dyslexia.

Health conditions which are related to lack of omega 3 are cancer, cardiovascular disease, and inflammation, malformations during pregnancy, high blood pressure and ulcers.

Experts recommend the use of red palm fruit oil, organic butter, olive oil and coconut oil instead of the cheap vegetable oils. Also avocado oil has a very high smoking pint, so it can be used as well.

Source: Daily Health Post

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Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Say Goodbye To Bad Breath And Plaque, Tartar and Kill Harmful Bacteria In The Mouth With Only One Ingredient!

Oil pulling is one of the most powerful techniques which involves swishing a tbsp of natural oil in mouth for 20 min. this eliminate all bacteria in oral cavity and improves oral health. This amazing technique also detoxifies teeth and gums and removes bad breath. It is also whitening the teeth at the same time.


Many many people have tried this technique. These people also claim that it treats infections, hormonal imbalance, headaches and skin issues. Oil pulling will help you get rid of bad breath, plaque and tartar, once for all!

Put a several tsp of sesame, olive or coconut oil in your mouth and then swish it around. After 20 min, spit it out and rinse with water. In order to obtain best results, perform this technique before go to sleep or before breakfast in the morning.

Oil should become with milky texture during this process and it should also be creamy white at the end of the process.

Brush your teeth and rinse with water afterwards. You will get used to it soon, despite it seems difficult at first.

Do not waste your time, try it now and whiten your teeth, get rid of bad breath and improve your overall health!

Via Super Tasty Recipes

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5 Herbs That Anyone With High Blood Pressure Needs To Know About

One in every three adults or 70 million people suffer from high blood pressure in the US. Only 50% of this percentage can control this issue. $45 billion a year are spent by the USA in the treatment of this ailment, including medications, health care services and missed working days.


In 2013, 1000 people a day died by this disease.

What is High Blood Pressure?

Elevated pressure of blood in our arteries causes HBP. This situation occurs from 2 main factors, either together or independently.

1.The arterioles (smaller blood vessels) become narrow. In this case the blood flow actually exerts more pressure against the vessels wall.

2. Excess force is used by the heart to pump blood

The pressure can be determined by the size and flexibility of the arteries, the volume of pumped blood and the amount of force used.

High blood pressure can be tolerated by the human body only for a few months or years. It can injure the blood vessels in the eyes, brain, heart and kidneys.

Causes of HBP

Primary Hypertension is the most common type of HBP. This is actually common when the particular causes can not be identified.

Medication and underlying medical condition create Secondary Hypertension. Blood pressure is difficult to control by these cases. This actually includes:

  • Birth control pills (oral contraceptives)
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen.
  • Endocrine issues
  • Birth defect in the aorta
  • Kidney issues
  • Diabetes type 1 and 2

Risk Factors

  • Chronic stress
  • Physical inactivity
  • Chronic alcohol use
  • Too little potassium and excess sodium in the body
  • Smoking
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Obesity
  • Family history
  • Women over 55 and men over 45 have an increased risk of HBP

The Harm in Pharmaceutical Treatment

Many medications such as calcium channel blockers, Angiotensin-receptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme, beta blockers and diuretics can make patients feel worse than illnesses itself.


Treatment: you can expel the excess salt and water from the body by these medications. When blood pressure issues arise, they are often the first recommended medicine.

There are the 3 types of diuretics:

1.Loop diuretics: torsemide, furosemide, ethacrynic acid, bumetanide

2.Potassium spraing diuretics:  triamterene, amiloride and spironolactone

3.Thiazide diuretics: metolazone, bendroflumethiazide, indapamide, chlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide.


-      Elevated uric acid levels, erectile dysfunctions and increased blood sugar levels can be caused by Thiazide diuretics.

-      The body’s supply of potassium can be diminished by  thiazude and loop diuretics.

Side Effects:

  • Reduced sexual drive
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Irritability and depression
  • Fatigue

Beta Blockers

Treatment: these meds lower blood pressure and slow the heart rate

Brands: Bystolic (nebivolol ), Coreg (carvedilol), Visen (pindolol), Levatol (penbutolol), Blocarden (timolol), Corgard (nadolol), Cartrol (cartelol), Kerlone (betaxol), Lopressor (metoprolol), Tenormin (atenolol), Sectral (acebutolol), Inderal (propranolol).


  • Risk of diabetes increases when combined with a diuretic.
  • Blood pressure and heart rate can be increased by sudden withdrawals which can cause heart attack or angina.

Side Effects:

  • Reduced sexual drive
  • Coldness in extremities
  • Reduced exercising abilities
  • Lightheadedness and dizziness
  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Nightmares and vivid dreams
  • Lethargy and fatigue

ACE Angiotensin-converting enzyme

Treatment: these inhibitors decrease the overall workload of the heart and widen the blood vessels

Brands: Zetrill, Prinivil (lisinopril), Altace (rampiril), Lotensin (benazaperil), Aceon (perindopril), Vasotec (enalapril), Accurpill (quinaprill), Capoten (capotopril).

Side Effects:

  • Unfit for pregnancy
  • Irritating cough
  • Low blood pressure

ARBS – Angiotensin-receptor blockers

Treatment: these blockers lower blood pressure and widen blood vessels

Meds Brands: Edarbi (azilsartan), Avapro (irbesartan), Teveten (eprosartan), Diovan (valsartan), Benicar (olmesartan), Micardis (telmisartan), Atacand (cadesartan).

Side Effects:

  • Unit for pregnancy
  • Nasal congestion
  • Drowsiness
  • Raised potassium levels
  • Ligheheadedness and dizziness
  • Lob blood pressure

How To Treat High Blood Pressure Naturally With These Herbs

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The latest study that included participants aged 30 to 65, has shown that this herb significantly improves inflammation, blood pressure and also prevents cardiovascular diseases.


This herb treats cardiovascular issues and neutralizes blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes. Mistletoe also soothes rheumatic and arthritic pain.


This very popular folk remedy increases saliva and stomach acid to improve digestion. It also relaxes muscles in the intestines. Yarrow has been found to slower blood pressure and strengthen the effects of pharmaceutical drugs.

Lime Blossom

The presence of strong mucilage component, volatile oil and flavanoids reduce and soothe inflammation. It is powerful astringent and has sedative, diuretic and antispasmodic properties.


This herb is rich in antioxidants that protect the vessels from damage, improve blood flow and dilate blood vessels. Hawthorn significantly lowers blood vessels.

Tea for Heart Health

These powerful herbs are extremely effective in aiding healthy blood pressure. They increase the overall size of the cardiovascular structure and dilate the peripheral blood vessels. Some of them also normalize the activity of the heart and help the kidneys pass more water.

Here is how to prepare your yarrow, mistletoe, lime and hawthorn tea:

-      1 part mistletoe

-      2 parts yarrow

-      2 parts lime blossom

-      2 parts hawthorn

Get optimal results by drinking this tea 3 times a day!

Via Healthy Holistic Leaving

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Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Cabbage Is Your Secret Weapon Against Heart Disease, Fats and Cancer!

Sauerkraut can remain fresh for longer period of time and is extremely rich in many health benefits as any other fermented food.


Beneficial Effects Of Sauerkraut

  • Improves digestion.

The presence of fiber in its content makes it excellent for the digestive system. It prevents bloating, cramps, improves bowel’s function and prevents constipation.

  • Boosts energy levels

This food boosts metabolism, circulation and energy do to the large amounts of iron. It fights against fatigue and headaches and prevents anemia.

  • Improves the immunity

The high levels of vitamin C boost the immunity regenerate the cells and produce collagen and white blood cells.

  • Strengthens the bones

The presence of Vitamin K in its content prevents osteoporosis and strengthens the bones.

  • Lowers Inflammation

This food is rich in powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which relieve inflammation and pain.

  • Prevents cancer

The presence of specific antioxidants in its content, kill free radicals – the main reason for developing cancer cells.

  • Boosts your heart health

This food is extremely beneficial for our heart’s health because it is rich in fiber. Fiber prevents cardiovascular diseases and minimizes the negative effects of cholesterol.

  • Improves skin health and vision

Sauerkraut is full of Vitamin A which reduces the development of cataracts, lowers macular degeneration, reduces wrinkles and improves skin and vision.

Via Natural Care Box

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Treat Strep Throat In 24h Without Taking Any Meds!  

Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria cause strep throat and is more common in children. Inflammation and pain in the throat are the most common symptoms for this issue.


Today we will present you several natural remedies that will help you fight bacteria and treat painful and inflamed throat in a simple way, despite we usually treated with antibiotics.

*Essential Oils

In the case of strep throat, these oils provide amazing health benefits. You can use cinnamon, lavender, thyme, lemongrass, grapefruit or lemon essential oil.

Here is the remedy:

Chose your favorite oil and add 5 drops in some water. Transfer the mixture into a pan and then heat it. Inhale the steam from the solution for 15 min and repeat it as many times as you need.

*Lemon – Vitamin C

These fruits have potent antibacterial qualities and are abundant in Vitamin C. they soothe the throat pain and treat the infection. Make a mixture between honey, lemon juice and some tea.


Honey is rich in anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which treat pain, infections and inflammation. It provides an immediate relief and fights bacteria.

*Cayenne Pepper

Make a mixture between half cup of olive or coconut oil and a tsp of cayenne pepper to treat strep throat. You will treat the infections and relax the tensed muscles by applying this mixture on the affected area.

*Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is definitely the most powerful remedy against infections. Make a mixture between 8oz of warm water and 3 tbsp of ACV. Gargle this solution and you will feel better very soon.

Pick one of these extremely effective homemade remedies and you no longer need to use antibiotics against strep throat.

Via Healthy Food House

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