Thursday, 27 April 2017

Challenge – Take a Cup Of This Miracle For 7 Days and Then Check the Weight!

 Today we will present you the most and simple natural remedy to lose weight and boost your metabolism. This potent drink will give you visible results in just 7 days. Here is how to prepare it.

  • A cup of water
  • A tablespoon of cumin seed



The preparation of this beverage is absolutely easy. You only have to place the cumin in a glass of water and let it overnight. Boil the next morning, let it cool down, strain and consume the mixture on an empty stomach and have breakfast after 45 min!

Repeat this amazing technique for one week and expect the results. You can perform it until you get desired results!

The effectiveness of this miracle lays in its simplicity! Have a  nice day and enjoy your body like never before!

Via natural cures house

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Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Here Is What Happens To Your Belly When You Do This For Just 6 Min Every Day  

“Abs” and “core” are totally different things. “Core” actually signifies the glutes (butt), hips, lower back and abs.

Today we will present you an extremely effective exercises that will help you eliminate the stubborn fat, relief from the back pain, improve your athletic performance, prevent you from injuries and improve the overall posture.


Day 1

  • Here are 3 workouts. Every single should be performed for 5 min. Get faster results by do them twice. Skyscraper is the name for the first exercise. Perform 10 on each side.
  • Windshield Wipers is the second one and you also have to do 10 on each side.
  • Army Crawls is the third exercise and make 36 steps.

Day 2

  • 4 exercises are included in this day. These workouts should last for 5 min and repeat the whole procedure 2 times for best results.
  • Breakdancer is the name of the first exercise and it should be performed 15 on each side.
  • Skydiver is the second one and try to stay in this position for half min.
  • Dead Bug is the third one and try to perform it 10 times.
  • Thread the Needle is the fourth one and perform 10 on each side.

Day 3

  • 4 powerful workouts are included in this day. 6 min for each one will be ideal for your body
  • Crab Kicks into Superman is the first exercises and perform 6 on each side.
  •  Start Leg raise is the second one and try to do 10 on each side.
  • Side V ups is the name of the third workout and try to perform 10 on each side.
  • Over/Under is the last workout and try to do 10 on each side.

Via organic health corner

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Sunday, 23 April 2017

The Keto Weight Loss Diet: Does it Really Work?

The Keto diet has been one of the most popular after NaturalHealthyTeam published an article called:  The Keto Diet Plan – Lose Weight, Repair DNA and Increase Physical Strength describing all the benefits from it. Many people have been discussing their experience with it and it seems like it’s the real deal for those who want to lose some weight and repair their molecules at the same time.

If this is your first time hearing about Keto, here’s what this diet really is:

The word “keto” derivate from “ketosis” which is a state of the body where instead of glucose, the body uses stored fat for energy. The ketosis state get achieved when 90% of the calories you eat are from fat and not from carbs and sugar.

To achieve weight loss effects from this diet you must consume a lot of fat and vegetables on a daily basis and hydrate with a lot of water. It usually takes between 3 to 5 days to enter ketosis and once you will, you’ll notice a specific mental clarity.

There are many ways to measure your level of glucose in order to verify that you’ve entered a deep ketosis state. The best one is by using a device that measures your blood sugar mmol levels. You can buy devices like this at any pharmacy, starting at $60.

If you want to gain physical strength or repair your DNA using this diet while you exercise you must consume a larger portion of fat through protein. The keto meal plan below is suited for those who are not exercising while doing this diet.

As I said above, the whole point of this ketogenic diet is that every calorie you consume comes from fat and nothing else. Once you understand this you can even make your own meal plans without going by the book. However there are many benefits of increasing the levels of ketosis by consuming specific kind of vegetables like avocado, spinach and lettuce.

Here’s the meal plan:


The Keto Weight Loss Diet: Does it Really Work?

Your breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Never forget to skip it, unless you consume a large portion of fat through a smoothie. To achieve this you can use whey protein supplements which will perfectly do the job. However, never mix your morning smoothie with fruits because it contains a large portion of glucose (fruit sugar), which will prevent a proper state of ketosis.

-        30 grams of whey protein

-        Avocado

-        Sour cream

If you want to have a proper breakfast instead of a smoothie you can also eat 4 boiled eggs with bacon.


Your lunch should be all about meat. The ideal keto lunch can be made of beef, chicken or sardines. Here what I mean by that:

-        200 grams of chicken prepared in coconut oil

-        Lettuce salad

-        Avocado

-        Cherry tomatoes

You can replace the chicken with any other meat you prefer or even better, with fish.


Your dinner should be a super large salad with half the amount of meat or fish you had for lunch. Nothing special here also, same as your lunch, just a smaller portion.

-        Sardines with lettuce

-        Feta cheese

That’s all from this diet. As you can see there are no special ingredients you need to consume. It’s really cheaper that other diets and it burns body fat much faster than other diets.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share your experience with Keto dieting in the comments below!

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Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Reduces Fat Deposits and Clean Up Your Body From Parasites With These 2 Powerful Ingredients  

Parasites are extremely harmful micro-organisms that use the nutrients from our body. They can thrive through the body and take on a number of different forms.

These micro-organisms usually live in out intestines and feed on sugar, so you probably have parasites in the intestines if you have sugar carvings.

You should lower the consumption of sugar because the large amounts of sugar in the body help them reproduce and multiply.

Some healthy and effective cleansing foods are the best way to eliminate this micro-organisms. If you want to get best results, you have to avoid sugar and grains.


Your body will be full of energy and refreshed when you will cleanse the body from parasites.

Here is the parasite-cleansing recipe:

  • 10 g of dried cloves
  • 100 g of linseed


You only have to grind the ingredients and take 2 tbsp of the powder every single morning for 3 days. The powder can be added to your cereals or warm filtered milk.

Take a 3 day break after the procedure and then start all over again. This method should be repeated for 30 days for getting perfect results!

Have a nice day and get rid of the fat deposits and parasites in your body!

Via td healthy food

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Get Rid Of The Abdominal Fat In Just  Few Days By Taking This Drink For 5 Nights Before Go To Sleep

Most of the people consume the tastiest but not healthiest food. Poor diet affects our overall health as well as our organism externally and internally.

We often face with abdominal fat which is actually the most difficult fat to get rid of. Surprisingly, today we will present you an extremely effective remedy that will eliminate your abdominal fat in just 5 days.


The treatment should be consumed for 5 nights before got to sleep because it should act when the body is not stressed, while you are relaxing.


  • Half a glass of water
  • A tbsp of ground ginger
  • A tbsp of aloe vera gel
  • A tbsp of lemon juice
  • A tbsp of raw organic honey
  • A cucumber
  • A branch of coriander or parsley


- Wash all the ingredients and cut them well

- Place them in a blender and blend well until you get homogenous texture

- Consume the mixture before go to sleep

You will get rid of the abdominal fat and get satisfying results if you are consistent in taking it.

Consume at least 8 glasses of water, exercise regularly, do not skip breakfast, sleep well and the results will be inevitable.


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This Simple Exercise Removes Back and Belly Fat in No Time!

Today we will present you an amazing exercise that will transform your body completely in very short period of time.

Today we won’t present you some kind of wraps or potion, but an extremely effective workout that will make your dream come true.

This powerful exercise will take you just 4 min on a daily basis. In a period of 28 days, this exercise will significantly boost your endurance and strength and reduce your belly fat.


You will have a huge difference after this period. The Plank Challenge that we will present you today involves planking for 20-45 sec on a daily basis during the first days and up to 3-4 min by the end of the challenge.

This fully body exercise engages all the muscles in the human body! However, you only have to do it correctly!

During the first 2 days, hold the plank for 20 sec and increase up to 30 sec on the 4th and 40 sec on the 5th day.

Make a break on the 6th day and continue planking for 50 sec on the 7th and 8th day.  In the next 2 days, hold the position for a min.

Plank for 90 sec on the 12th day and then make a break the next day.

On the 14th and 15th day, continue planking for a min and a half. Try to hold the plank position for 120 sec min in the next 2 days.

On the 18th day, try to plank for 150 sec and then make a break. In the next few days, resume with 150sec and on the 22th and 23th day, hold for 180 sec.

Plank for 210 sec the next day, make a break the next day and on the 26th day also plank for 210 sec.

On the 27th and 28th day, plank for 240 sec or try to endure as much as you can.

You will be amazed by the results when you will finish the whole challenge.


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Monday, 3 April 2017

Get Rid Of Your Stomach Fat Fast By Performing This Japanese Breathing Technique    

Today we will present you an extremely effective technique that will help you burn fat without any effort. The famous Japanese actor, Miki Ryosuke lost 4.7 inches in his waist and 28.7 pounds in just 4 weeks by performing this long breath diet. You should simply stand in position, take a 3 sec breath and exhale for 7 sec.


How Does This Technique Work?

This is an ideal step for people just beginning workout plan but it is not substitute for exercises. This technique boost the beneficial effects of any workout. This method provides the body with oxygen which removes toxins, absorbs nutrients and leads to weight loss.

The study that was conducted by the Hampton University, deep breathing exercises combined with yoga helped many people to get rid of the excess pounds.

How To Perform Deep Breathing Exercise

- Stand with your one leg forward and the other back

- While transferring your weight to your back foot, strain your glutei muscles

- While lifting your arms above your head, slowly inhale for 3 sec

- While straining all of your body’s muscles, exhale carefully for 7 sec

Get rid of the fat in your body by performing this technique every day for 2-10 min. Long breath exercise will also increase your metabolism and strengthen your muscles.

Via Brightside

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Whiten Your Teeth And Get Rid Of Plaque Without Expensive Treatments

Plaque represents colorless and sticky film of bacteria which often accumulates on your teeth. It continues to harden into tartar and leading to inflammation of the gum tissue and gingivitis if left untreated.

Surprisingly, there are some natural remedies that will help you prevent this issue completely safe. However, today we will present you the most powerful and popular remedy for a plaque.

Coconut oil offers wide range of health benefits including supporting your oral health. Due to its potent properties it can maintain your white and healthy simile and also prevent this dental issue.


Baking soda is another miracle ingredient that eliminate plaque and whiten your teeth. It also neutralizes the acids in the oral cavity and destroys dangerous bacteria.

The Journal of Clinical Dentistry has published a study which proved that baking powder or baking soda paste is far more effective in the elimination of plaque than other non baking soda products.

It is best to use it moderately because the excessive use might damage your enamel.


  • A few drops of essential oil (your favorite one-peppermint oil)
  • 2 tbsp of extra virgin oil
  • 2 tbsp of baking soda


Mix all the ingredients until you get homogenous texture.


- Dip your toothbrush into the resulting mixture and brush your teeth 2 times a day!

You can also get rid of plaque by using the following natural recipe 1-2 times per week:

  • make a mixture between 2 tbsp of baking soda and a tsp of salt and then gently brush the teeth.
  • make a mixture between hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and brush your gums and teeth and then wash your mouth off.
  • put some baking soda on a wet toothbrush and then wash your teeth. Wash it off with warm water.

Experience has shown that coconut oil is the best ingredient when it comes to teeth whitening. It is full of lauric acid which represents strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. This oil whites the teeth, keeps your breath fresh and eliminates plaque and bacteria.

The latest study has shown that people who used oil pulling over a period of 1 month dramatically lowered the levels of gum diseases and plaque.

Here is how to perform this method:

Swish a tsp of coconut oil in your mouth for 20 min in order to cover all the oral cavity.

Wash with lukewarm water and then brush your teeth. You will notice that your teeth gradually whiten in just a several days.

You can also brush your teeth with clean cloth and some coconut oil. You will get compliments about your pearly whites very soon.

Via Choose Alternative Medicine

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Eating This for Breakfast Every Morning Help You Lose Weight Faster Than You Expect

We all know that breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day so it means that it should always be nutritious and healthy. This meal accelerate your metabolism and provides the needed energy for the day.

You should never skip the breakfast if you are trying to lose weight as that will boost the carvings during the day.

The latest study that was published in Nutrition & Metabolism has found that oatmeal is actually the best variant for breakfast.

The study included 36 women and men and were divided in 3 groups.


All the people took 350 calories per day while the first group ate oatmeal, the second received cornflakes and the third one only consumed water for breakfast, but the lunch was the same for all.

The levels of satiety ware recorded in the next 3 hours. In order to control their insulin and blood sugar levels, researchers also analyzed their blood.

They found that the people from the first group had fewest carvings and consumed 31% fewer calories for lunch. People who consumed oatmeal lost the most pounds and also consumed  50% fewer calories for lunch.

People from the second group actually felt hungry after 3h.

The cornflakes raise the blood glucose levels and people experience sudden drop in sugar while oatmeal stays longer in the stomach.

Many studies have proved that oatmeal is the ideal breakfast for those who want to lose weight and also reduces the calorie intake by  31-50%.

Oats are extremely nutritious and healthy and can be added to many desserts, salads stews and dishes.

Oats offer wide range of health benefits:


This food lowers the risk of ovarian, prostate, breast and colon cancer according to the British Medical Journal.


The presence of fiber in its content reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and also lowers the risk of strokes, heart failure, heart diseases and keep your blood vessels healthy.


The presence of vegetable fiber (lignin) in this food lowers  your blood pressure by 30%.


This food is rich in fiber and it promotes weight loss, better digestion, causes a feeling of fullness and prevents carvings.

Via Healthy Food House

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Eat This For Breakfast, It Will Burn Your Stomach Fat

Today we will present you the most delicious and healthiest breakfast because it is full of minerals and vitamins that strengthen the body, normalize the metabolism and affect the appearance of the hair and skin.

This breakfast will cleanse your bowel and help in the elimination of waste and toxins from the body.

It also normalizes the weight, burns fat and solves the issue of constipation and lazy bowel.


You can easily burn 3-4 pounds mainly in the abdominal area after a month of consuming the cocktail.

The stomach will slowly burn and the nails, hair and skin will become beautiful and healthy.


  • 5-6 dried plums
  • A tsp of cocoa powder
  • A tsp of ground flax seeds
  • 2 tbsp of oat flakes
  • 300 ml of low-fat yogurt or sour cream


You should prepare the breakfast in the evening for the next day. Cover the plums with 100 ml boiling water and let them stay for 10 min.

Place the cocoa, flax seed oat flakes in a bowl, pour the sour cream and mix well.

Blend the prunes we, add the previous mixture, mix again and add store it in the fridge.

Enjoy your healthy breakfast in the morning and expect the results. You will have interesting feeling your stomach during the first day and your digestive system will start work as a clock.

via natural care box

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