Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Target Back Bulge and Underarm Flab with 4 Quick Exercises

Fat accumulates in certain parts of the body more than others. We all have different trouble areas, since everyone’s body is unique.

We all know the excess fat can indicate a specific health issue such as cancer, heart diseases, diabetes etc.

The excess fat in your back can cause injury, pain and affect your posture. So, many studies have shown that strengthening exercises have been proven to be more effective at melting the fat than cardio!


Work with those muscles if you need to burn some extra fat.


Today we will present you the most effective fat burning routine discovered by Randy B. Washington. 3 times per week for 3 weeks per 12 minute (routine) will give your desired results.


Begin each workout with 5-7 pound dumbbells in each hand and feet shoulder width apart.


This workout includes your upper back, mid-back, chest and biceps.

- Start with your knees slightly bent and keep the abs engaged for support

- The upper body should be parallel to the floor. Try to keep your hands extended toward the floor.

- Circle the arms slowly, to the left, up, and toward the chests, over to the down and right.

- 10-12 repetitions with 3 sets is the recommended routine.


This workout includes your upper back, shoulders and chest

-        Start with your arms by the sides with your palms facing toward.

-        Raise the arms up to your shoulder length with the palm to ceiling.

-        Raise the arms over the head in one fluid motion, face your palms behind you and then tap the ends of the weighs together.

-        Return the arms to your shoulder level, make a pause and then lower to initial position. For maximum gain, do not move any other part fo the body.

-        6-7 repetitions , 3 sets


This workout includes your shoulders and upper back

-        Start with your knees slightly bent and then lean the torso forward about 45 degrees.

-        The next thing you should do is to cross the arms at the wrists in front of your knees. Lift the arms to your shoulders height and then back down to initial position. Afterwards, repeat with opposite hands crossed.

-        10-12 repetitions, 3 sets


This workout targets chest and shoulders

-        Raise your arms at the sides to shoulder height and then face up your palms.

-        Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and then pull your arms together in front of the chest until the elbows “kiss” and your forearms touch.

-        By reversing the steps, return to initial position slowly.

-        10-12 reps, 3 sets.

Via Healthy Food Team

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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

4 Quick Exercises That Help Eliminate Back Fat And Underarm Flab

Despite fat can be stored on your abdomen, it can also be hidden on your back and under your arms, areas that you do not get the chance to look at very often.

This fat represents a big confidence downer and it can also be very serious. This fat can stops us from feeling and looking out best.

However, today we will present you the most effective 4 exercises that will give you the quickest effects to extra upper body fat and make you love the way you look in very short period of time.



Stubborn back fat can be as a result of excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet and if you are not using resistance training or performing enough cardio.

6-8 hours of sleeping and 6-8 glasses of water are obligatory, otherwise you will be faced with many different issues, including excess fat in your body.


This workout is excellent for the shoulders and chest, and it also activates your pectoralis major, latissmus dorsi and deltoids.


This workout targets your deltoid and trapezius muscles.


This upper body workout targets your deltoids, trapezius, biceps, dorsi and latissmus muscles.


This workout is great for your shoulders, biceps and upper back.


You can get rid of underarm and back fat really fast with these powerful exercises. Blast your fat and feel the difference in your body!

Via Healthy Food House

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Monday, 27 March 2017

This Mouthwash Removes Plaque From Teeth In 2 Minutes

Our oral health is extremely important for our overall health. Taking care of the gums, teeth and mouth prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum diseases. Healthy mouth can also protect other medical issues such as diabetes, heart attack and stroke.

If left untreated mouth can represent infection source. More than 500 spices of bacteria in out mouth create dental plaque, leading to trench mouth, periodontitis and gingivitis.

Apart from flossing and brushing, mouthwash is another important part of the oral hygiene. It also fights bacteria that can not be reached with brushing and removes plaque. It refreshes the breath and leaves the mouth thoroughly cleaned.


Here are the benefits of using homemade mouthwash:

  • Chemical-fee (the products in the stores are full of artificial sweeteners, flavorings, chemicals, preservatives and artificial colors)
  • It is cheap (you can combine your mouthwash by using a few natural ingredients)
  • You have control over the ingredients (get rid of plaque by using all natural ingredients)

Today we will present you cheap and extremely effective in removing plaque and helping you maintain healthy and pearly white. Baking soda is the most powerful cleaner which is also used in many different ways to keep your oral hygiene.

Potent stain removal and bleaching properties are consisted in this ingredient. It is also rich in anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties which destroy tartar and microbes – the underlying reason of bad breath and cavities.


  • A toothbrush
  • Toothpicks
  • A cup of cold water
  • ½ cup of warm water
  • ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda



  • Combine the salt with the baking soda
  • Soak your toothbrush in a cup of warm water and then spread the mixture over
  • Wash your teeth


  • Create a mouthwash by mixing a warm water and hydrogen peroxide
  • Swish the resulting mixture in your mouth for 60 sec and then spit


  • Get rid of the tartar between your teeth by using a toothpick
  • Wash with cold water


  • Perform oil pulling on a daily basis
  • Stimulate the production of saliva which eliminates the oral cavity by eating more spicy food
  • Never swallow mouthwash!
  • Use high quality toothpaste and brush your teeth 3 times per day

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Friday, 24 March 2017

Magnesium Is Definitely The Most Potent Known Relaxation Mineral Because Of This!

Magnesium deficiency increases the likelihood of death by two times, as stated in The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. Moreover, it also causes a number of diseases and symptoms, which can be easily cured if you take enough amounts of magnesium.

Nearly half of all Americans have magnesium deficiency, and they are not even aware of this fact.


What Makes Magnesium So Powerful?

Magnesium is the most potent relaxation mineral in existence, it reduces stress and promotes sleep. Magnesium is essential for human’s health and it promotes the bodily functions.

Doctors who work at the emergency room often treat patients with magnesium. They use intravenous magnesium for a life-threatening arrhythmia, liquid magnesium citrate if someone has constipation, and pregnant women are often given intravenous magnesium in high doses when their blood pressure is high.

The Most Powerful Relaxation Mineral

In case you feel irritable, have mood swings or you are crampy, you could have magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is responsible for more than 300 enzyme reactions and it is present in all tissues, especially in the brain, muscles and bones. Magnesium is vital for energy, for muscle relaxation, membranes stabilization and chemical pumps need it to function.

There are a number of conditions which are related to magnesium deficiency. Actually, the number is more than 3,500 conditions.

However, magnesium is usually ignored since it is not a drug, even though it is much more powerful.

In case you have any of the following symptoms, you are deficient in magnesium:

  • Insomnia
  • Sensitivity to loud noises
  • Twitches
  • Cramps
  • Irritability
  • Angina
  • Autism
  • Anxiety
  • Palpitations
  • ADD
  • Migraines
  • Headaches
  • Anal spasms
  • Constipation
  • Osteoporosis
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney stones
  • Asthma
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Reflux
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Irritable bladder
  • Menstrual cramps
  • PMS
  • High blood pressure

Furthermore, magnesium deficiency has been related to elevated CRP levels and inflammation in the body.

Nowadays, magnesium deficiency is a serious issue. The percentage of people with magnesium deficiency, who were admitted to intensive care, is 65. Also, 15% of the general population is deficient in magnesium.

The percentage is so high because many people eat foods which practically don’t contain magnesium. Foods which lack magnesium are dairy, meat, white flour and highly-processed foods.

The majority of Americans consume peanut butter, and that is their main source of nut consumption.

Magnesium levels are reduced by excess consumption of coffee, salt and alcohol, phosphoric acid in colas, intense or prolonged stress, profuse sweating, chronic diarrhea, diuretics, excessive menstruation, some intestinal parasites, antibiotics and similar drugs. Actually, according to a study from Kosovo people who were really stressed showed great loss of magnesium through their urine.

Moreover, our bodies usually poorly absorb magnesium, but lose it fairly easy. For proper magnesium absorption, one should consume a lot of magnesium rich foods in combination with selenium, vitamin D, and vitamin B6 for perfect results.

A new study states that it is a shame that a deficiency of such an inexpensive nutrient is the cause of so many diseases.

Magnesium deficiency is responsible for so much suffering, and it is so easy to correct it. Namely, in case you are afflicted with any of the above mentioned symptoms, don’t worry since there is an easy solution to your problems.

Keep Magnesium in Your Body

  • Reduce the intake of colas, coffee, alcohol, sugar and salt
  • See if you take any medications which contribute to magnesium loss
  • Start practicing active relaxation

Consume Foods Which Are Rich in Magnesium

You need to incorporate wheat bran, kelp, almonds, wheat germ, buckwheat, cashews, dulse, Brazilian nuts, millet, filberts, walnuts, pecans, tofu, rye, brown rice, soy beans, dates, figs, collard greens, avocado, shrimp, parsley, barley, garlic, dandelion greens and beans.

Magnesium Supplements

  • The minimum amount of magnesium is 300 mg per day, and the majority of people get only 200 mg.
  • Depending on various factors, there are people who require higher amounts of magnesium.
  • The majority of people feel the benefits after taking from 400 to 1.000 mg on a daily basis.
  • Aspartate, magnesium citrate and glycinate taurate are the forms which are most absorbable. However, magnesium which is bound to Kreb cycle chelates (succinate, malate and fumarate) are also quite absorbable.
  • You need to stay away from magnesium oxide, gluconate, sulfate and carbonate. These are poorly absorbed.
  • Too much magnesium can cause diarrhea, but it can be avoided if you start taking magnesium glycinate.
  • The majority of minerals are the most powerful when taken in combination with other minerals.
  • Another excellent way of absorbing magnesium is taking an Epsom salts bath.

Individuals who are suffering from severe heart diseases or kidney disease need to take magnesium under supervision from their doctor.

Magnesium is a miraculous mineral and it is vital for long and healthy life!

Via Healthy Food House



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Relieve Bloating, Speed Weight Loss and Balance pH With One 2-Minute Morning Trick

Today we will present you sweet and shot trick that will balance your pH, speed weight loss and relieve bloating almost immediately. This trick became hit on the Internet and many people enjoyed its health benefits!



Heat some water and squeeze about ½ lemon in it. Consume it when you get up in the morning on an empty stomach.


  • Reduces inflammation and pain in the joints
  • Improves the digestion
  • Replenishes the electrolytes the you lost though exercises
  • Alkalize the body
  • Improves your overall health
  • Energize the body
  • Boosts the immunity
  • Clears up acne and skin blemishes
  • Helps against constipation
  • Excellent for weight loss (you can significantly boost your metabolism by adding a pinch of salt)
  • Reduces bloating

Perform this effective technique for 7 days and clear out the gunk from the night before, beautify your skin, alkalize your body and get rid of the excess fat in your body!

Via healthy Food Team

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Breaking News Scientist Found A Plant That Kills Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours! Spread The Info!

Before a couple of months ago, the “Life Science” published a research which proved and showed that the derivate of Sweet wormwood plant can destroy 90% of cancer cells in less than 16 hours.

The usage of this plant reduces up to 28% of breast cancer according to many studies. This powerful plant can even kill cancer completely in combination with iron. One of the best things about this plant is that is does not affect the healthy cells in the breasts.


Artemisinin has been used as potent antimalarial agent in the past. In addition, this research also discovered its beneficial effects in the fight against cancer as well.

We should also mention that iron was added during the study because it often accumulates in the cells infected by cancer and breast tissue. So the artemisinin does not harm the healthy ones, it just targets the bad ones.

The iron accumulates in bad cells with specific receptors and help them sharing cells.

These receptors are also present in the healthy cells but the cancer cells have large amounts of them so they can be targeted by a combination between iron and artemisinin.

This extract has been used by the Chinese people against malaria for centuries.

Many studies have proved that artemisinin effectively destroy the illness in the presence of iron.

Since it is full of iron, the parasites can not live in the presence of this extract.

This fact was discovered and proved by the bioengineers Narendra Singh and Henry Lai at the University of Washington. These results have shown that the cancer cells kill themselves when they experience apoptosis.

Due to its high price, it is difficult to obtain this extract but the price can become more obtainable because more and more people are interested in this plant. Sanofi – French drug market is planning to produce 50-60 tons of Artemisinin every year so it will meet the demand of the global market.


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Thursday, 23 March 2017

A Natural Bowel And Liver Cleaner: Remove Pounds of Toxins From Your Body In Just 1 Week!

The colon is one of the most important organs for destroying and removing waste and toxins from the body. Toxins will start accumulating in the organism which will result in many health disorders if its function is somehow impaired.

Due to the poor and unhealthy lifestyle, toxic residues accumulate in your colon and they can enter the blood stream and cause serious issues once they start to ferment. That is the reason why you should perform detox process every once in a while.


You can clean your colon with many natural remedies, laxatives or enamels.

Enamels are really effective, but in order to avoid the risk of infections, it must be performed by a doctor.

Laxatives can your organs and intestinal flora.

However, today we will present the most effective recipe that will completely clean your body in just one week.

The ingredients consisted in this recipe are full of cleaning properties. They are rich in antioxidants and Vitamins A and C which remove all the residue from the intestinal walls.

This powerful diuretic restores the balance

Of the fluids in your intestines, prevents gasses and other digestive issues and it is also rich in anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.


  • ½ glass of filtered water
  • ½ tsp of sea salt
  • 1 tsp of ginger juice
  • 2 tbsp of live juice
  • ½ cup of fresh apple juice


Boil the water, let it stay for a few minutes, add the salt and mix until it dissolves. The next thing you should do is to add the ginger, lemon and apple juice, stir well and the drink is ready for consumption.

Drink this beverage 3 times per day, before breakfast, lunch and before go to sleep. Perform this procedure every day for a one week and keep your colon healthy and clean!

Via healthy viral 24

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Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Lose Belly Fat Like CRAZY and Lower Your Cholesterol With Only 3 Tablespoons a Day of This Miracle!

We are often unaware that we actually suffer from high cholesterol levels until we make a blood test. In order to maintain regular health, we should do regular checkups. Today we will also present a remedy that will help you do just that.

This extremely effective remedy will do wonders to your health, it will remove the harmful deposits, cleanse the body, promote the process of weight loss and speed up your metabolism.



  • ½ liter of red wine
  • 12 cloves of peeled garlic


Wash and cut the garlic cloves into tiny pieces and then place them in a jar. The next thing you should do is to pour the wine over them, close the lid and store it in a sunny place for 15 days. Do not forget to shake the bottle on a daily basis.

Transfer the liquid in a glass bottle after that period and consume a tbsp of this miracle 3 times per month for 30 days and then make a break of 6 months.


This powerful beverage is full of antibacterial, anti-cancer, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. It provides the following benefits:

  • It boosts the heart and blood vessels
  • Purifies the blood
  • Improves the function of the organs
  • Increases stamina
  • Energizes the body
  • Burns fat like crazy
  • Improves metabolism
  • Removes excess salt from the organism
  • Eliminates toxins from the body
  • Reduces cholesterol levels

Red Wine is packed with Resveratrol which contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also prevents the formation of blood clots that often lead to heart failure and heart attacks. This compound also inhibits the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Garlic improves the health of the brain and heart. It protects the brain against toxicity and stimulates memory function. This veggie also reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, prevents bacterial and viral infections, protects the cells of the body and last but not least, it is excellent ally in the process of weight loss.

Via Healthy Life Byte

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Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Prepare Baking Soda On This Way And Remove the Fat from 3 Zones

Today we will present you 2 simple but extremely effective remedies that will lower your cholesterol levels, burn fat and also help you fight against many different diseases. The following recipes are recommended by famous experts, nutritionists and dietitians.



  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • 2 liters of purified water
  • 2 bunches of parsley
  • 3 lemons


Remove the harmful pesticides and impurities from the lemon by washing it with baking soda. Cut the lemon in slices and then chop the parsley. Place it in the water. Cover the mixture with a lid and store it in the fridge. Transfer the mixture into a glass bottle the next day and drink 100g per day. You will be astonished by the results. This potion will burn the excess fat and significantly power your cholesterol levels.


  • A glass of water
  • ½ tsp of sodium bicarbonate
  • 2 tbsp of ACV

Make mixture between a glass of water, ACV and the baking soda. Consume it on an empty stomach before breakfast and expect the results. Get faster and better results by avoiding fast and processed foods, white flour, white sugar and exercise regularly!

Via Healthy Life Base

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Remove All The Fat From Your Body By Taking This Drink For 7 Days!

We all know that the excess fat is related with numerous serious diseases and also affects our aesthetic. Surprisingly, today we will present you an extremely effective recipe that will burn the fat in your body, energize your body and improve your overall health!



  • ½ glass of water
  • A bunch of parlesy
  • A tbsp of Aloe Vera juice
  • A tbsp of grated ginger
  • 1 cucumber
  • Organic lemon


Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix well until you get homogenous texture.


Consume this powerful mixture every night before go to bed. This miracle drink will help you burn fat fast faster that you can imagine.


Aloe Vera is rich in 75 active vitamins and phytochemicals, amino acids, salicylic acids, enzymes, carbs and minerals.

Lemon boosts the digestion and removes the toxins from the body.

Ginger prevents constipation and stimulates metabolism.

Parsley is full of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that relieve water retention and deflate bloated belly.

Cucumber makes you feel full, boosts your metabolism and hydrates the body.

Tip – consume plenty of water – at least 8 glasses per day. It will accelerate the process of weight loss.

Via TD Healthy Food

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How to Remove 20 Pounds of Toxic Waste from Your Colon – Recipe

Most of the people do not take proper care of the colon. In order to keep and improve our overall health, it is extremely important to remove the toxic waste from your colon.

Healthy colon is crucial if you want to maintain a healthy liver – the main detox organ in the body.

Healthy colon promotes proper elimination of all waste and toxins from the body.


The colon actually receives all the waste products from the lymph system, sinuses, lungs, liver, throat and blood.

But, it can also receive some leftovers nutrients such as water from digested foods, electrolytes and vitamins.

The colon is not able to perform these crucial processes if it does not work properly. In this case, all the toxins and waste material will just build in it and thus causing many health problems and diseases.

The food digestion lasts from 24 to 44h. But, your body will need 70 hours to complete the process of digestion if you consume processed or fast foods which lack enzymes, fibers and nutrients. It means and this will result in 20 pounds of waste in the colon.


  • Sore muscles and joint pain
  • Depression, poor memory, brain fog, mood swings, fatigue, anxiety
  • Vaginal infections, bladder issues, weak immunity, skin rashes
  • Stomach aches, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, gloating, gas.


  • Fresh juice of 1 lemon
  • ½ tsp of cayenne pepper
  • 12 oz of filtered water
  • 2 tbsp of grade b organic maple syrup


Place all the ingredients in a blender, mix well and drink the potion 4 times per day. Perform this procedure for 2 weeks!


  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 10 drops of peppermint or lemon essential oil
  • 12 oz of filtered water


Combine the ingredients together and drink it 3 times per day. Perform this procedure for 15 days.

You will be astonished by the results of both colon cleanse recipes!

Via Health Online Central

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Monday, 20 March 2017

She Took This Beverage For 6 Days on an Empty Stomach! She Was Speechless On The 7TH Day When She Saw Her Belly!

The stubborn fat around the stomach area can cause serious health issues and also make problems when you want to wear your favorite jeans and dress. The excess fat around your belly increases the chances of premature death.

In order to improve your overall health, get rid of the stubborn fat and get slimmer waist, today we will present you an amazing potion that will give you all these beneficial effects in a short period of time. It is consisted of 100% natural ingredients that will speed up your metabolism and help your burn fat much faster.



  • A glass of purified water
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice from 1 lemon
  • A bunch of finely chopped parsley


Place the parsley in a blender and mix well. Put the lemon juice and water in the blender and mix again. The drink is ready for consumption.

It should be consumed for 6 days in a row and then make a 10 day break. This miracle drink will help you burn many calories and achieve your goals in a short period of time.

Parsley will improve the process of digestion and remove the excess accumulated fluids which make you look fat. This spice will also flush out the harmful toxins from the body!

The results will be visible in just 6 days. Have a nice day, get rid of the stubborn fat and enjoy your body like never before!

Via Healthy Viral 24

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Thursday, 16 March 2017

20 Warning Signs You Have High Acidic Levels and 7 Ways to Alkalize Your Body

Having to acidic environment in the body can cause numerous health conditions and diseases. Acidity affects every single organ in the human body including your skin, kidneys, brain, liver, intestine, lungs and heart.

The body becomes a subject of chronic inflammation when it is overly acidic.

The consumption of fast and processed foods maintains the acidity in the body. In turn, the body loses important minerals in order to get rid of and neutralize the acid.


High acidity levels actually cause depletion of minerals and thus cause osteoporosis. The body becomes prone to cancer and many other diseases when it becomes deficient in minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

GMO foods, sugar substitutes, highly processed foods, refined sugar, coffee, grains, most meats and dairy products are the most highly acidic foods.

You should consume plenty of alkaline foods in order to neutralize acidity and alkalize your body!


1.Gum and cavities sensitivity

2.Stiff neck and sciatica

3.Reduced mental clarity


5.Obesity and weight gain

6.Chornic cough

8.Stomach issues such as acid reflux, excess gas, bloating and indigestion

9.Chest pain

10.Candida and yeast infections


12.Cardiovascualr issues caused by acidic plaques

13.Neurological problems such as dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

14.Chronic fatigue

15.Bladder and kidney infections

16.Excess mucus

17.Sinus problems

18.Aching muscles and joint pain

19.Immune system and osteoporosis

20.Skin issues such as eczema, acne and rashes

One body part takes alkalizing elements from another area and thus destroying its pH levels.

You should definitely change your diet and lifestyle in order to alkalize your body.


  1. The emotional state significantly affects your body’s pH so control your fear, jealousy, anger and stress. Instead, choose swimming, meditation, reading and yoga.
  2. DO NOT consume GMO foods.
  3. DO NOT consume acidic foods or limit the intake of wheat products, fish, alcohol, white vinegar, seafood, alcohol, popcorn, soy, soda, eggs, pastries, coffee, dairy and meat.
  4. Increase the consumption of juices, green smoothies and salads.
  5. Increase the consumption of beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
  6. Normalize your pH by drinking lemon water
  7. Consume planet of water in order to eliminate the harmful toxins.

You are the only one responsible for your wellbeing and health so follow these tips and do not forget that living a healthy life means living a happy life!

Via Live Love Fruit

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Wednesday, 15 March 2017

The Most Powerful Exercise: Spare 60 Seconds a Day and You Will Get a Flat Stomach In Only a Month

The abdominal area is actually the most difficult fat area. It is also most desired to be tightened and flat. Most of the people hate sit-ups but dream for toned belly. Surprisingly, we have good news for those people. Today we will present you an extremely effective exercise that can replace more than 1000 sit-ups.

This powerful workout is called “plank” where all the weight of the body lays on the toes and hands while it is straight as a board. The body will not be able to move even an inch and this way will help you get firm, flat and sturdy abdomen.


Practice this powerful technique a few times a week for 10 min per day and you will get better results than 1.000 sit-ups. Pay attention to the following instructions:

  • Stretch the shoulders as distant from each other is possible by placing your palms firmly on the ground. Feel your hands comfortable and keep your neck stretched.
  • Focus on the stomach muscles and activate the muscles in your lower body by squeezing the buttocks.
  • Hold your buttocks lower and the body should be as straight as line.
  • In order to hold the pose a bit easier, breathe rhythmically.

Make sure that your back is straight and your wrists are in accordance with the shoulders by pressing the knees and hands on the ground. Try to look upward 30 inches in front of you and then stretch your right leg to back so that the fingers are twisted and afterward stretch your left leg.

The whole body should be laying starting you in the toes and face. Hold for 20-60 sec. Bend the knees and sit on the heels so that the huge toes touch while the knees are isolated. Bring down the knees to the thighs, while you are softly touching the floor with the temple.

Stretch the arms in front of you and then unwind. Perform this technique three times in series. Increase the ideal chance for over 60 secondswhen you get used to doing it!

Via Healthy Living House

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Lose 30 Pounds per Month With Only a Spoonful Of The Murder Of Obesity

Getting rid of the excess pounds can be really difficult process. However, most of the experts and nutritionists agree that boosting the metabolism is actually the most powerful way in the process of weight loss.

You can achieve this goal by implementing some new foods into your diet. There some spices that can significantly boost your metabolism and thus burn the excess fat and weight in your body without doing anything.


You should be aware that hunger is a common obstacle you have to overcome again and again if you have been on a weight loss program. However, you will not have to starve your body so that you burn fat if you make the right dietary choices.

Cumin definitely one of the most effective fat burning spices according to the University of Medical Sciences of Iran.

The university conducted a 3 month study and included 44 obese women separated in two groups. Both groups were given healthy food and advices for healthy lifestyle. The only difference was that one of the groups was also consuming 3 g of cumin (powdered) on a daily basis.

These women mixed 140 g of yogurt and the amount of cumin. The other group only consumed the yogurt.

The results were amazing! The group who only consumed yogurt lost 4.91 % fat, where the cumin group lost 14.64% fat or 14 pounds more than the other group.

Thanks to the presence of filosterole, this seed prevents cholesterol retention in the body. This compound is the key for boosting the entire metabolism into a fat burning mode!

Via Healthy Food Team

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Tuesday, 14 March 2017

How to Really Lose Leg Fat

Many online articles claim that you can get rid of the excess fat in your legs fast. Unfortunately, it could waste your time and it is not physically possible. Lose weight on all of your body is the only way to lose weigh on a particular part of your body.

You can not reduce leg fat by doing endless hours of only thigh exercises, claims the Fitness expert, Pahla Bowers. These exercises can only tighten the area so you have to reduce your overall body fat If you want to reduce your leg fat as well. Cardio workouts are the best way to do this.


Starting, Low-Impact Cardio for Beginners

If you are starting your journey into a better shape, cardio exercises are great.

They do not necessarily involve big part of the day and they are not intense. Most of the people are actually not used to a rigorous routine.

The video below will present you the most effective cardio routine which will improve your heart rate, burn fat and calories and boost your metabolism.

Here are the best 10 exercises that can give you a lot of health rewards and take you a small amount of your day:

  1. 20 repetitions of starbursts
  2. 20 repetitions of frog reaches
  3. 20 repetitions of standing Russians twists
  4. 20 repetitions of rainbow jacks
  5. 20 repetitions of runner marks
  6. 20 repetitions of single double, knees
  7. 20 repetitions of goofy jacks
  8. 20 repetitions of squatty soldiers
  9. 20 repetitions of side shuffles
  10. 20 repetitions of high hand crunches

Do not forget that you should not underestimate the power of clean and balanced diet. Connect your new physical lifestyle with healthy diet.

Increase the consumption of fruit, vegetables and meat, grains and diary and try to avoid processed and fast foods!

Via Health And Love

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The Best 44 Zero Carb Foods And Tips How to Follow This Diet

Low carb diet is consisted of foods that contain small amounts of carbs as those present in pasta, bread and sugary things. Today we will present you a diet which contains less than 1 gram per serving and is considered to be as good as zero.

All the studies have shown that low carb diet can help you get rid of the excess pounds and improve your overall health. It would be perfect to check the labels on the food products.



  • Coffee (no milk or sugar)
  • Herbal tea
  • Mix powders such as Crystal Light
  • Diet Soda
  • Tea (no milk or sugar)
  • Water


  • Regular full fat mayonnaise
  • Hot sauce
  • Vinegar (not balsamic)
  • Salt
  • Mustard (not the honey varieties)


These veggies contain 0-1 g net carb per serving

  • Celery
  • Alfalfa sprouts
  • Fresh herbs
  • Radish
  • Leafy greens (turnip greens, Bok Choy, Swiss Chard, Kale, spinach, lettuce, arugula)
  • Chicory family (radicchio, endive, escarole)
  • Cucumber


  • Corn oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Sesame oil


  • Shellfish
  • Mollusks
  • Fish


  • Butter
  • Heavy cream
  • Most types of cheese
  • Margarine
  • Eggs


  • Pork
  • Pork rinds
  • Lamb
  • Goose
  • Veal
  • Organ meat
  • Turkey
  • Duck
  • Chicken
  • Beef


Useful tips about consuming 0-carb food!

1.Do not eat when you are not really hungry and do not count calories

2.Consume water when you are thirsty – not soda or juices. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day.

3.Avoid sweets at any costs

4.Eat enough fat in order to maintain high energy levels.

5.You will stay full for a longer period of time if you consume carbs from animal origin, thus prevent crave for other foods.

6.Animal products do not contain carbs so they are the best foods to consume. They include eggs, dairy and meat.

Via Health And Love Page

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Monday, 13 March 2017

Workouts for Women to Lose Belly Fat at Home – Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat Fast at Home (Video)

It is time to implement some changes in your lifestyle if you are trying to enter the jeans you purchased last year. Even the simplest activities are hard if you have excess fat and pounds on your body.

Excess fat endangers your wellbeing and raises the risk of many diseases, despite being aesthetically unattractive.

The best way to get rid of the excess fat is to start exercising regularly. Today we will present you the best workouts you can do to solve this issue:



Raise your hips and legs towards the ceiling by lying on the mat and then place one knee over other. Elevate your upper body towards the pelvis and breathe deeply. Make 2-3 sets per 15 repetitions.


You can change the exercise routine by working around your garden or house. You will keep your heart rate up, burn calories and lose belly fat.


One of the best ways to get rid of the fat in your body is cardio. A good steady rate for 20-40 min 4-5 days per week will significantly transform your body.


You can still enjoy the benefits of cycling despite you do not have a bicycle. Put your hands by your side or behind the head.

Raise your legs off the floor and bend them at the knees. Bring the left leg near the body and the right one near the chest. Try to imitate the movements you do while cycling.


These movements are almost the same as the twist ab crunch with the only difference that it targets the muscles on your sides of the abdomen. 3 sets of 10 repetitions is the recommended routine.


This exercise targets your lower back, hip and belly. Place your head toward the floor and keep the body on the feet and elbows. Look forward and the neck should be aligned with spine. Try to hold for 30 sec at least.


Do at least 2-3 sets of them per day of these intense tummy workouts.


This activity is even more effective than weightlifting in fight against belly fat.


These type of crunches are extremely effective for the lower abdominal fat. Tilt your legs behind simultaneously with the shoulders.


Get rid of the belly fat fast by doing crunches. These movements will burn the belly fat, tone your body and improve your posture!

Here is the video


Via Healthy Food Office

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15 Foods You Can Eat a Lot of and Still Not Gain Weight

There are still foods you can consume without limitations even if you are crazy about keeping your figure. They are low in calorie, rich in fiber, satiating you without the risk of gaining weight.

Your diet should be well balanced and sensible full of various foods, here is the list of such products:


Cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage

These foods are your best friends in the fight against excess fat and weight. The consumption of cauliflower and cabbage will do wonders to your figure.

Berries: strawberry, cranberry, currant

These fruits are extremely rich in Vitamin C and also represent excellent diuretics that remove the excess water from the body. Strawberries improve your cardiovascular system and also boost your digestion.


You can consume salads in extremely large quantities. They are great source of folic acid – 1 leaf of lettuce contains 3 kcal.

Plums and apples

Plums are full of potassium and vitamin C which maintain your vessels and heart. They improve your digestion and make you feel satiated. Only 50 kcal are consisted in one apple.


This fruit is one of the best allies in the process of weight loss. The presence of bromelain in its content helps metabolize proteins and burn fat.


This food can be consumed at any time of the day without the fear of gaining weight. Try to opt for boiled eggs.


This veggie is rich source of manganese and other nutrients. It regulates your blood sugar, drives your muscles and burn the excess fat in your body. Only 40 kcal are consisted in average portion.


This powerful veggie helps you get slimmer waist and figure, fights swelling and represents indispensable vegetable for people who want to lose weight.


Only 42 kcal are consisted in a portion of zucchini. It improves intestinal functions and normalizes salt water ratio.


This rich source of iodine prevents you from gaining weight, normalizes your hormones and helps your thyroid function normally.

Watermelon and melon

These fruits contain only 60 kcal per slice. They satiate you well and remove the excess water from the body.

Tangerines, grapefruits and oranges

Citrus fruits are definitely the best fighters in the battle against fat and excess weight. They are full of vitamin C, flavanoids and fiber. These fruits improve your overall health, help your skin, liver, digestion and satiate you.


24 kcal are consisted in a portion of baked or grilled eggplant. You can enjoy this savory plant without limitations.


95% water is consisted in this veggie. Thanks to its powerful diuretic properties it detoxifies the body and helps you lose weight,.


You can eat without fear if you fry popcorn without sugar and butter. Only 31 kcal are consisted in a cup of popcorn.

Via Best Health Page

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Friday, 10 March 2017

This Breakfast Combo Will Melt Your Fat and Reduce Your Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels

Tired of eating the same egg-cheese ham that leads to cholesterol spike and stomach ache. Today we will present you a healthy, delicious, alternative and extremely effective breakfast in the fight against fat.

If you stick to this breakfast in the months to come, you will reduce your cholesterol levels, reduce blood sugar levels and burn the excess pounds in your body.


Breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day. Do not forget that it sets your mood for the entire day considering food.

That is why it is extremely important to consume nutritious and healthy breakfast to start your busy day with.

Chia seeds are full of calcium, omega 3 fatty acids – critical ingredients in digestive health. it improves your cardiovascular health and lowers your cholesterol. This seed also represents extremely powerful antioxidant. Chia is absolutely recommended for people who suffer from arthritis.

Oatmeal is a rich source of fiber and abundant of protein and minerals. It also reduces bad cholesterol and improves your cardiovascular health.


  • 550 ml of milk or water (your choice)
  • A tsp of cinnamon powder
  • Some lemon juice
  • 50 ml of chia seed
  • 250 ml of oats


Place all the ingredients in a pot and mix well until you get homogenous mass.

Start boiling the mixture and let it boil until it reaches boiling point. You can also add brown sugar or raw organic honey to your taste. Chia seed should be consumed while it is hot!

Via Health And Healthy Living

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Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Drink This Before Sleep And Wake Up With Less Weight Every Day!

We all know that honey is one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Due to its rich nutrient content, it provides numerous beneficial effects. The simplest things are actually the most effective things in this world.

Only a few people know that the combination between cinnamon and honey is definitely the most powerful combination in the fight against fat.



  • Speeds up the process of weight loss
  • Ideal for the process of digestion
  • Perfect for your heart
  • Increases blood flow
  • Lowers cholesterol levels
  • Improves your complexion

Cinnamon can be consumed with almost every meal, from tea, salad, alternative to sugar, to ice cream, fruits and oatmeal.


Add ½ tsp of cinnamon powder to 200 ml of water and leave it for 30 min. Add a tsp of raw organic honey when the water is cool enough and then store it in the fridge.

Consume it 30 min before you go to bed without adding anything else in it.

This powerful combo will accelerate the process of digestion, removes bacteria, fungi, parasites, waste and toxins from the body, cleanse your digestive tract and burn the excess fat in your body!

Via Just Natural Remedies

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Prepare This Herb For 10 Minutes, Use It Only Once A Day And In Only 20 Days All Of Your Belly Fat Will Disappear!  

Obesity and excess belly fat is an issue for every third person on the planet. Despite being an aesthetical problem, it also represents dangerous health disorder that has been associated with problems with the reproductive organs in both genders, reduced fertility, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s, asthma, metabolic disorder, heart disease and heart blood pressure.

Boil-This-Herb-for-10-Minutes-Use-It-Only-Once-a-Day-and-In-Only-20-Days-All-of-Your-Belly-Fat-Will-Disappear (1)

You need to make a few lifestyle changes in order to prevent health complications and reduce your excess belly fat. You should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day and avoid the consumption of sugar, fast and processed foods. You should also consume diet rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins and rest properly overnight.

Surprisingly, there is a shortcut too! Today we will present you 100% natural and extremely effective potion that will prevent disease and burn your belly fat.

The drink accelerates the process burning fat, energizes the body and stimulates carnitine production which turns fat into energy!


  • A glass of water
  • A handful of spinach
  • A small piece of ginger
  • 1 lemon


Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix until you get homogenous mixture and drink the miracle on an empty stomach in the morning 30 min before breakfast. You will be amazed by the results after two weeks. Consume it until you get desired results!

Via TD Healthy Food

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Tuesday, 7 March 2017

The Best Medicine against Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure

Today we will present you traditional Amish remedy for boosting the immunity and curing various ailments. Its effects are extremely beneficial for the treatment of high cholesterol and high blood pressure.



  • A tsp of raw organic honey
  • A piece of grated ginger
  • A tsp of ACV
  • 1 grated garlic clove
  • A tsp of lemon juice


Place all the ingredients in a blender, mix well and refrigerate the resulting mixture for 5 days!


Take this powerful remedy before breakfast and dinner for 5 days (after this period). However, it would be perfect to consume it 3 times per day.

Check your cholesterol levels after a week period and see the positive results!

Your blood pressure will be also normalized!

Via Healthy Life Tricks

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Sunday, 5 March 2017

8 Solutions For Home Free Of Bugs  

We never want to live or see rodents and insects near us. This is a common problem especially during the summer. It would be ideal to get rid of these pests and put them outside, but how can we prevent their presence?

Here are the most effective natural techniques to get rid of these nasty little things:



  1. Vacuum-the bugs will not feel attracted by using this house cleaner.
  2. Cayenne pepper-sprinkle this powerful spice in the insects area and corners.
  3. Vinegar-combine with some water, spray off and get rid of bugs immediately.
  4. Baking soda-sprinkle in cracks or spread around the house. This ingredient gets moisture off the body of the bugs. Clean it after a few days.
  5. Mint oil-this powerful oil is hated by all pests especially spiders. Mix it with some water and spray off.
  6. Eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary-add a few drops of these oils (choose your favorite one) in a spray bottle with water and then spray near the insects.
  7. Mint-crush a few laves of this plant and sprinkle in the house or you can dry and store them in your wardrobe in a packet.
  8. Silica Gel-place grinded silica gel in your bedroom and get rid of insect immediately.

Via Bare Natural Truth

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Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Drink This Every Night Before Bed And Remove Every Food Residue And Also Melt Fat For 8 Hours  

The body burns fat while you sleep, so the longer you sleep the more fat you burn! The fat is intact during the sleep and 8 hours of sleep is ideal for muscle making and also metabolism.

The process of digestion keeps inside the body and the fat starts to melt so the metabolism must be better so even as you sleep.


That is the reason why you have to try this powerful mix. You can melt fat better if you do not eat for a few hours before go to bed and consume the mix instead.


  • ½ tsp of cinnamon
  • A tsp of vinegar
  • ½ tsp of ginger (fresh or powdered) or raw, organic honey
  • Few stalks of parsley
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice of half lemon

This alternative healthy dinner recipe will help you get rid of the food residue in your body and quickly lose unwanted fat.

Consume this miracle drink until you get desired results!

Have a nice day and enjoy your body like never before!

Via Natural Care Box

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